SeqAn3  3.0.0
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::RnaStructureAlphabet Interface Reference

A concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents RNA structure. More...

#include <seqan3/alphabet/structure/concept.hpp>

+ Inheritance diagram for seqan3::RnaStructureAlphabet:

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Detailed Description

A concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents RNA structure.

RNA structure alphabets are required to represent interactions among RNA nucleotides. Therefore, each structure letter can be categorised as unpaired, opening an interaction, or closing an interaction. Additionally, the ability of representing pseudoknots is a property of RNA structure types.


  1. t shall model seqan3::Alphabet
  2. seqan3::is_pair_open needs to be defined for objects of type t
  3. seqan3::is_pair_close needs to be defined for objects of type t
  4. seqan3::is_unpaired needs to be defined for objects of type t
  5. seqan3::max_pseudoknot_depth needs to be defined for t and be greater than zero
  6. seqan3::pseudoknot_id needs to be defined for objects of type t

See the documentation pages for the respective requirements.

Related types

If a given type t models this concept, the following types typically do so, as well:

  • t &
  • t const
  • t const &

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