* @concept ContainerConcept
* @headerfile <seqan/basic.h>
* @extends AssignableConcept
* @extends DestructibleConcept
* @brief A container is an object that stores other objects (<i>elements</i>).
* @signature ContainerConcept<T>
* Containers store multiple entries of the same type (the <i>element type</i>)
* and provide means to access these items. More specific, each container has an
* iterator type that is used for accessing its elements.
* There is no guarantee for the elements to be in a particular order (the order
* can vary between two iterations) and no guarantee for the time complexity of
* element access. Furthermore, there is no guarantee that there can be more
* than one iterator in the container. Modification of a container through an
* iterator invalidates all other iterators.
* Refinements of the Container concept or specific implementations can provide
* these guarantees, however.
* A container owns its elements and the elements are destructed when their
* owning container is destructed. The elements must fulfill the concepts @link
* AssignableConcept @endlink and @link DestructibleConcept @endlink.
* @fn ContainerConcept#directionIterator
* @brief Returns direction iterator for a container.
* @signature TDirIter directionIterator(streamBuf, dirTag);
* @param[in] streamBuf The @link ContainerConcept container @endlink object to
* compute iterator for.
* @param[in] dirTag Direction tag, one of the @link DirectionTags @endlink.
* @return TDirIter The resulting @link ContainerConcept#DirectionIterator
* @endlink.
* @fn ContainerConcept#getObjectId
* @headerfile <seqan/sequence.h>
* @brief A value that identifies the underlying sequence.
* @signature TVoidPtr getObjectId(cont);
* @param[in] cont The object for which to determine the id.
* @return TVoidPtr a <tt>void const *</tt> value identying the object.
* Two sequences should have the same id, if they share the same resource, e.g.
* the same memory buffer.
* The exact semantic of the returned id can vary for different classes.
* Typically, the id of a string is a <tt>void const *</tt> to the end of the
* string.
* @section Examples
* @code{.cpp}
* String<char> str = "hallo seqan";
* bool b1 = (getObjectId(str) == getObjectId(infix(str, 3, 7)); //true
* bool b2 = (getObjectId(str) == getObjectId(String<char>(str))); //false
* bool b3 = (getObjectId(str) == getObjectId(toCString(str)));
* @endcode
* In this example, <tt>b1</tt> is <tt>true</tt., since the segment object
* returned by <tt>infix()</tt> is just a filter and uses the buffer of it's
* host object str.
* <tt>String<char>(str)</tt> constructs a temporary copy of <tt>str</tt>,
* so these two strings have different id values.
* The result of the last comparison depends on the implementation of
* <tt>toCString</tt> and cannot be predicted at compile time.
* @fn ContainerConcept#moveValue
* @headerfile <seqan/sequence.h>
* @brief Move a value into a container at a given position.
* @signature void moveValue(container, pos, value);
* @param[in,out] container The container to manipulate.
* @param[in] pos The position of the item in the container to manipulate.
* @param[in,out] value The value to move to <tt>container[pos]</tt>.
* @fn ContainerConcept#append
* @headerfile <seqan/sequence.h>
* @brief Concatenate a container to another.
* @signature void append(target, source);
* @param[in,out] target The @link ContainerConcept container @endlink to append
* <tt>source</tt> to.
* @param[in] source This @link ContainerConcept container @endlink will be
* appended to <tt>source</tt>.
* @fn ContainerConcept#appendValue
* @headerfile <seqan/sequence.h>
* @brief Append a value to a container.
* @signature void appendValue(target, val[, tag]);
* @param[in,out] target The container to append <tt>val</tt> to.
* @param[in] val The value to append to <tt>target</tt>.
* @param[in] tag The resize tag to use. Defaults to What
* DefaultOverflowImplicit returns for the type of
* <tt>target</tt>.
* @fn ContainerConcept#shrinkToFit
* @headerfile <seqan/sequence.h>
* @brief Resizes container to minimum capacity.
* @signature void shrinkToFit(cont);
* @param[in] cont The container to shrink.
* @fn ContainerConcept#begin
* @brief Returns an iterator to the beginning of the container.
* @signature TIterator begin(c[, tag]);
* @param[in] c The container to get the begin iterator for (type
* <tt>TContainer</tt>).
* @param[in] tag An optional tag for selecting the type of the iterator. One of
* <tt>Standard</tt> and <tt>Rooted</tt>. When left out, @link
* ContainerConcept#DefaultGetIteratorSpec @endlink of
* <tt>TContainer</tt> is used.
* @return TIterator Iterator to the beginning of the container, the type is
* selected by @link ContainerConcept#Iterator @endlink with
* the given (or default) tag.
* When empty, <tt>begin(c) == end(c)</tt>.
* @fn ContainerConcept#end
* @brief Returns an iterator to the end of the container.
* @signature TIterator end(c[, tag]);
* @param[in] c The container to get the end iterator for (type
* <tt>TContainer</tt>).
* @param[in] tag An optional tag for selecting the type of the iterator. One of
* <tt>Standard</tt> and <tt>Rooted</tt>. When left out, @link
* ContainerConcept#DefaultGetIteratorSpec @endlink of
* <tt>TContainer</tt> is used.
* @return TIterator Iterator to the end of the container, the type is selected
* by @link ContainerConcept#Iterator @endlink with the given
* (or default) tag.
* When empty, <tt>begin(c) == end(c)</tt>.
* @fn ContainerConcept#length
* @brief Returns the size of the container.
* @signature TSize length(c);
* @param[in] c The container to query for its size.
* @return TSize The number of elements in the container.
* @fn ContainerConcept#empty
* @brief Returns whether the container is empty.
