Holds the needle and preprocessing data (depends on algorithm).
Pattern<TNeedle[, TSpec]>
The needle type.
Types: String
The online-algorithm to search with.
Default: The result of DefaultPattern
Remarks: Leave empty for index-based pattern matching (see Index).
AbndmAlgo Approximate Backward Nondeterministic Dawg Matching algorithm. Approximate string matching using bit parallelism.
AhoCorasick Multiple exact string matching using Aho-Corasick.
BFAMBackward Factor Automaton Matching algorithm.
BndmAlgo Backward Nondeterministic Dawg Matching algorithm. Exact string matching using bit parallelism.
HammingHorspoolHamming distance string matching using approximate Boyer-Moore-Horspool algorithm
Horspool Exact string matching using Horspool's algorithm (1980).
MultiBFAMMulti-Pattern Backward Factor Automaton Matching.
MultipleShiftAnd Multiple exact string matching using bit parallelism. The total size of the patterns should fit into a computer word.
MyersProvides fast approximate searching of one string in another using Myer's fast bit-parallel algorithm with application of the Ukkonen-trick.
Pex Provides a fast approximate string matching filter that splits the needle into several pieces that are searched with a multiple exact string matching algorithm and later verified.
SetHorspool Multiple exact string matching using set horspool algorithm.
ShiftAnd Exact string matching using bit parallelism. The Shift-And algorithm is applicable to search small patterns in texts using a small alphabet.
ShiftOr Exact string matching using bit parallelism. The Shift-Or algorithm is applicable to search small patterns in texts using a small alphabet.
Simple FinderA brute force online searching algorithm.
WildShiftAnd Exact string matching with wildcards using bit parallelism. The Shift-And algorithm is applicable to search small patterns in texts using a small alphabet.
WuManberOnline-algorithm for multi-pattern search.
NeedleReturns the needle type of a Pattern type.
ScoringSchemeReturns the scoring scheme of an approximate searching algorithm.
findSearch for a Pattern in a Finder object.
findBeginSearch the begin of an approximate match.
hostThe object a given object depends on.
needleReturns the needle of a Pattern object (not implemented for some online-algorithms).
positionPosition of an iterator.
scoringSchemeThe scoring scheme used for finding or aligning.
setNeedleSets the needle of a Pattern object and optionally induces preprocessing.
setScoringSchemeSets the scoring scheme used for finding or aligning.
If TNeedle is a set of strings, then position(pattern) returns the index of the currently matching needle.
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