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How to write a view

This HowTo documents how to write a view using the standard library and some helpers from SeqAn.

Duration120 min
Prerequisite tutorialsC++ Concepts,Ranges
Recommended reading
Some of the links from this HowTo only resolve in the developer documentation because they refer to entities from the seqan3::detail namespace. We recommend you open this tutorial from the developer documentation.


We have introduced "views" in Ranges. You can do many things with the views provided by the standard library and those shipped with SeqAn, but in certain situations you will want to define your own view. This page will teach you the basics of defining your own view.

What makes a view?

A view is a type of std::ranges::range that also models std::ranges::view. The additional requirements of std::ranges::view can be vaguely summarised as "not holding any own data" or at least not holding data that is relative in size to the number of elements in the view (e.g. a vector cannot be a view, because its size in memory depends on the number of elements it represents).

A simple example of a view is std::ranges::subrange. It can be constructed from a pair of iterators or more precisely an iterator and a sentinel. begin() always returns an iterator, but the type returned by end() (the "sentinel") does not need to be of the same type as the iterator – as long as they are comparable. This view then holds exactly the iterator-sentinel-pair as its state and nothing else.

But std::ranges::subrange does not yet facilitate any "composing-behaviour" that you have seen in Ranges tutorial, std::ranges::subrange is simply a type that can be constructed from an iterator-sentinel-pair, you cannot "pipe" anything into it. Most views are adaptors on other views, e.g. std::ranges::transform_view wraps an existing view and applies an element-wise transformation on-demand. You can directly construct std::ranges::transform_view from another view or from non-view ranges that can be wrapped into a view (e.g. references to containers):

std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
auto l = [] (int i) { return i + 1; };
std::ranges::transform_view v{vec, l};

But this syntax gets difficult to read when you create "a view(from a view(from a view()))". That's why for every view that adapts an existing view we have an additional adaptor object, usually available in a views:: sub-namespace:

std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
auto l = [] (int i) { return i + 1; };
auto v = vec | std::views::transform(l);

This adaptor object (std::views::transform) provides the pipe operator and returns an object of the actual view type (std::ranges::transform_view). The pipe operator allows us to chain multiple adaptors similar to the unix command line. We will discuss the details of these adaptor objects in the following sections.

Custom range adaptor objects

Read section 24.7 and 24.7.1 of the C++ standard.

The wording of the standard needs some getting used to, but some important notes for us are:

  1. You can pipe a viewable range into series of adaptor closure objects and will get back a view (this is also what we did above):
    std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto v = vec | std::views::transform([] (int i) { return i + 1; })
    | std::views::filter([] (int i) { return i % 2 == 0; });
    // v is a view, you can iterate over it!
  2. The adaptor objects support function-style usage, too, although it only reduces readability:
    std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto v = std::views::filter(std::views::transform(vec, [] (int i) { return i + 1; }), [] (int i) { return i % 2 == 0; });
    // v is a view, you can iterate over it!
  3. You can create a new adaptor closure object from an adaptor object that requires parameters by providing those:
    std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto a = std::views::transform([] (int i) { return i + 1; });
    // a is an adaptor and can be used as such:
    auto v = vec | a;
  4. You can create a new adaptor closure object from existing adaptor closure objects via | but without providing a range:
    std::vector vec{1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto a = std::views::transform([] (int i) { return i + 1; })
    | std::views::filter([] (int i) { return i % 2 == 0; });
    // a is an adaptor and can be used as such:
    auto v = vec | a;
Terminology Description Example
"view" A type that models std::ranges::view. std::ranges::filter_view<std::subrange<int const *, int const *>>
"view adaptor object" Creates a view; can be combined with other adaptors. std::views::reverse and
std::views::filter and
(std::views::filter([] (int) { return true; }))
"view adaptor closure object" A "view adaptor object" that requires no paramaters other than the range. std::views::reverse and
std::views::filter and
(std::views::filter([] (int) { return true; }))

In many cases where you are planning on creating "a new view", it will be sufficient to use the previously mentioned techniques to just create "a new adaptor object" and not having to specify the actual view type yourself.

Let's look at some examples!

Exercise 1: Your first custom adaptor object

In the alphabet module you learned that ranges of alphabets are not implicitly convertible to char so you cannot print a std::vector<seqan3::dna5> via std::cout¹. You also know that you can call seqan3::to_char on every object that models seqan3::alphabet which will convert it to char or a similar type.