* @signature bool empty(c);
* @param[in] c The container to query.
* @return bool Whether or not the container is empty.
* @fn ContainerConcept#swap
* @brief Swap the contents of two containers.
* @signature void swap(c1, c2);
* @param[in,out] c1 The first container.
* @param[in,out] c2 The second container.
* Swaps the contents of <tt>c1</tt> and <tt>c2</tt>. The <tt>swap</tt> function
* must be defined in the same namespace as the container for Koenig lookup to
* work. In the heart of sorting algorithms, for example, the swap function is
* properly used as follows. This way, both the generic <tt>std::swap</tt> and
* the specialized <tt>swap</tt> function of the container are available:
* @code{.cpp}
* TContainer c1, c2; // ...
* using std::swap;
* swap(c1, c2);
* @endcode
* @fn ContainerConcept#writeValue
* @brief Write a value at the end of a container.
* @signature void writeValue(container, val);
* @param[in,out] container to append to.
* @param[in] val The value to append.
* @see ContainerConcept#appendValue
* @fn ContainerConcept#write
* @brief Write to a container.
* @signature void write(container, iter, n);
* @param[in,out] container The container to append to.
* @param[in,out] iter The @link ForwardIteratorConcept forward iterator
* @endlink to take the values from.
* @param[in] n Number of elements to write from <tt>iter</tt>.
* This function reads <tt>n</tt> values from <tt>iter</tt> and appends them to
* the back of <tt>container</tt>.
* @mfn ContainerConcept#Value
* @brief Returns the value type of the container.
* @signature Value<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container to query.
* @return Type The element type of the container.
* The value type is the type that can be used for storing copies of the
* elements in the container.
* @section Valid Expressions
* The variable v has the value type of the container TContainer whereas it is
* an iterator into the container. Thus, copies of values from TContainer (*it)
* ca be stored in v.
* @code{.cpp}
* Value<TContainer>::Type v = *it;
* @endcode
* @mfn ContainerConcept#GetValue
* @brief Returns the get-value type of the container.
* @signature GetValue<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container to query.
* @return Type The get-value type of the container.
* The get-value type of the container is a type for efficient read-only access
* to the elements in the container. For small types (e.g. <tt>int</tt>), this
* can be a copy (thus <tt>int</tt>), for larger types, this can be a const
* reference to the value type.
* @section Valid Expressions
* The variable v has the get-value type of the container TContainer whereas it
* is an iterator into the container. Thus, we can store a get-value in v.
* @code{.cpp}
* GetValue<TContainer>::Type v = *it;
* @endcode
* @mfn ContainerConcept#Reference
* @brief Returns the reference type of the container.
* @signature Reference<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container to query.
* @return Type The reference type of the container.
* Different from STL containers, the const-ness of <tt>TContainer</tt> decides
* whether the returned type is a const reference or a reference for modifying
* elements.
* Note that the reference type is not guaranteed to be <tt>TValue &</tt> if
* the value type of the container is <tt>TValue</tt>. The reference can be
* implemented as a proxy, similar to <tt>std::vector<bool></tt>.
* @section Valid Expressions
* The variable r has the reference type of the container TContainer whereas it
* is an iterator into the container. Thus, we can store a reference to a value
* in the container in r. Then, we can assign the value of v, a value of the
* container.
* @code{.cpp}
* Reference<TContainer>::Type r = *it; // reference into container
* r = v; // updates value in container, thus also *it
* @endcode
* @mfn ContainerConcept#Iterator
* @brief Returns the iterator type of the container.
* @signature Iterator<TContainer[, TSpec]>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container type to query.
* @tparam TSpec Optionally, a tag for selecting the kind of iterator. If not
* given, then @link ContainerConcept#DefaultIteratorSpec @endlink
* of TContainer is used. When given, one of <tt>Standard</tt> and
* <tt>Rooted</tt>.
* @return Type The iterator type.
* Different from the STL the <tt>const</tt> attribute of <tt>TContainer</tt>
* determines whether the resturned iterator is a const iterator or a non-const
* iterator.
* @see ContainerIteratorTags
* @mfn ContainerConcept#Size
* @brief Returns the size type of a container.
* @signature Size<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container type to query.
* @return Type The type to use for storing container sizes.
* @mfn ContainerConcept#Position
* @brief Returns the position type of a container.
* @signature Positin<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container type to query.
* @return Type The type to use for storing container positions.
* @mfn ContainerConcept#Difference
* @brief Returns the type for distances between two iterators.
* @signature Size<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container type to query.
* @return Type The type to use for storing iterator distances sizes.
* This must be the same type as the distance type of the containers iterators.
* @mfn ContainerConcept#DirectionIterator
* @brief Return the direction iterator for the given direction.
* @signature DirectionIterator<TContainer>::Type;
* @tparam TContainer The container to query for its direction iterator.
* @return Type The resulting direction iterator.
* @mfn ContainerConcept#DefaultIteratorSpec
* @brief Returns the default iterator specialization.
* @signature DefaultIteratorSpec<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container type to query.
* @return Type The iterator specialization tag type.
* Used by @link ContainerConcept#Iterator @endlink to select the default value
* for <tt>TSpec</tt>.
* @see ContainerConcept#Iterator
* @mfn ContainerConcept#DefaultGetIteratorSpec
* @brief Returns the default iterator specialization for functions.
* @signature DefaultGetIteratorSpec<TContainer>::Type
* @tparam TContainer The Container type to query.
* @return Type The iterator specialization tag type.
* Used by functions such as @link ContainerConcept#begin @endlink and @link
* ContainerConcept#end @endlink for the <tt>TSpec</tt> parameter.
* @see ContainerConcept#Iterator