SeqAn3  3.0.0
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type > Class Template Reference

A class for writing alignment files, e.g. SAM, BAL, BLAST, ... More...

#include <seqan3/io/alignment_file/output.hpp>

Public Types

using field_ids = fields< field::HEADER_PTR, field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::FLAG, field::QUAL, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE >
 The subset of seqan3::field IDs that are valid for this file.
Template arguments

Exposed as member types for public access.

using selected_field_ids = selected_field_ids_
 A seqan3::fields list with the fields selected for the record.
using valid_formats = valid_formats_
 A seqan3::type_list with the possible formats.
using stream_char_type = stream_char_type_
 Character type of the stream(s), usually char.
Range associated types

Most of the range associated types are void for output ranges.

using value_type = void
 The value type (void).
using reference = void
 The reference type (void).
using const_reference = void
 The const reference type (void).
using size_type = void
 The size type (void).
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t
 A signed integer type, usually std::ptrdiff_t.
using iterator = detail::out_file_iterator< alignment_file_output >
 The iterator type of this view (an output iterator).
using const_iterator = void
 The const iterator type is void, because files are not const-iterable.
using sentinel = std::ranges::default_sentinel_t
 The type returned by end().

Public Member Functions

auto & header ()
 Access the file's header. More...
Constructors, destructor and assignment
 alignment_file_output ()=delete
 Default constructor is explicitly deleted, you need to give a stream or file name.
 alignment_file_output (alignment_file_output const &)=delete
 Copy construction is explicitly deleted, because you can't have multiple access to the same file.
alignment_file_outputoperator= (alignment_file_output const &)=delete
 Copy assignment is explicitly deleted, because you can't have multiple access to the same file.
 alignment_file_output (alignment_file_output &&)=default
 Move construction is defaulted.
alignment_file_outputoperator= (alignment_file_output &&)=default
 Move assignment is defaulted.
 ~alignment_file_output ()=default
 Destructor is defaulted.
 alignment_file_output (std::filesystem::path filename, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
 Construct from filename. More...
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &stream, file_format const &format_tag, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
 Construct from an existing stream and with specified format. More...
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &&stream, file_format const &format_tag, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
template<typename ref_ids_type_ , std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type>
 alignment_file_output (std::filesystem::path const &filename, ref_ids_type_ &&ref_ids, ref_lengths_type &&ref_lengths, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
 Construct from filename. More...
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format, typename ref_ids_type_ , std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &&stream, ref_ids_type_ &&ref_ids, ref_lengths_type &&ref_lengths, file_format const &format_tag, selected_field_ids const &fields_tag=selected_field_ids{})
 Construct from an existing stream and with specified format. More...

Public Attributes

alignment_file_output_options options
 The options are public and its members can be set directly.

Related Functions

(Note that these are not member functions.)

