Spec JournaledString
Journaled versions of arbitrary underlying strings.

Extends String
All Extended String
All Impl'd AssignableConcept, ContainerConcept, DestructibleConcept, ForwardContainerConcept, RandomAccessContainerConcept, ReversibleContainerConcept, SegmentableConcept, SequenceConcept, TextConcept
Defined in <seqan/sequence_journaled.h>
Signature template <typename TValue, typename THostSpec[, typename TJournalSpec[, typename TBufferSpec]]> class String<TValue, Journaled<THostSpec, TJournalSpec, TBufferSpec> >;

Template Parameters

TValue The element type of the string.
THostSpec Specialization type for the host string.
TJournalSpec Specialization type for the journal. Default: SortedArray.
TBufferSpec Specialization type for the buffer string. Default: Alloc<>.

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From String

Member Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Member Functions Inherited From RandomAccessContainerConcept

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From String

Interface Functions Inherited From AssignableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From RandomAccessContainerConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From SegmentableConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From SequenceConcept

Interface Functions Inherited From TextConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From ContainerConcept

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From SegmentableConcept

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From SequenceConcept

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From TextConcept

Interface Functions Detail

void clear(js);

Remove all changes from the journal, resetting the JournaledString to its state after construction.


js The JournaledString to clear.

void flatten(js);

Apply the journal to the underlying string, modifying the underlying string.


js The JournaledString to flatten.

THost host(js);

Return the host of a JournaledString.


js The JournaledString to query.


THost Reference to the host of js.

TPos hostToVirtualPosition(js, pos);

Translates host position to virtual position.


js The JournaledString to translate the position for.
pos The host position to translate.


TPos The virtual view position.

bool isFlat(js);

Returns whether a JournaledString has modifications.


js The JournaledString to query.


bool Indicates whether the string has been modified.

void setHost(js, str);

Set the host of a JournaledString.


js The JournaledString to set the host for.
str The string to set as the host.

TPos virtualToHostPosition(js, pos);

Translates virtual (view) position to position in host.


js The JournaledString to translate the position for.
pos The virtual position to translate.


TPos Position in the host.

Interface Metafunctions Detail


The host type.

Template Parameters

TJournaledString The JournaldString to get the host type for.


Type The host type.


Return type of insertion buffer string for a journaled string.

Template Parameters

TJournaledString The journaled string to get the insertion buffer type for.


Type The insertion buffer type.


Query a JournaledString for its journal type.

Template Parameters

TJournaledString The JournaledString to query.


Type the journal type.