SeqAn3  3.0.1
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
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API Reference (Modules)
Here is a list of all modules:
[detail level 123]
 AlignmentThe alignment module contains concepts, algorithms and classes that are related to the computation of pairwise and multiple sequence alignments
 Aligned SequenceProvides seqan3::aligned_sequence, as well as various ranges that model it
 BandData structures for computing banded sequence alignments
 ConfigurationProvides configuration elements for the pairwise alignment configuration
 matrixProvides data structures for representing alignment coordinates and alignments as a matrix
 PairwiseProvides the algorithmic components for the computation of pairwise alignments
 ScoringProvides the data structures used for scoring alphabets and sequences
 AdaptationProvides alphabet adaptions of some standard char and uint types
 AminoacidProvides the amino acid alphabets and functionality for translation from nucleotide
 CIGARProvides (semi-)alphabets for representing elements in CIGAR strings
 CompositeProvides templates for combining existing alphabets into new alphabet types
 GapProvides the gap alphabet and functionality to make an alphabet a gapped alphabet
 MaskProvides the mask alphabet and functionality for creating masked composites
 NucleotideProvides the different DNA and RNA alphabet types
 QualityProvides the various quality score types
 StructureProvides types to represent single elements of RNA and protein structures
 Argument ParserThe Argument Parser Module
 CoreProvides core functionality used by multiple modules
 AlgorithmProvides core functionality used to configure algorithms
 builtin_character operationsProvides various operations on character types
 ConceptAdditional concepts that are not specific to a SeqAn module
 ParallelThis module contains types and utilities for concurrent execution of algorithms in SeqAn
 executionAdopts the STL execution policies
 Type ListProvides seqan3::type_list and metaprogramming utilities for working on type lists and type packs
 Type TraitsProvides various type traits and their shortcuts
 IOThe IO module provides stream handling formatted I/O
 Alignment FileProvides files and formats for handling alignment data
 Sequence FileProvides files and formats for handling sequence data
 stream_REMOVEMEThe stream sub-module contains data structures and functions for streaming and tokenization
 Structure FileProvides files and formats for handling structure data
 RangeThe range module provides general purpose containers, decorators and views
 ContainerThe container submodule contains special SeqAn containers and generic container concepts
 DecoratorThe decorator submodule contains special SeqAn decorators and generic decorator concepts
 ViewsViews are "lazy range combinators" that offer modified views onto other ranges
 SearchContains datastructures and algorithms for searching
 AlgorithmProvides seqan3::search
 ConfigurationData structures and utility functions for configuring search algorithm
 FM IndexProvides seqan3:fm_index and seqan3:bi_fm_index as well as respective cursors
 k-mer Index
 stdA subset of the C++20 standard library made available in pre-C++20 contexts
 algorithmThe <algorithm> header with additional ranges algorithm from C++20's standard library
 charconvThe <charconv> header from C++17's standard library
 conceptsThe <concepts> header from C++20's standard library
 iteratorThe <iterator> header from C++20's standard library
 newThe <new> header from C++17's standard library
 rangesThe <ranges> header from C++20's standard library
 type_traitsThe <concepts> header from C++20's standard library