Type deduction guides
template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids>
 alignment_file_output (std::filesystem::path, selected_field_ids const &) -> alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids, typename alignment_file_output<>::valid_formats, typename alignment_file_output<>::stream_char_type, ref_info_not_given >
 Deduces selected_field_ids from input and sets alignment_file_output::ref_ids_type to seqan3::detail::ref_info_not_given. Valid formats and stream_char_type are defaulted.
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format, detail::Fields selected_field_ids>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &&, file_format const &, selected_field_ids const &) -> alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, ref_info_not_given >
 Deduces selected_field_ids, the valid format and the stream_char_type from input and sets alignment_file_output::ref_ids_type to seqan3::detail::ref_info_not_given.
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format, detail::Fields selected_field_ids>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &, file_format const &, selected_field_ids const &) -> alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, ref_info_not_given >
 Deduces selected_field_ids, the valid format and the stream_char_type from input and sets alignment_file_output::ref_ids_type to seqan3::detail::ref_info_not_given.
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &&, file_format const &) -> alignment_file_output< typename alignment_file_output<>::selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, ref_info_not_given >
 Deduces the valid format and the stream_char_type from input and sets alignment_file_output::ref_ids_type to seqan3::detail::ref_info_not_given.
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &, file_format const &) -> alignment_file_output< typename alignment_file_output<>::selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, ref_info_not_given >
 Deduces the valid format and the stream_char_type from input and sets alignment_file_output::ref_ids_type to seqan3::detail::ref_info_not_given.
template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_ids_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type>
 alignment_file_output (std::filesystem::path const &, ref_ids_type &&, ref_lengths_type &&, selected_field_ids const &) -> alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids, typename alignment_file_output<>::valid_formats, typename alignment_file_output<>::stream_char_type, std::remove_reference_t< ref_ids_type >>
 Deduces selected_field_ids and ref_ids_type from input. Valid formats and stream_char_type are defaulted.
template<std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_ids_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type>
 alignment_file_output (std::filesystem::path const &, ref_ids_type &&, ref_lengths_type &&) -> alignment_file_output< typename alignment_file_output<>::selected_field_ids, typename alignment_file_output<>::valid_formats, typename alignment_file_output<>::stream_char_type, std::remove_reference_t< ref_ids_type >>
 Deduces ref_ids_type from input. Valid formats, selected_field_ids and stream_char_type are defaulted.
template<OStream2 stream_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_ids_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format, detail::Fields selected_field_ids>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &&, ref_ids_type &&, ref_lengths_type &&, file_format const &, selected_field_ids const &) -> alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, std::remove_reference_t< ref_ids_type >>
 Deduces selected_field_ids, the valid format, stream_char_type and the ref_ids_type from input.
template<OStream2 stream_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_ids_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format, detail::Fields selected_field_ids>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &, ref_ids_type &&, ref_lengths_type &&, file_format const &, selected_field_ids const &) -> alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, std::remove_reference_t< ref_ids_type >>
 Deduces selected_field_ids, the valid format, stream_char_type and the ref_ids_type from input.
template<OStream2 stream_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_ids_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &&, ref_ids_type &&, ref_lengths_type &&, file_format const &) -> alignment_file_output< typename alignment_file_output<>::selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, std::remove_reference_t< ref_ids_type >>
 Deduces the valid format, stream_char_type and the ref_ids_type from input. selected_field_ids are defaulted.
template<OStream2 stream_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_ids_type, std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
 alignment_file_output (stream_type &, ref_ids_type &&, ref_lengths_type &&, file_format const &) -> alignment_file_output< typename alignment_file_output<>::selected_field_ids, type_list< file_format >, typename std::remove_reference_t< stream_type >::char_type, std::remove_reference_t< ref_ids_type >>
 Deduces the valid format, stream_char_type and the ref_ids_type from input. selected_field_ids are defaulted.

Range interface

Provides functions for record based writing of the file.

iterator begin () noexcept
 Returns an iterator to current position in the file. More...
sentinel end () noexcept
 Returns a sentinel for comparison with iterator. More...
template<typename record_t >
void push_back (record_t &&r)
 Write a seqan3::record to the file. More...
template<typename tuple_t >
void push_back (tuple_t &&t)
 Write a record in form of a std::tuple to the file. More...
template<typename arg_t , typename ... arg_types>
void emplace_back (arg_t &&arg, arg_types &&... args)
 Write a record to the file by passing individual fields. More...
template<typename rng_t >
alignment_file_outputoperator= (rng_t &&range)
 Write a range of records (or tuples) to the file. More...
template<typename rng_t >
alignment_file_outputoperator| (rng_t &&range, alignment_file_output &f)
 Write a range of records (or tuples) to the file. More...
template<typename rng_t >
alignment_file_output operator| (rng_t &&range, alignment_file_output &&f)

Detailed Description

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
class seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >

A class for writing alignment files, e.g. SAM, BAL, BLAST, ...

Template Parameters
selected_field_idsA seqan3::fields type with the list and order of fields IDs; only relevant if these can't be deduced.
valid_formatsA seqan3::type_list of the selectable formats (each must model seqan3::AlignmentFileOutputFormat).
stream_char_typeThe type of character of the underlying stream, must model seqan3::Char.


Alignment files provide a way to store pairwise alignment information. Well-known formats include SAM and BAM or BLAST.

The Alignment file abstraction supports writing following fields:

  1. field::SEQ
  2. field::ID
  3. field::OFFSET
  4. field::REF_SEQ
  5. field::REF_ID
  6. field::REF_OFFSET
  7. field::ALIGNMENT
  8. field::MAPQ
  9. field::FLAG
  10. field::QUAL
  11. field::MATE
  12. field::TAGS
  13. field::EVALUE
  14. field::BIT_SCORE

There is an additional field called seqan3::field::HEADER_PTR. It is used to transfer header information from seqan3::alignment_file_input to seqan3::alignment_file_output, but you needn't deal with this field manually.

The member functions take any and either of these fields.

Construction and specialisation

This class comes with two constructors, one for construction from a file name and one for construction from an existing stream and a known format. The first one automatically picks the format based on the extension of the file name. The second can be used if you have a non-file stream, like std::cout or std::ostringstream, that you want to read from and/or if you cannot use file-extension based detection, but know that your output file has a certain format.

