Spec FMIndex
An index based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform.

Extends Index
Implements StringTrieConcept
All Extended Index
All Impl'd StringTrieConcept
Defined in <seqan/index.h>
Signature template <typename TText[, typename TSpec[, typename TConfig]]> class Index<TText, FMIndex<TSpec, TConfig> >;

Template Parameters

TText The text type. Types: String, StringSet
TSpec FM index specialisation, defaults to void.
TConfig A config object which determines the data types of the different fibres, defaults to FMIndexConfig<TSpec>.

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From Index

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From Index

Detailed Description


The FM index consists of various Fibre of which the most important ones are the compressed suffix array and the LF table, which provides all necessary information for the LF mapping.

Interface Functions Detail

TIterator begin(index, tag);

Returns an iterator pointing to the root node of the virtual prefix trie of the reversed text of the index.


index The index to be traversed.
tag The specialisation of the iterator to be returned by the function. Types: VSTree Iterator


TIterator Returns an iterator pointing to the root node of the virtual prefix trie of the reversed text of the the index. Types: The result of Iterator<Index<TText, TIndexSpec>, TSpec>::Type

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TFibre indexLF(index);

A shortcut for getFibre(index, FibreLF()).


index The FM index.


TFibre A reference to the FibreLF.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TSAValue toSuffixPosition(index, pos, offset);

This function computes the position of a specified position in the compressed suffix array (additionally containing entries for the sentinels). The returned position corresponds to the suffix array of the original text without sentinels.


index The FM index.
pos The position in the suffix array of the FM index (with sentinels). Types: UnsignedIntegerConcept
offset The number of sequences in the original text. Types: UnsignedIntegerConcept


TSAValue The function function computes the position of a specified position in the compressed suffix array (additionally containing entries for the sentinels). The returned position corresponds to the suffix array of the original text without sentinels. The return type is SAValue<Index<TText, FMIndex<TSpec, TConfig> > >::Type

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!