We want to do the following:

#include <iostream>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
// your implementation goes here
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"ATTAGATTA"_dna5};
// std::cout << vec[0] << '\n'; // won't work
auto v = vec | my_convert_to_char_view;
std::cout << v[0] << '\n'; // prints "A"

Define a range adaptor object using an existing adaptor which applies a concrete transformation (calling seqan3::to_char) on every element.

Hint You need to need use std::views::transform and you need to set a fixed transformation function. std::views::transform takes an object that models std::regular_invocable, e.g. a lambda function with empty capture [].

¹ You can print via seqan3::debug_stream, but let's ignore that for now.


#include <iostream>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
auto const my_convert_to_char_view = std::views::transform([] (auto const alph)
return seqan3::to_char(alph);
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"ATTAGATTA"_dna5};
// std::cout << vec[0] << '\n'; // won't work
auto v = vec | my_convert_to_char_view;
std::cout << v[0] << '\n'; // prints "A"

You simply define your adaptor type as auto and make it behave like std::views::transform, except that you "hard-code" the lambda function that is applied to each element. Since your adaptor object now takes a range as the only parameter, it is an adaptor closure object.

The object is marked as constexpr because the adaptor object itself never changes, it only provides operator() and operator| that each return a specialisation of std::ranges::transformation_view.

Exercise 2: Combining two existing adaptor objects

Study the seqan3::nucleotide_alphabet. It states that you can call seqan3::complement on all nucleotides which will give you 'A'_dna5 for 'T'_dna5 a.s.o. Think about how you can adapt the previous solution to write a view that transforms ranges of nucleotides into their complement.

BUT, we are also interested in reversing the range which is possible with std::views::reverse:

using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
// your implementation goes here
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"ACCAGATTA"_dna5};
seqan3::debug_stream << vec << '\n'; // will print "ACCAGATTA"
auto v = vec | my_reverse_complement;
seqan3::debug_stream << v << '\n'; // prints "TAATCTGGT"

Define a range adaptor object that presents a view of the reverse complement of whatever you pipe into it.


using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
auto my_reverse_complement = std::views::reverse | std::views::transform([] (auto const d)
return seqan3::complement(d);
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"ACCAGATTA"_dna5};
seqan3::debug_stream << vec << '\n'; // will print "ACCAGATTA"
auto v = vec | my_reverse_complement;
seqan3::debug_stream << v << '\n'; // prints "TAATCTGGT"

The adaptor consists of std::views::reverse combined with std::views::transform. This time the lambda just performs the call to seqan3::complement.

A full custom view implementation

Using existing adaptors only works to a certain degree, sometimes you will need to implement a full view. As we have seen above, it is easy to implement a view that presents the complement of a nucleotide range just using existing adaptors. For simplicity, we will still use this as an example and implement a non-generic transform view in the next steps.

A full view implementation typically consists of the following components:

  1. The view class template that takes the underlying range as a template parameter.
    • The class should be derived from std::ranges::view_interface which will take care of a lot of boilerplate for us.
    • The actual functionality of the view is implemented in its iterator and sentinel.
  2. The adaptor object which allows for the piping behaviour.

1. The view class template

A good thing to start with is to think about the iterator and the sentinel of your view. The iterator and/or its relation to the sentinel is the way we implement the behaviour that is specific to our view. We will start with implementing the iterator separately and later integrate it into the view.


Since we know that in our current usecase we have exactly one element in our view for every element in the underlying range, we don't need to change the relation between iterator and sentinel, i.e. "begin == end" on our view iff "begin == end" on the underlying range. This indicates that we can use the sentinel of the underlying range as-is.

Exercise 3: Your first iterator

Have a peak at the C++ Concepts tutorial again and study the std::forward_iterator concept thoroughly. You will now have to implement your own forward iterator.

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
template <std::ranges::forward_range urng_t> // the underlying range type
struct my_iterator : std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>
// verify that your type models the concept
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"GATTACA"_dna5};
// instantiate the template over the underlying vector's iterator and sentinel
// (for all standard containers the sentinel type is the same as the iterator type)
using my_it_concrete = my_iterator<std::vector<seqan3::dna5>>;
// create an iterator that is constructed with vec.begin() as the underlying iterator
my_it_concrete it{vec.begin()};
// iterate over vec, but with your custom iterator
while (it != vec.end())
std::cout << seqan3::to_char(*it++) << ' ';

In order to re-use functionality of the underlying range's iterator type you can inherit from it (std::ranges::iterator_t returns the iterator type).¹ In the end, you should be able to iterate over the underlying range and print elements like you would with the original iterator, i.e. your iterator shall behave exactly as the original in this regard (no transformation, yet).

