▼Nseqan | |
▼Nhibf | |
▼Nbuild | |
Cbin_size_parameters | Contains parameters for bin_size_in_bits |
Cbuild_data | Contains information used for building |
▼Nlayout | |
▼Cdata_store | Contains information used for the layout |
Cprevious_level | Stores information of the previous level of a given IBF |
Cfpr_correction_parameters | Contains parameters for compute_fpr_correction |
▼Cgraph | Contains the layout graph structure |
Cnode | |
Chierarchical_binning | Hierarchical binning algorithm |
▼Clayout | The layout |
Cmax_bin | |
Cuser_bin | |
Crelaxed_fpr_correction_parameters | Contains parameters for compute_relaxed_fpr_correction |
Csimple_binning | Distributes x Technical Bins across y User Bins while minimizing the maximal Technical Bin size |
▼Nsketch | |
▼Ntoolbox | |
Cclustering_node | Type for a node in the clustering tree when for the rearrangement |
Centry | Entry of the distance matrix that has the id of a cluster with its neighbors in a prio queue |
Cneighbor | Element of the second priority queue layer of the distance matrix |
Chyperloglog | HyperLogLog estimates |
Cminhashes | MinHash sketches design to be used for Locality sensitive hashing |
Cbin_count | A strong type that represents the number of bins for the seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cbin_index | A strong type that represents the bin index for the seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cbin_size | A strong type that represents the number of bits for each bin in the seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cbit_vector | An bit vector |
Cconcurrent_timer | A timer with a thread-safe operator+=() |
Cconfig | The configuration used to build an (H)IBF |
Ccounting_vector | A data structure that behaves like a std::vector and can be used to consolidate the results of multiple calls to seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter::membership_agent_type::bulk_contains |
Chash_function_count | A strong type that represents the number of hash functions for the seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter |
▼Chierarchical_interleaved_bloom_filter | The Hierarchical Interleaved Bloom Filter (HIBF) - Fast answers to set-membership queries for multiple bins |
Ccounting_agent_type | Manages counting ranges of values for the seqan::hibf::hierarchical_interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cmembership_agent_type | |
Cprevious_ibf_id_pair | Contains information about the parent IBF and bin index |
Cinsert_iterator | |
▼Cinterleaved_bloom_filter | The IBF binning directory. A data structure that efficiently answers set-membership queries for multiple bins |
Ccounting_agent_type | Manages counting ranges of values for the seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cmembership_agent_type | Manages membership queries for the seqan::hibf::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cprint_t | |
Cserial_timer | A timer |