Class SeedDiagonal
Store the information about a seed segment.

Defined in <seqan/seeds.h>
Signature template <typename TPosition, typename TSize> class SeedDiagonal;

Template Parameters

TSize The type to use for the seed length.
TPosition The type to use for positions.

Member Function Overview

Interface Metafunction Overview

Member Variable Overview

Member Functions Detail

SeedDiagonal::SeedDiagonal(); SeedDiagonal::SeedDiagonal(beginPosH, beginPosV, length);



beginPosH The begin position in the horizontal orientation.
beginPosV The begin position in the vertical orientation.
length The length of the seed diagonal.

Interface Metafunctions Detail


The position type of a SeedDiagonal.

Template Parameters

TDiagonal A SeedDiagonal.


Type The position type of TDiagonal.


The size type of a SeedDiagonal.

Template Parameters

TDiagonal A SeedDiagonal.


Type The size type of TDiagonal.

Member Variables Detail

TPosition SeedDiagonal::beginPositionH

The position in the database sequence (horizontal).

TPosition SeedDiagonal::beginPositionV

The position in the query sequence (vertical).

TSize SeedDiagonal::length

The length of the diagonal.