Some things to keep in mind for the implementation:

  • When defining a type template (like above), member types are not inherited implicitly (member functions are).
  • Another reason "just inheriting" is not sufficient, is that some inherited functions return objects or references to the base type, not your type (which is required by the std::forward_iterator concept).
  • If you choose to wrap the underlying iterator instead of inheriting, you will need to define and "forward" a few more member functions, but it's good practice and will help you understand the concept.
  • The static_assert will just return true or false, to get more detailed information on why your type does not (yet) model the concept, implement a constrained function template and pass an object of your type to that template.
  • Your iterator needs to be comparable to the sentinel of the underlying range, you can access that type via std::ranges::sentinel_t<urng_t>.

¹ In some situations it might be better to wrap the underlying iterator instead of inheriting it, i.e. save a copy of the underlying iterator as a data member of your iterator. A reason could be that you don't want to inherit some members or want to prevent implicit convertibility.


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
template <std::ranges::forward_range urng_t> // the underlying range type
struct my_iterator : std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>
using base_t = std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>;
// these member types are just exposed from the base type
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<base_t>::value_type;
using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<base_t>::pointer;
using reference = typename std::iterator_traits<base_t>::reference;
// this member type is explicitly set to forward_iterator_tag because we are not
// implementing the remaining requirements
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
// the following operators need to be explicitly defined, because the inherited
// version has wrong return types (base_t instead of my_iterator)
my_iterator & operator++()
base_t::operator++(); // call the implementation of the base type
return *this;
my_iterator operator++(int)
my_iterator cpy{*this};
return cpy;
// we do not need to define constructors, because {}-initialising this with one argument
// calls the base-class's constructor which is what we want
// NOTE: depending on your view/iterator, you might need/want to define your own
// we do not need to define comparison operators, because there are comparison operators
// for the base class and our type is implicitly convertible to the base type
// NOTE: in our case comparing the converted-to-base iterator with end behaves as desired,
// but it strongly depends on your view/iterator whether the same holds
// verify that your type models the concept
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"GATTACA"_dna5};
// instantiate the template over the underlying vector's iterator and sentinel
// (for all standard containers the sentinel type is the same as the iterator type)
using my_it_concrete = my_iterator<std::vector<seqan3::dna5>>;
// create an iterator that is constructed with vec.begin() as the underlying iterator
my_it_concrete it{vec.begin()};
// iterate over vec, but with your custom iterator
while (it != vec.end())
std::cout << seqan3::to_char(*it++) << ' ';

The program prints "G A T T A C A ".

Exercise 4: A transforming iterator

In the previous assigment you have created a working – but pointless – iterator. It does not do anything differently from the original.

Your task now is to implement the "complementing" behaviour, i.e.

  • your iterator should only work on ranges of seqan3::nucleotide_alphabet
  • when accessing an element through the iterator it should not return the element from the underlying range but instead its complement

Think about which operator is responsible for returning the element and be careful with the return type of that operator as your transformation might make a change necessary.


  1. The restriction on the alphabet type is done via a static_assert:
    "You can only iterate over ranges of nucleotides!");
    You could have done this via an additional template constraint, too, but static_assert gives you the opportunity to give a readable message in case of an error.¹
  2. The operator that needs to call the seqan3::complement function is operator*:
    // The operator* facilitates the access to the element.
    // This implementation calls the base class's implementation but passes the return value
    // through the seqan3::complement() function before returning it.
    reference operator*() const
    return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator*());
  3. As previously noted, care needs to be taken with this function's return type:
    // If the value_type is seqan3::dna5, the reference type of the vector is
    // seqan3::dna5 & and operator* returns this so you can change the values
    // in the vector through it's iterator.
    // This won't work anymore, because now we are creating new values on access
    // so we now need to change this type to reflect that:
    using reference = value_type;

