Spec ArgParseOption
Store information for a specific command line option.

Extends ArgParseArgument
All Extended ArgParseArgument
All Impl'd AssignableConcept
Defined in <seqan/arg_parse.h>
Signature class ArgParseOption : ArgParseArgument;

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From ArgParseArgument

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From ArgParseArgument

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Detailed Description

You can use the shortcut addOption for adding options to ArgumentParser object.

Member Functions Detail

ArgParseOption::ArgParseOption(shortName, longName, helpText, argumentType[, argumentLabel[, isList[, numValues]]]);



shortName The short name of the argument.
longName The long name of the argument (std::string).
helpText The text to display as help (std::string).
argumentType The type of the argument (ArgParseArgument::ArgumentType).
argumentLabel The label for the value to use in the help display, e.g. 'INT' in '--value INT' (std::string).
isList Flag for whether this option can be given multiple times (bool, true for allowing multiple values).
numValues Number of command line arguments that each option should bind (unsigned).

Short and Long Option Names

Short option names are passed to the program following one dash (e.g. '-i', '-e'). Long optiongs are passed following two dashes (e.g. '--num-threads', '--error-rate'). The leading one or two dashes are not passed to the constructor of ArgParseOption, however.

Naming Conventions

  • Keep the short name short, ideally to one character.
  • Only use lower-case characters in the long name, use dashes to separate words, only use alphanumeric characters and dashes, no underline characters
  • .

Interface Functions Detail

void setDefaultValue(option, v);

Adds/appends a new value to the list of default values.


option The ArgParseOption to appen the default value for.
v The value to append, (any type that can be streamed into an std::stringstream).


This function does not check any length restrictions for this value.

std::string getArgumentLabel(option);

Returns the argument label.


option The ArgParseOption object to query.


std::string The argument label string.

std::string getOptionName(option);

Returns the name of the ArgParseOption in a well-formatted way.


option The ArgParseOption object to query.


std::string The option name string.

void hideOption(option[, hide]);

Hides the ArgParseOption from the help screen (or shows it again).


option The ArgParseOption object to set the hidden flag of.
hide bool that indicates whether to hide the flag (default: true)

bool isBooleanOption(option);

Returns whether an option is a switch.


option The ArgParseOption object to query.


bool true if option is a switch and false otherwise.

Flags are given without arguments, e.g. the -l flag in the Unix ls command.

bool isHidden(option);

Return whether an option is hidden on the help screen.


option The ArgParseOption object to query.


bool true if it is hidden, false otherwise.

By default, options are not hidden.

bool isRequired(option);

Returns whether the option is mandatory.


option The ArgParseOption object to query.


bool true if the option is mandatory and false if it not.

By default, options are not mandatory.

void setDefaultValue(option, v);

Set the default value for the given option.


option The ArgParseOption to set the default value for.
v The value to set, (any type that can be streamed into an std::stringstream).

void setRequired(option, required);

Sets whether or not the option is mandatory.


option The ArgParseOption to modify.
required Flag whether the option is mandatory (bool).

By default, options are not mandatory.

void write(stream, option);

Writes the basic informationa bout the ArgParseOption to the provided stream.


stream The stream to write to.
option The ArgParseOption object to write to stream.