In most cases the template parameters are deduced completely automatically:

alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam"}; // SAM format detected, std::ofstream opened for file

Writing to std::cout:

// no need to specify the template arguments <...> for format specialization:
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam", fields<field::MAPQ>{}};

Note that this is not the same as writing alignment_file_output<> (with angle brackets). In the latter case they are explicitly set to their default values, in the former case automatic deduction happens which chooses different parameters depending on the constructor arguments. For opening from file, alignment_file_output<> would have also worked, but for opening from stream it would not have.

Writing record-wise

using namespace seqan3;
int main()
std::string ref_id;
std::string read_id;
// ... e.g. compute and alignment
alignment_type dummy_alignment{}; // an empty dummy alignment
using types = type_list<std::vector<dna5>, std::string, alignment_type>;
// the record type specifies the fields we want to write
using record_type = record<types, types_as_ids>;
// initialize record
record_type rec{read, ref_id, dummy_alignment};
// Write the record
// same as
fout.push_back(record_type{read, ref_id, dummy_alignment});
// as all our fields are empty so this would print an

The easiest way to write to an alignment file is to use the push_back() member functions. These work similarly to how they work on an std::vector. You may also use a tuple like interface or the emplace_back() function but this is not recommended since one would have to keep track of the correct order of many fields (14 in total). For the record based interface using push_back please also see the seqan3::record documentation on how to specify a record with the correct field and type lists.

You may also use the output file's iterator for writing, however, this rarely provides an advantage.

Writing record-wise (custom fields)

If you want to omit non-required parameter or change the order of the parameters, you can pass a non-empty fields trait object to the seqan3::alignment_file_output constructor to select the fields that are used for interpreting the arguments.

The following snippets demonstrates the usage of such a field_traits object.

using namespace seqan3;
int main()
// I only want to print the mapping position (field::REF_OFFSET) and flag:
unsigned mapping_pos{1300};
unsigned flag{0};
// ...
fout.emplace_back(mapping_pos, flag); // note that the order the arguments is now different, because
// or: you specified that REF_OFFSET should be first
fout.push_back(std::tie(mapping_pos, flag));

A different way of passing custom fields to the file is to pass a seqan3::record – instead of a tuple – to push_back(). The seqan3::record clearly indicates which of its elements has which seqan3::field so the file will use that information instead of the template argument. This is especially handy when reading from one file and writing to another, because you don't have to configure the output file to match the input file, it will just work:

alignment_file_input fin{tmp_dir/"my.sam", fields<field::REF_OFFSET, field::FLAG>{}};
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"output.sam"}; // doesn't have to match the configuration
for (auto & r : fin)
fout.push_back(r); // copy all the records.

This will copy the FLAG and REF_OFFSET value into the new output file. Note that the other SAM columns in the output file will be defaulted, so unless you specify to read all SAM columns (see seqan3::format_sam) the output file will not be equal to the input file.

Writing record-wise in batches

You can write multiple records at once, by assigning to the file:

alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam"};
{ "ACGT"_dna5, "First" },
{ "NATA"_dna5, "2nd" },
{ "GATA"_dna5, "Third" }
}; // a range of "records"
fout = range; // will iterate over the records and write them

File I/O pipelines

Record-wise writing in batches also works for writing from input files directly to output files, because input files are also input ranges in SeqAn3:

// copying a file in one line:
alignment_file_output{tmp_dir/"output.sam"} = alignment_file_input{tmp_dir/"input.sam"};
// with alignment_file_output as a variable:
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"output.sam"};
alignment_file_input fin{tmp_dir/"input.sam"};
fout = fin;
// or in pipe notation:
alignment_file_input{tmp_dir/"input.sam"} | alignment_file_output{tmp_dir/"output.sam"};

This can be combined with file-based views to create I/O pipelines:

alignment_file_input{tmp_dir/"input.sam"} | view::persist
| std::view::take(5) // take only the first 5 records
| alignment_file_output{tmp_dir/"output.sam"};


We currently support writing the following formats:

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ alignment_file_output() [1/5]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::alignment_file_output ( std::filesystem::path  filename,
selected_field_ids const &  fields_tag = selected_field_ids{} 

Construct from filename.

[in]filenamePath to the file you wish to open.
[in]fields_tagA seqan3::fields tag. [optional]

In addition to the file name, you may specify a custom seqan3::fields type which may be easier than defining all the template parameters.


This constructor transparently applies a compression stream on top of the file stream in case the given file extension suggests the user wants this. See the section on compression and decompression for more information.


