constexpr | scoring_scheme_base (scoring_scheme_base const &) noexcept=default |
| Defaulted.
constexpr | scoring_scheme_base (scoring_scheme_base &&) noexcept=default |
| Defaulted.
constexpr scoring_scheme_base & | operator= (scoring_scheme_base const &) noexcept=default |
| Defaulted.
constexpr scoring_scheme_base & | operator= (scoring_scheme_base &&) noexcept=default |
| Defaulted.
| ~scoring_scheme_base () noexcept=default |
| Defaulted.
constexpr | scoring_scheme_base () noexcept |
| The default constructor (delegates to set_hamming_distance()).
template<arithmetic score_arg_t> |
constexpr | scoring_scheme_base (match_score< score_arg_t > const ms, mismatch_score< score_arg_t > const mms) |
| Constructor for the simple scheme (delegates to set_simple_scheme()).
constexpr | scoring_scheme_base (matrix_type const &matrix) noexcept |
| Constructor for a custom scheme (delegates to set_custom_matrix()).
constexpr void | set_hamming_distance () noexcept |
| Set the hamming scheme, a variant of the simple scheme where match is scored 0 and mismatch -1 .
template<arithmetic score_arg_t> |
constexpr void | set_simple_scheme (match_score< score_arg_t > const ms, mismatch_score< score_arg_t > const mms) |
| Set the simple scheme (everything is either match or mismatch).
constexpr void | set_custom_matrix (matrix_type const &matrix) noexcept |
| Set a custom scheme by passing a full matrix with arbitrary content.
template<typename alph1_t , typename alph2_t >
requires explicitly_convertible_to<alph1_t, alphabet_t> && explicitly_convertible_to<alph2_t, alphabet_t> |
constexpr score_t & | score (alph1_t const alph1, alph2_t const alph2) noexcept |
| Score two letters (either two nucleotids or two amino acids).
template<typename alph1_t , typename alph2_t >
requires explicitly_convertible_to<alph1_t, alphabet_t> && explicitly_convertible_to<alph2_t, alphabet_t> |
constexpr score_t | score (alph1_t const alph1, alph2_t const alph2) const noexcept |
| Score two letters (either two nucleotids or two amino acids).
constexpr bool | operator== (derived_t const &rhs) const noexcept |
| Checks whether *this is equal to rhs .
constexpr bool | operator!= (derived_t const &rhs) const noexcept |
| Checks whether *this is not equal to rhs .
typename derived_t,
alphabet alphabet_t,
arithmetic score_t>
class seqan3::scoring_scheme_base< derived_t, alphabet_t, score_t >
A CRTP base class for scoring schemes.
- Template Parameters
derived_t | The derived type. |
alphabet_t | Type of the largest target alphabet. |
score_type | Type of the score values in the internal matrix. |
This type is never used directly, instead use seqan3::nucleotide_scoring_scheme or seqan3::aminoacid_scoring_scheme.
This class is only implementation detail and not required for most users. Types that model seqan3::scoring_scheme can (but don't need to!) inherit from it.