Here is the full solution:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
template <std::ranges::forward_range urng_t> // the underlying range type
struct my_iterator : std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>
"You can only iterate over ranges of nucleotides!");
using base_t = std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>;
// these member types are just exposed from the base type
using value_type = typename std::iterator_traits<base_t>::value_type;
using pointer = typename std::iterator_traits<base_t>::pointer;
// If the value_type is seqan3::dna5, the reference type of the vector is
// seqan3::dna5 & and operator* returns this so you can change the values
// in the vector through it's iterator.
// This won't work anymore, because now we are creating new values on access
// so we now need to change this type to reflect that:
using reference = value_type;
// this member type is explicitly set to forward_iterator_tag because we are not
// implementing the remaining requirements
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
// the following operators need to be explicitly defined, because the inherited
// version has wrong return types (base_t instead of my_iterator)
my_iterator & operator++()
base_t::operator++(); // call the implementation of the base type
return *this;
my_iterator operator++(int)
my_iterator cpy{*this};
return cpy;
// we do not need to define constructors, because {}-initialising this with one argument
// calls the base-class's constructor which is what we want
// NOTE: depending on your view/iterator, you might need/want to define your own
// we do not need to define comparison operators, because there are comparison operators
// for the base class and our type is implicitly convertible to the base type
// NOTE: in our case comparing the converted-to-base iterator with end behaves as desired,
// but it strongly depends on your view/iterator whether the same holds
// The operator* facilitates the access to the element.
// This implementation calls the base class's implementation but passes the return value
// through the seqan3::complement() function before returning it.
reference operator*() const
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator*());
// verify that your type models the concept
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"GATTACA"_dna5};
// instantiate the template over the underlying vector's iterator and sentinel
// (for all standard containers the sentinel type is the same as the iterator type)
using my_it_concrete = my_iterator<std::vector<seqan3::dna5>>;
// create an iterator that is constructed with vec.begin() as the underlying iterator
my_it_concrete it{vec.begin()};
// iterate over vec, but with your custom iterator
while (it != vec.end())
std::cout << seqan3::to_char(*it++) << ' ';

The program prints "C T A A T G T "

¹ This is only recommended when you do not want to allow a different specialisation of the template to cover the excluded case.

You now have a working iterator, although it still lacks the capabilities of std::bidirectional_iterator, std::random_access_iterator and std::contiguous_iterator. When designing views, you should always strive to preserve as much of the capabilities of the underlying range as possible.

Which of the mentioned concepts do you think your iterator could be made to implement? Have a look at the respective documentation.

Hint It could be designed to be a std::random_access_iterator (and thus also std::bidirectional_iterator) when the underlying range is, because jumping on your iterator/view can be done in constant time iff it can be done in constant time on the underlying range (you just jump to the n-th element of the underlying range and perform your transformation one that).

However, it can never model std::contiguous_iterator because that would imply that the elements are adjacent to each other in memory (the elements of our view are created on demand and are not stored in memory).

If you have looked at the std::random_access_iterator, you will have seen that it is quite a bit of work to implement all the operators, many of whom just need to be overloaded to fix the return type. To make this a little bit easier SeqAn provides seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base, it fixes the issue with the return type via CRTP. A solution to the previous exercise looks like this:

#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
/* The iterator template */
template <std::ranges::forward_range urng_t> // CRTP derivation ↓
class my_iterator : public seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base<my_iterator<urng_t>,
"You can only iterate over ranges of nucleotides!");
// the immediate base type is the CRTP-layer
using base_t = seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base<my_iterator<urng_t>,
// the member types are never imported automatically, but can be explicitly inherited:
using typename base_t::value_type;
using typename base_t::difference_type;
using typename base_t::iterator_category;
// this member type is overwritten as we do above:
using reference = value_type;
// Explicitly set the pointer to void as we return a temporary.
using pointer = void;
// define rule-of-six:
my_iterator() = default;
my_iterator(my_iterator const &) = default;
my_iterator(my_iterator &&) = default;
my_iterator & operator=(my_iterator const &) = default;
my_iterator & operator=(my_iterator &&) = default;
~my_iterator() = default;
// and a constructor that takes the base_type:
my_iterator(base_t it) : base_t{std::move(it)} {}
// we don't need to implement the ++ operators anymore!
// only overload the operators that you actually wish to change:
reference operator*() const noexcept
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator*());
// Since the reference type changed we might as well need to override the subscript-operator.
reference operator[](difference_type const n) const noexcept
requires std::random_access_iterator<std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>>
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator[](n));
// We delete arrow operator because of the temporary. An alternative could be to return the temporary
// wrapped in a std::unique_ptr.
pointer operator->() const noexcept = delete;
// The inherited_iterator_base creates the necessary code so we also model RandomAccess now!
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"GATTACA"_dna5};
/* try the iterator */
using my_it_concrete = my_iterator<std::vector<seqan3::dna5>>;
my_it_concrete it{vec.begin()};
// now you can use operator[] on the iterator
for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
std::cout << seqan3::to_char(it[i]) << ' ';