In most cases the template parameters are deduced completely automatically:

alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam"}; // SAM format detected, std::ofstream opened for file

Writing with custom selected fields:

// no need to specify the template arguments <...> for format specialization:
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam", fields<field::MAPQ>{}};

◆ alignment_file_output() [2/5]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::alignment_file_output ( stream_type &  stream,
file_format const &  format_tag,
selected_field_ids const &  fields_tag = selected_field_ids{} 

Construct from an existing stream and with specified format.

Template Parameters
stream_typeThe type of stream to write to; must model seqan3::OStream2.
file_formatThe format of the file in the stream, must satisfy seqan3::AlignmentFileOutputFormat.
[out]streamThe stream to write to, must be derived of std::basic_ostream<stream_char_t>.
[in]format_tagThe file format tag.
[in]fields_tagA seqan3::fields tag. [optional]


This constructor does not apply compression transparently (because there is no way to know if the user wants this). However, you can just pass e.g. seqan3::contrib::gz_ostream to this constructor if you explicitly want compression. See the section on compression and decompression for more information.

◆ alignment_file_output() [3/5]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format>
seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::alignment_file_output ( stream_type &&  stream,
file_format const &  format_tag,
selected_field_ids const &  fields_tag = selected_field_ids{} 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

◆ alignment_file_output() [4/5]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename ref_ids_type_ , std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type>
seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::alignment_file_output ( std::filesystem::path const &  filename,
ref_ids_type_ &&  ref_ids,
ref_lengths_type &&  ref_lengths,
selected_field_ids const &  fields_tag = selected_field_ids{} 

Construct from filename.

Template Parameters
ref_ids_type_The type of range over reference ids; must model std::ForwardRange.
ref_lengths_typeThe type of range over reference lengths; must model std::ForwardRange.
[in]filenamePath to the file you wish to open.
[in]ref_idsA range over reference ids.
[in]ref_lengthsA range over lengths of reference sequences (same order as ref_ids).
[in]fields_tagA seqan3::fields tag. [optional]

In addition to the file name, you may specify a custom seqan3::fields type which may be easier than defining all the template parameters.


This constructor transparently applies a compression stream on top of the file stream in case the given file extension suggests the user wants this. See the section on compression and decompression for more information.


In most cases the template parameters are deduced completely automatically:

std::vector<std::string> ref_ids{"ref1", "ref2"};
std::vector<size_t> ref_lenghts{1234, 5678};
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam", ref_ids, ref_lenghts};

Writing with custom selected fields:

// no need to specify the template arguments <...> for format specialization:
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam", fields<field::MAPQ>{}};

◆ alignment_file_output() [5/5]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<OStream2 stream_type, AlignmentFileOutputFormat file_format, typename ref_ids_type_ , std::ranges::ForwardRange ref_lengths_type>
seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::alignment_file_output ( stream_type &&  stream,
ref_ids_type_ &&  ref_ids,
ref_lengths_type &&  ref_lengths,
file_format const &  format_tag,
selected_field_ids const &  fields_tag = selected_field_ids{} 

Construct from an existing stream and with specified format.

Template Parameters
stream_typeThe type of stream to write to; must model seqan3::OStream2.
file_formatThe format of the file in the stream, must model seqan3::AlignmentFileOutputFormat.
ref_ids_type_The type of range over reference ids; must model std::ForwardRange.
ref_lengths_typeThe type of range over reference lengths; must model std::ForwardRange.
[in]streamThe stream to operate on (this must be std::move'd in!).
[in]ref_idsA range over reference ids.
[in]ref_lengthsA range over lengths of reference sequences (same order as ref_ids).
[in]format_tagThe file format tag.
[in]fields_tagA seqan3::fields tag. [optional]


This constructor does not apply compression transparently (because there is no way to know if the user wants this). However, you can just pass e.g. seqan3::contrib::gz_ostream to this constructor if you explicitly want compression. See the section on compression and decompression for more information.

Member Function Documentation

◆ begin()

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
iterator seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::begin ( )

Returns an iterator to current position in the file.

An iterator pointing to the current position in the file.

You can write to the file by assigning to the iterator, but using push_back() is usually more intuitive.




No-throw guarantee.


using namespace seqan3;
int main()
auto file_it = fout.begin();
dna5_vector seq;
// ...
// assign to file iterator
*file_it = std::tie(seq, id);
// is the same as:
fout.push_back(std::tie(seq, id));

◆ emplace_back()

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename arg_t , typename ... arg_types>
void seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::emplace_back ( arg_t &&  arg,
arg_types &&...  args 

Write a record to the file by passing individual fields.

