Class Specialization
RightArrayBinaryTree Iterator
An iterator for RightArrayBinaryTree.
RightArrayBinaryTree Iterator
Iter<RightArrayBinaryTree, TSpec >
Include Headers
Specialisation Tag.
Specialization of
ContainerType of the container given an iterator. (Iter)
DifferenceType of an object that stores the difference between two iterators. (Iter)
GetValueType for reading values. (Iter)
IteratorType of iterator objects that are used to traverse the container. (Iter)
PositionType of an object that represents a position in a container. (Iter)
ReferenceReference type. (Iter)
SpecThe spec of a class. (Iter)
ValueType of the items in the container or behind an iterator. (Iter)
assignValueAssigns value to item. (Iter)
atBeginDetermines whether an iterator is at the beginning position. (Iter)
atEndDetermines whether an iterator is at the end position. (Iter)
atEndOfSequenceReturns true if the iterator is at the end of a sequence. (Iter)
containerContainer of an iterator. (Iter)
differenceThe difference between two iterators. (Iter)
getCharacterThis function returns the pivot character of the node the iterator currently points to.
getLeftChildPosReturns the position in RightArrayBinaryTree of the left child vertex.
getPositionReturns the position of the iterator in the host.
getRightChildPosReturns the position in RightArrayBinaryTree of the right child vertex.
getSubTreeSizeReturns the number of vertices in the subtree starting at the position an iterator points to.
getValueAccess to the value. (Iter)
goBeginIterates to the first position of a container. (Iter)
goDownIterates down one edge or a path in a tree.
goEndIterates to the last position of a container. (Iter)
goFurtherIterates some steps further. (Iter)
goLeftChildSets the iterator to the left child of the current node if it exists and returns true, otherwise the iterator does not change position and the function returns false.
goNextIterates to next position. (Iter)
goPreviousIterates to pevious position. (Iter)
goRightIterates to the next sibling in a tree.
goRightChildSets the iterator to the right child of the current node if it exists and returns true, otherwise the iterator does not change position and the function returns false.
isLeafTest whether a tree iterator points to a leaf.
moveValueAssigns value to item. (Iter)
positionPosition of an iterator. (Iter)
setCharactersetCharacter(iterator, character) sets the character of the node the iterator points to to character.
valueReference to the value. (Iter)
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