The view class

We now implement the view in several steps:

/* The view class template */
template <std::ranges::view urng_t> // CRTP derivation ↓
class my_view : public std::ranges::view_interface<my_view<urng_t>>

Like the iterator, the view is derived from a CRTP base class that takes care of defining many members for us, e.g. .size(), .operator[] and a few others.

// this is the underlying range
urng_t urange;

The only data member the class holds is a copy of the underlying range. As you may have noted above, our class only takes underlying ranges that model std::ranges::view. This might seem strange; after all we want to apply the view to a vector of which we know that it is not a view, but we will clear this up later.

// Types of the iterators
using iterator = my_iterator<urng_t>;
using const_iterator = my_iterator<urng_t const>;

The only member types that we define here are the definitions of the iterators which are just the iterator we have defined before. Note that we have const_iterator in addition to iterator which const-qualified member functions return, because in a const-context the urange data member will be const so we cannot return the mutable iterator from it.

Many ranges like the standard library containers also present the member types of the iterator, i.e. value_type, reference a.s.o, but this is not required to model any of the range concepts.

auto begin() noexcept
return iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto begin() const noexcept
return const_iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto cbegin() const noexcept
return const_iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};

These functions are the same member functions you know from std::vector, they return objects of the previously defined iterator types that are initialised with the begin iterator from the underlying range.

auto end() noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
auto end() const noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
auto cend() const noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);

The implementation for end() is similar except that for our range the sentinel type (the return type of end()) is the same as of the underlying range, we just pass it through.

For many more complex views you will have to define the sentinel type yourself or derive it from the underlying type in a similar manner to how we derived the iterator type. Often you can use std::default_sentinel_t as the type for your sentinel and implement the "end-condition" in the iterator's equality comparison operator against that type.

// construct from a view
my_view(urng_t urange_) : urange{std::move(urange_)}
// construct from non-view that can be view-wrapped
template <std::ranges::viewable_range orng_t>
my_view(orng_t && urange_) : urange{std::views::all(std::forward<orng_t>(urange_))}

We have two constructors, one that takes an the underlying type by copy and moves it into the data member (remember that since it is a view, it will not be expensive to copy – if it is copied).

The second constructor is more interesting, it takes a std::ranges::viewable_range which is defined as being either a std::ranges::view or a reference to std::ranges::range that is not a view (e.g. std::vector<char> &). Since we have a constructor for std::ranges::view already, this one explicitly handles the second case and goes through std::views::all which wraps the reference in a thin view-layer. Storing only a view member guarantess that our type itself is also cheap to copy among other things.

Note that both of these constructors seem like generic functions, but they just handle the underlying type or a type that turns into the underlying when wrapped in std::views::all.

// A deduction guide for the view class template
template <std::ranges::viewable_range orng_t>
my_view(orng_t &&) -> my_view<std::views::all_t<orng_t>>;

To easily use the second constructor we need to provide a type deduction guide.

