Spec AnnotationTreeIterator
Iterator of the annotation tree represetned by a FragmentStore.

Extends Iter
All Extended Iter
All Impl'd IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept
Defined in <seqan/store.h>
Signature template <typename TFragmentStore> class Iter<TFragmentStore, AnnotationTree<> >;

Template Parameters

TFragmentStore The FragmentStore to iterate over.

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From Iter

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From Iter

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From IteratorAssociatedTypesConcept

Detailed Description

This iterator can move down, right, and up in the tree and supports a preorder DFS traversal using the functions goBegin, goNext, and atEnd.

Preorder means that the iterator visits the node before it visits its children.

To obtain the type of the AnnotationTreeIterator for a FragmentStore specializiation TFragmentStore, you can use the metafunction Iterator as follows: Iterator<TFragmentStore>::Type.


To access the annotation, the iterator points to, use getAnnotation. The annotation id is returned by value.


A new annotation iterator can be instantiated as follows:

FragmentStore<> store;
Iterator<FragmentStore<>, AnnotationTree<> >::Type it;
it = begin(store, AnnotationTree<>());

Or shorter:

FragmentStore<> store;
Iterator<FragmentStore<>, AnnotationTree<> >::Type it(store);

Member Functions Detail

Iter::Iter(); Iter::Iter(store[, startInNode]);



store The FragmentStore with the annotation tree to iterate.
startInNode Annotation id of the ndoe the iterator should start at. Default: 0, the root node id.

The begin function can also be used to create a tree iterator that starts in the root node:

FragmentStore<> store;
Iterator<FragmentStore<>, AnnotationTree<> >::Type it;
it = begin(store, AnnotationTree<>());

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

Interface Functions Detail

void assignValueByKey(it, key, value);

Add or update a key-value pair of the current annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to
key The key whose value should be changed. Type: ContainerConcept.
value The value that should be assigned. Type: ContainerConcept.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

void clearValues(it);

Clear all key-value pairs of a given annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to clear all key-value pairs of the current annotation.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TIter createLeftChild(it);

Create a new leftmost child of the current node and returns an iterator to it.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to create a left child for.


TIter Iterator to the new child.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TIter createRightChild(it);

Creates a new rightmost child of the current node and returns an iterator to it.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator that was just created.


TIter Iterator to the new child.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TIter createSibling(it);

Creates a new right sibling of the current node and return an iterator to it.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to create the sibling for.


TIter Iterator to the new sibling.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TAnnotation getAnnotation(it);

Returns the current annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query for its annotation.


TAnnotation A reference to the AnnotationStoreElement the iterator points to.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TName getName(it);

Returns the identifier of the current annotation.


it An AnnotationTreeIterator to query.


TName The name of the current annotation. This is a reference to the corresponding position in annotationNameStore.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TName getParentName(it);

Returns the identifier of the parent node in the annotationt ree of the current annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to get the name for.


TName The name of the parent of the current annotation. This is a reference to the corresponding value in annotationNameStore.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TSeq getType(it);

Returns the type name of the current annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query for its type.


The name of the current annotation, e.g. "exon" or "mRNA". This is a reference to an entry in annotationTypeStore.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

CharString getUniqueName(it);

Returns a unique name of the current annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.


CharString A unique name of the current annotation.

Some annotation file formats do not require that every annotation has a non-empty name. This function returns the name if non-emtpy and otherwise generates one using the type an id.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

bool getValueByKey(it, key); bool getValueByKey(value, it, key);

Retrieve a key's value in the current annotation.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator for which to retrieve the key.
key The key to get the value for.
value The resulting value.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

bool goDown(it);

Move the iterator down to the leftmost child in the annotation tree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to move.


bool true if the iterator could be moved and false otherwise.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

void goNextUp(it);

Go to the next node in preorder DFS skipping the current node's subtree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

void goNextUp(it);

Go to the next node in preorder DFS skipping the subtrees of the current node and all of its siblings.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool goRight(it);

Move the iterator right to the next sibling in the annotation tree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to move.


bool true if the iterator could be moved and false otherwise.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

void goRoot(it);

Move the iterator down to the tree root.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to move.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

void goTo(it, annoId);

Moves the iterator to an arbitrary node giving its annotationId.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to move.
annoId The id of the annotation to move to.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool goUp(it);

Move the iterator down to the parent in the annotation tree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to move.


bool true if the iterator could be moved and false otherwise.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

bool isLastChild(it);

Returns a boolean value that indicates whether the current node is the last child.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool isLeaf(it);

Return a boolean indicating whether the annotation is a leaf.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

bool isRoot(it);

Return a boolean indicating whether the annotation is the root.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

TIter nodeDown(it);

Returns a new iterator to the first child node of the current annotation in the annotation tree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.


TIter Iterator to the first child node of it.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TIter nodeRight(it);

Returns a new iterator to the right sibling of the current annotation in the annotation tree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.


TIter Iterator to the right sibling of it.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

TIter nodeUp(it);

Returns a new iterator to the parent node of the current annotation in the annotation tree.


it The AnnotationTreeIterator to query.


TIter Iterator to the parent node.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

void setName(it, name);

Sets the identifier of the current annotation.


it Iterator to the annotation to set the name for.
name The new identifier of the annotation pointed to by it.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also

void setType(it, typeName);

Sets the type name of the current annotation.


it The iterator to the annotation to set the type name for.
typeName The name of the type (e.g. "exon" or "mRNA"). Type: ContainerConcept.

Data Races

Thread safety unknown!

See Also