Spec Echoer
Outputs tuples of the echoRepeats last elements of the input stream.

Extends Pipe
All Extended Pipe
Defined in <seqan/pipe.h>
Signature template <typename Input, unsigned ECHO_REPEATS, bool OMIT_FIRST> class Pipe;

Template Parameters

TInput The type of the pipeline module this module reads from.
ECHO_REPEATS The tuple length.The tuples contain elements in[i]in[i-1]...in[i-(echoRepeats-1)].
OMIT_FIRST Omit half filled tuples. If true, the output stream is echoRepeats-1 elements shorter than the input stream. If false, the lengths are identical and the tuple is filled with blanks (default constructed elements) for undefined entries.

Member Function Overview

Member Functions Inherited From Pipe

Interface Function Overview

Interface Functions Inherited From Pipe

Interface Metafunction Overview

Interface Metafunctions Inherited From Pipe

Detailed Description

The output type is a Tuple of input elements and length echoRepeats (i.e. Tuple<Value<TInput<::Type, echoRepeats>).

The tuples are sequences of the form in[i]in[i-1]in[i-2]..in[i-echoRepeats+1]. For omitFirst=false i begins with 0 and for omitFirst=true i begins with echoRepeats-1.