Sharg 1.1.2-rc.1
The argument parser for bio-c++ tools.
This is the complete list of members for sharg::parser, including all inherited members.
::sharg::detail::test_accessor | sharg::parser | friend |
add_flag(bool &value, config< validator_type > const &config) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_line(std::string const &text, bool is_paragraph=false, bool const advanced_only=false) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_list_item(std::string const &key, std::string const &desc, bool const advanced_only=false) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_option(option_type &value, config< validator_type > const &config) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_positional_option(option_type &value, config< validator_type > const &config) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_section(std::string const &title, bool const advanced_only=false) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_subcommands(std::vector< std::string > const &subcommands) | sharg::parser | inline |
add_subsection(std::string const &title, bool const advanced_only=false) | sharg::parser | inline |
app_name_regex | sharg::parser | private |
arguments | sharg::parser | private |
check_parse_not_called(std::string_view const function_name) const | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
determine_format_and_subcommand() | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
executable_name | sharg::parser | private |
format | sharg::parser | private |
format_arguments | sharg::parser | private |
get_sub_parser() | sharg::parser | inline |
has_positional_list_option | sharg::parser | private |
id_exists(id_type const &id) | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
info | sharg::parser | |
is_option_set(id_type const &id) const | sharg::parser | inline |
operations | sharg::parser | private |
operator=(parser const &)=delete | sharg::parser | |
operator=(parser &&)=default | sharg::parser | |
option_end_identifier | sharg::parser | privatestatic |
options | sharg::parser | private |
parse() | sharg::parser | inline |
parse_format() | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
parse_was_called | sharg::parser | private |
parser()=delete | sharg::parser | |
parser(parser const &)=delete | sharg::parser | |
parser(parser &&)=default | sharg::parser | |
parser(std::string const &app_name, std::vector< std::string > const &arguments, update_notifications version_updates=update_notifications::on, std::vector< std::string > subcommands={}) | sharg::parser | inline |
parser(std::string const &app_name, int const argc, char const *const *const argv, update_notifications version_updates=update_notifications::on, std::vector< std::string > subcommands={}) | sharg::parser | inline |
run_version_check() | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
sub_parser | sharg::parser | private |
subcommands | sharg::parser | private |
used_ids | sharg::parser | private |
verify_app_and_subcommand_names() const | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
verify_flag_config(config< validator_t > const &config) | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
verify_identifiers(char const short_id, std::string const &long_id) | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
verify_option_config(config< validator_t > const &config) | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
verify_positional_option_config(config< validator_t > const &config) const | sharg::parser | inlineprivate |
version_check_dev_decision | sharg::parser | private |
version_check_future | sharg::parser | private |
version_check_user_decision | sharg::parser | private |
~parser() | sharg::parser | inline |