Here is the full solution:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
/* The iterator template */
template <std::ranges::forward_range urng_t> // CRTP derivation ↓
class my_iterator : public seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base<my_iterator<urng_t>,
"You can only iterate over ranges of nucleotides!");
// the immediate base type is the CRTP-layer
using base_t = seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base<my_iterator<urng_t>,
// the member types are never imported automatically, but can be explicitly inherited:
using typename base_t::value_type;
using typename base_t::difference_type;
using typename base_t::iterator_category;
// this member type is overwritten as we do above:
using reference = value_type;
// Explicitly set the pointer to void as we return a temporary.
using pointer = void;
// define rule-of-six:
my_iterator() = default;
my_iterator(my_iterator const &) = default;
my_iterator(my_iterator &&) = default;
my_iterator & operator=(my_iterator const &) = default;
my_iterator & operator=(my_iterator &&) = default;
~my_iterator() = default;
// and a constructor that takes the base_type:
my_iterator(base_t it) : base_t{std::move(it)} {}
// we don't need to implement the ++ operators anymore!
// only overload the operators that you actually wish to change:
reference operator*() const noexcept
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator*());
// Since the reference type changed we might as well need to override the subscript-operator.
reference operator[](difference_type const n) const noexcept
requires std::random_access_iterator<std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>>
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator[](n));
// We delete arrow operator because of the temporary. An alternative could be to return the temporary
// wrapped in a std::unique_ptr.
pointer operator->() const noexcept = delete;
// The inherited_iterator_base creates the necessary code so we also model RandomAccess now!
/* The view class template */
template <std::ranges::view urng_t> // CRTP derivation ↓
class my_view : public std::ranges::view_interface<my_view<urng_t>>
// this is the underlying range
urng_t urange;
// Types of the iterators
using iterator = my_iterator<urng_t>;
using const_iterator = my_iterator<urng_t const>;
// construct from a view
my_view(urng_t urange_) : urange{std::move(urange_)}
// construct from non-view that can be view-wrapped
template <std::ranges::viewable_range orng_t>
my_view(orng_t && urange_) : urange{std::views::all(std::forward<orng_t>(urange_))}
auto begin() noexcept
return iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto begin() const noexcept
return const_iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto cbegin() const noexcept
return const_iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto end() noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
auto end() const noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
auto cend() const noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
// A deduction guide for the view class template
template <std::ranges::viewable_range orng_t>
my_view(orng_t &&) -> my_view<std::views::all_t<orng_t>>;
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"GATTACA"_dna5};
/* try the iterator */
using my_it_concrete = my_iterator<std::vector<seqan3::dna5>>;
my_it_concrete it{vec.begin()};
// now you can use operator[] on the iterator
for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
std::cout << seqan3::to_char(it[i]) << ' ';
/* try the range */
my_view v{vec};
seqan3::debug_stream << '\n' << v << '\n';

The program prints


2. The adaptor object

The adaptor object is a function object also called functor. This means we define a type with the respective operators and then create a global instance of that type which can be used to invoke the actual functionality.

Adaptor type definition

The adaptor has the primary purpose of facilitating the piping behaviour, but it shall also allow for function/constructor-style creation of view objects, therefore it defines two operators:

/* The adaptor object's type definition */
struct my_view_fn
template <std::ranges::input_range urng_t>
auto operator()(urng_t && urange) const
return my_view{std::forward<urng_t>(urange)};
template <std::ranges::input_range urng_t>
friend auto operator|(urng_t && urange, my_view_fn const &)
return my_view{std::forward<urng_t>(urange)};

The first operator is very straight-forward, it simply delegates to the constructor of our view so that views::my(FOO) is identical to my_view{FOO}.

The second operator is declared as friend, because the left-hand-side of the operator| is generic, it's how the range is handled in snippets like auto v = vec | views::my.

This adaptor type does not yet provide the ability to combine multiple adaptors into a new adaptor, it only handles ranges as left-hand-side input to operator|.

Our example adaptor type definition is rather simple, but for views/adaptors that take more parameters it gets quite complicated quickly. Therefore SeqAn provides some convenience templates for you:

// in our example, this is all you need:
// your view type goes here ↓
using my_view_fn = seqan3::detail::adaptor_for_view_without_args<my_view>;

See seqan3::detail::adaptor_base, seqan3::detail::adaptor_for_view_without_args and seqan3::detail::adaptor_from_functor for more details.

Adaptor object definition

The adaptor object is simply an instance of the previously defined type:

/* The adaptor object's definition */
namespace views
inline constexpr my_view_fn my{};

As noted above, we place this object in a views:: sub-namespace by convention. Since the object holds no state, we mark it as constexpr and since it's a global variable we also mark it as inline to prevent linkage issues.

