Concept SignedIntegerConcept
An integral type with a sign.

Extends IntegerConcept
All Extended AssignableConcept, ComparableConcept, CopyConstructibleConcept, DefaultConstructibleConcept, DestructibleConcept, EqualityComparableConcept, IntegerConcept, LessThanComparableConcept
Defined in <seqan/basic.h>
Signature SignedIntegerConcept<T>

Detailed Description

Expects an instance of type T to represent (possibly negative) integral values and to provide the same operations as int. Every type T that fulfills the IntegerConcept fulfills either the SignedIntegerConcept or the UnsignedIntegerConcept.


//SEQAN_CONCEPT_ASSERT((SignedIntegerConcept<unsigned short>));             // fails to compile
std::cout << Is<SignedIntegerConcept<char> >::VALUE << std::endl;           // 0
std::cout << Is<SignedIntegerConcept<int> >::VALUE << std::endl;            // 0
std::cout << Is<SignedIntegerConcept<unsigned short> >::VALUE << std::endl; // 1
std::cout << Is<SignedIntegerConcept<double> >::VALUE << std::endl;         // 0

Valid Expressions

T a;
int b;
a = -1;
b = a;
a = a - a;
a = a + 1;
a = a - 1;
a = a / 2;
static_cast<T>(-1) < static_cast<T>(0);

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Member Functions Inherited From ComparableConcept

Member Functions Inherited From EqualityComparableConcept

Member Functions Inherited From LessThanComparableConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From ComparableConcept