Class VcfIOContext
The I/O context to use for VCF I/O.

Defined in <seqan/vcf_io.h>
Signature template <typename TNameStore[, typename TNameStoreCache]> class VcfIOContext;

Template Parameters

TNameStore The type used to represent the names.
TNameStoreCache The type used to cache the names. Defaults to NameStoreCache <TNameStore>l;.

Member Function Overview

Interface Function Overview

Member Functions Detail

VcfIOContext::VcfIOContext(); VcfIOContext::VcfIOContext(contigNames, sampleNames);


Default constructor or construction with references to contig and sample names.

Interface Functions Detail

TNameStoreRef contigNames(context);

Return reference to the contig names from VcfIOContext.


context The VcfIOContext to query.


TNameStoreRef A reference to the TNameStore of the context.

TNameStoreCacheRef contigNamesCache(context);

Return reference to contig names cache from VcfIOContext.


context The BamIOContext to query.


TNameStoreCacheRef A reference to the TNameStoreCache of the context.

TNameStoreRef sampleNames(context);

Return reference to the sample names from VcfIOContext.


context The VcfIOContext to query.


TNameStoreRef A reference to the TNameStore of the context.