Finally we can use our view with pipes and combine it with others:

/* try the adaptor */
auto v2 = vec | std::views::reverse | ::views::my;
seqan3::debug_stream << v2 << '\n';

Here is the full, final solution:


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using seqan3::operator""_dna5;
/* The iterator template */
template <std::ranges::forward_range urng_t> // CRTP derivation ↓
class my_iterator : public seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base<my_iterator<urng_t>,
"You can only iterate over ranges of nucleotides!");
// the immediate base type is the CRTP-layer
using base_t = seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base<my_iterator<urng_t>,
// the member types are never imported automatically, but can be explicitly inherited:
using typename base_t::value_type;
using typename base_t::difference_type;
using typename base_t::iterator_category;
// this member type is overwritten as we do above:
using reference = value_type;
// Explicitly set the pointer to void as we return a temporary.
using pointer = void;
// define rule-of-six:
my_iterator() = default;
my_iterator(my_iterator const &) = default;
my_iterator(my_iterator &&) = default;
my_iterator & operator=(my_iterator const &) = default;
my_iterator & operator=(my_iterator &&) = default;
~my_iterator() = default;
// and a constructor that takes the base_type:
my_iterator(base_t it) : base_t{std::move(it)} {}
// we don't need to implement the ++ operators anymore!
// only overload the operators that you actually wish to change:
reference operator*() const noexcept
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator*());
// Since the reference type changed we might as well need to override the subscript-operator.
reference operator[](difference_type const n) const noexcept
requires std::random_access_iterator<std::ranges::iterator_t<urng_t>>
return seqan3::complement(base_t::operator[](n));
// We delete arrow operator because of the temporary. An alternative could be to return the temporary
// wrapped in a std::unique_ptr.
pointer operator->() const noexcept = delete;
// The inherited_iterator_base creates the necessary code so we also model RandomAccess now!
/* The view class template */
template <std::ranges::view urng_t> // CRTP derivation ↓
class my_view : public std::ranges::view_interface<my_view<urng_t>>
// this is the underlying range
urng_t urange;
// Types of the iterators
using iterator = my_iterator<urng_t>;
using const_iterator = my_iterator<urng_t const>;
// construct from a view
my_view(urng_t urange_) : urange{std::move(urange_)}
// construct from non-view that can be view-wrapped
template <std::ranges::viewable_range orng_t>
my_view(orng_t && urange_) : urange{std::views::all(std::forward<orng_t>(urange_))}
auto begin() noexcept
return iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto begin() const noexcept
return const_iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto cbegin() const noexcept
return const_iterator{std::ranges::begin(urange)};
auto end() noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
auto end() const noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
auto cend() const noexcept
return std::ranges::end(urange);
// A deduction guide for the view class template
template <std::ranges::viewable_range orng_t>
my_view(orng_t &&) -> my_view<std::views::all_t<orng_t>>;
/* The adaptor object's type definition */
struct my_view_fn
template <std::ranges::input_range urng_t>
auto operator()(urng_t && urange) const
return my_view{std::forward<urng_t>(urange)};
template <std::ranges::input_range urng_t>
friend auto operator|(urng_t && urange, my_view_fn const &)
return my_view{std::forward<urng_t>(urange)};
/* The adaptor object's definition */
namespace views
inline constexpr my_view_fn my{};
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna5> vec{"GATTACA"_dna5};
/* try the iterator */
using my_it_concrete = my_iterator<std::vector<seqan3::dna5>>;
my_it_concrete it{vec.begin()};
// now you can use operator[] on the iterator
for (size_t i = 0; i < 7; ++i)
std::cout << seqan3::to_char(it[i]) << ' ';
/* try the range */
my_view v{vec};
seqan3::debug_stream << '\n' << v << '\n';
/* try the adaptor */
auto v2 = vec | std::views::reverse | ::views::my;
seqan3::debug_stream << v2 << '\n';

The program prints:


Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
constexpr auto to_char
Return the char representation of an alphabet object.
Definition: concept.hpp:321
auto operator|(validator1_type &&vali1, validator2_type &&vali2)
Enables the chaining of validators.
Definition: validators.hpp:1037
Meta-header for the nucleotide submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/nucleotide/.
A concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents nucleotides.
auto const move
A view that turns lvalue-references into rvalue-references.
Definition: move.hpp:68
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition: aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:29
Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS.
T begin(T... args)
SeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace.
debug_stream_type debug_stream
A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.
Definition: debug_stream.hpp:42
constexpr auto complement
Return the complement of a nucleotide object.
Definition: concept.hpp:95
T end(T... args)
seqan3::type_list< trait_t< pack_t >... > transform
Apply a transformation trait to every type in the pack and return a seqan3::type_list of the results.
Definition: traits.hpp:307
Provides the seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base template.