Template Parameters
arg_tType of the first field.
arg_typesTypes of further fields.
[in]argThe first field to write.
[in]argsFurther fields.

The fields are assumed to correspond to the field IDs given in selected_field_ids, however passing less is accepted if the format does not require all of them.




Basic exception safety.


using namespace seqan3;
int main()
// I only want to print the mapping position (field::REF_OFFSET) and flag:
unsigned mapping_pos{1300};
unsigned flag{0};
// ...
fout.emplace_back(mapping_pos, flag); // note that the order the arguments is now different, because
// or: you specified that REF_OFFSET should be first
fout.push_back(std::tie(mapping_pos, flag));

◆ end()

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
sentinel seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::end ( )

Returns a sentinel for comparison with iterator.

An end that is never reached.

This element acts as a placeholder; attempting to dereference it results in undefined behaviour. It always compares false against an iterator.




No-throw guarantee.

◆ header()

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
auto& seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::header ( )

Access the file's header.


std::vector<std::string> ref_ids{"ref1", "ref2"};
std::vector<size_t> ref_lenghts{1234, 5678};
// always give reference information if you want to have your header properly initialised
alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam", ref_ids, ref_lenghts};
// add information to the header of the file.
fout.header().comments.push_back("This is a comment");
See also

◆ operator=()

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename rng_t >
alignment_file_output& seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::operator= ( rng_t &&  range)

Write a range of records (or tuples) to the file.

Template Parameters
rng_tType of the range, must satisfy seqan3::OutputRange and have a reference type that satisfies seqan3::TupleLike.
[in]rangeThe range to write.

This function simply iterates over the argument and calls push_back() on each element.


Linear in the number of records.


Basic exception safety.


alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam"};
{ "ACGT"_dna5, "First" },
{ "NATA"_dna5, "2nd" },
{ "GATA"_dna5, "Third" }
}; // a range of "records"
fout = range; // will iterate over the records and write them

◆ push_back() [1/2]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename record_t >
void seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::push_back ( record_t &&  r)

Write a seqan3::record to the file.

Template Parameters
record_tType of the record, a specialisation of seqan3::record.
[in]rThe record to write.




Basic exception safety.


using namespace seqan3;
int main()
auto it = fout.begin();
// ...

◆ push_back() [2/2]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename tuple_t >
void seqan3::alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type >::push_back ( tuple_t &&  t)

Write a record in form of a std::tuple to the file.

Template Parameters
tuple_tType of the record, a specialisation of std::tuple.
[in]tThe record to write.

The fields in the tuple are assumed to correspond to the field IDs given in selected_field_ids, however passing less is accepted if the format does not require all of them.




Basic exception safety.


using namespace seqan3;
int main()
auto it = fout.begin();
dna5_vector seq;
// ...
fout.push_back(std::tie(seq, id));

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator| [1/2]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename rng_t >
alignment_file_output& operator| ( rng_t &&  range,
alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type > &  f 

Write a range of records (or tuples) to the file.

Template Parameters
rng_tType of the range, must satisfy std::ranges::InputRange and have a reference type that satisfies seqan3::TupleLike.
[in]rangeThe range to write.
[in]fThe file being written to.

This operator enables alignment_file_output to be at the end of a piping operation. It just calls operator=() internally.


Linear in the number of records.


Basic exception safety.


alignment_file_output fout{tmp_dir/"my.sam"};
{ "ACGT"_dna5, "First" },
{ "NATA"_dna5, "2nd" },
{ "GATA"_dna5, "Third" }
}; // a range of "records"
fout = range; // will iterate over the records and write them

This is especially useful in combination with file-based filters:

alignment_file_input{tmp_dir/"input.sam"} | view::persist
| std::view::take(5) // take only the first 5 records
| alignment_file_output{tmp_dir/"output.sam"};

◆ operator| [2/2]

template<detail::Fields selected_field_ids_ = fields<field::SEQ, field::ID, field::OFFSET, field::REF_SEQ, field::REF_ID, field::REF_OFFSET, field::ALIGNMENT, field::MAPQ, field::QUAL, field::FLAG, field::MATE, field::TAGS, field::EVALUE, field::BIT_SCORE, field::HEADER_PTR>, detail::TypeListOfAlignmentFileOutputFormats valid_formats_ = type_list<format_sam, format_bam>, Char stream_char_type_ = char, typename ref_ids_type = ref_info_not_given>
template<typename rng_t >
alignment_file_output operator| ( rng_t &&  range,
alignment_file_output< selected_field_ids_, valid_formats_, stream_char_type_, ref_ids_type > &&  f 

This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: