Class Concurrent Queue
Thread-safe queue for multiple producers and multiple consumers.

All Subcl's ConcurrentSuspendableQueue
Defined in <seqan/parallel.h>
Signature template <typename TValue, typename TSpec> class ConcurrentQueue;

Template Parameters

TValue Element type of the queue.
TSpec Tag for further specializing the Concurrent Queue. Default is void.

Interface Function Overview

Detailed Description

The Concurrent Queue is a thread-safe FIFO queue that supports multiple producers and multiple consumers (MPMC). Elements are enqueued via appendValue and dequeued with tryPopFront or popFront. Depending on the expansion tag of appendValue it can grow dynamically or have a fixed size.

The implementation is lock-free and uses a @Class.AllocString@ as ring buffer.


Simple example for a single producer single consumer (SPSC) dynamic queue.

#include <iostream>
#include <seqan/parallel.h>

using namespace seqan;

int main()
    // instantiate an empty Queue
    ConcurrentQueue<unsigned> queue;

    // start two threads
    SEQAN_OMP_PRAGMA(sections num_threads(2))
            for (int i = 9999; i != 0; --i)
                appendValue(queue, i);

            bool equal = true;
            for (int i = 9999; i != 0; --i)
                equal &= (i == popFront(queue));
            std::cout << (equal ? "SUCCESS" : "FAILURE") << std::endl;

    return 0;

The output is:


Interface Functions Detail

void appendValue(queue, val[, expandTag[, parallelTag]);

Enqueue a value to a queue.


queue A queue.
val The value to enqueue.
expandTag The overflow strategy. If Generous the queue will be automatically resized if the capacity is exceeded, otherwise the thread spinlocks until the element can be enqueued. Default is the DefaultOverflowImplicit result for the queue type.
parallelTag The concurrency scheme. If multiple threads enqueue values concurrently this tag must be Parallel. The more efficient Serial tag can only be used if one thread calls appendValue at a time. Default is Parallel.

TSize capacity(queue);

Returns the capacity of a queue.


queue The queue to query for its capacity.


TSize Returns the capacity of the queue.

The capacity is the number of elements that can be enqueued at the same time without reallocating memory.

bool empty(queue);

Returns whether a queue is empty.


queue The queue to query.


bool Whether or not the queue is empty.

TSize length(queue);

Returns the size of a queue.


queue The queue to query for its size.


TSize The number of elements in the queue.

void lockReading(queue);

Register a reader.


queue The queue to register a reader at.

The destructor of the queue will spinlock until all readers are deregistered.

void lockWriting(queue);

Register a writer.


queue The queue to register a writer at.

bool popFront(result, queue[, parallelTag]);

Dequeue a value from a queue.


queue A queue.
result The dequeued value. If the queue is empty but writers are available the thread spinlocks until a value becomes available.
parallelTag The concurrency scheme. If multiple threads dequeue values concurrently this tag must be Parallel. The more efficient Serial tag can only be used if one thread calls popFront at a time. Default is Parallel.


bool Returns true if a value could be dequeued or false if no writer is available, see waitForWriters.

TValue popFront(queue[, parallelTag]);

Dequeue a value from a queue.


queue A queue.
parallelTag The concurrency scheme. If multiple threads dequeue values concurrently this tag must be Parallel. The more efficient Serial tag can only be used if one thread calls popFront at a time. Default is Parallel.


TValue The dequeued value. If the queue is empty the thread spinlocks until a value becomes available.

bool tryPopFront(result, queue[, parallelTag]);

Try to dequeue a value from a queue.


queue A queue.
result The dequeued value (if available).
parallelTag The concurrency scheme. If multiple threads dequeue values concurrently this tag must be Parallel. The more efficient Serial tag can only be used if one thread calls popFront at a time. Default is Parallel.


bool Returns true if a value could be dequeued and false otherwise.

void unlockReading(queue);

Deregister a reader.


queue The queue to deregister a reader from.

The destructor of the queue will spinlock until all readers are deregistered.

void unlockWriting(queue);

Deregister a writer.


queue The queue to deregister a writer from.

void waitForFirstValue(queue);

Wait for writers to enqueue the first value.


queue A queue.

If the values are dequeued with popFront2, this function is a barrier for all readers to wait until all writers are set up completely and should be called before calling popFront2 the first time.

void waitForWriters(queue, writerCount);

Wait for writers to register.


queue A queue.
writerCount The minimal required number of registered writers, see lockWriting.

If the values are dequeued with popFront2, this function is a barrier for all writers to set up completely and should be called before calling appendValue the first time.