93 template <
typename stream_type,
94 typename seq_legal_alph_type,
95 typename stream_pos_type,
101 stream_pos_type & position_buffer,
104 qual_type & SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(qualities))
109 position_buffer = stream.tellg();
111 auto stream_view = detail::istreambuf(stream);
116 throw parse_error{
"An entry has to start with the code word LOCUS."};
119 if constexpr (!detail::decays_to_ignore_v<id_type>)
135 detail::consume(stream_view | detail::take_until(!
137 auto read_id_until = [&stream_view, &
auto predicate)
149 detail::consume(stream_view | detail::take_line_or_throw);
155 detail::consume(stream_view | detail::take_line_or_throw);
158 detail::consume(stream_view | detail::take_line_or_throw);
159 constexpr auto is_end =
160 if constexpr (!detail::decays_to_ignore_v<seq_type>)
162 constexpr auto is_legal_alph = char_is_valid_for<seq_legal_alph_type>;
165 | detail::take_until_or_throw(is_end)
166 | std::views::transform(
167 [is_legal_alph](
char const c)
169 if (!is_legal_alph(c))
172 +
173 + detail::type_name_as_string<seq_legal_alph_type>
174 +
"> evaluated to false on " + detail::make_printable(c)};
183 detail::consume(stream_view | detail::take_until_or_throw(is_end));
186 std::ranges::advance(stream_it, 3u, std::ranges::end(stream_view));
190 template <
typename stream_type,
198 qual_type && SEQAN3_DOXYGEN_ONLY(qualities))
201 size_t sequence_size{0};
202 [[maybe_unused]]
char buffer[50];
203 if constexpr (!detail::decays_to_ignore_v<seq_type>)
204 sequence_size = std::ranges::size(
207 if constexpr (detail::decays_to_ignore_v<id_type>)
209 throw std::logic_error{
"The ID field may not be set to ignore when writing genbank files."};
211 else if (std::ranges::empty(
213 throw std::runtime_error{
"The ID field may not be empty when writing genbank files."};
224 auto res =
std::to_chars(&buffer[0], &buffer[0] +
sizeof(buffer), sequence_size);
225 std::copy(&buffer[0], res.ptr, stream_it);
230 if constexpr (detail::decays_to_ignore_v<seq_type>)
232 throw std::logic_error{
"The SEQ field may not be set to ignore when writing genbank files."};
234 else if (std::ranges::empty(
236 throw std::runtime_error{
"The SEQ field may not be empty when writing genbank files."};
245 while (bp < sequence_size)
256 detail::write_eol(stream_it,
259 detail::write_eol(stream_it,
Core alphabet concept and free function/type trait wrappers.
T back_inserter(T... args)
Provides seqan3::views::char_to.
The <charconv> header from C++17's standard library.
Provides seqan3::views::chunk.
Provides various utility functions.
Provides various transformation traits used by the range module.
Provides seqan3::dna5, container aliases and string literals.
auto const to_char
A view that calls seqan3::to_char() on each element in the input range.
Definition to_char.hpp:60
auto const char_to
A view over an alphabet, given a range of characters.
Definition char_to.hpp:64
@ id
The identifier, usually a string.
@ seq
The "sequence", usually a range of nucleotides or amino acids.
constexpr auto is_blank
Checks whether c is a blank character.
Definition predicate.hpp:139
constexpr auto is_digit
Checks whether c is a digital character.
Definition predicate.hpp:259
constexpr auto is_char
Checks whether a given letter is the same as the template non-type argument.
Definition predicate.hpp:60
constexpr auto is_space
Checks whether c is a space character.
Definition predicate.hpp:122
constexpr auto is_cntrl
Checks whether c is a control character.
Definition predicate.hpp:87
seqan::stl::views::chunk chunk
A view adaptor that divides a range into chunks. <dl class="no-api">This entity is not part of the Se...
Definition chunk.hpp:23
constexpr auto interleave
A view that interleaves a given range into another range at regular intervals.
Definition interleave.hpp:374
The generic concept for a (biological) sequence.
Provides seqan3::views::interleave.
Provides various utility functions.
Provides seqan3::detail::istreambuf.
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:26
SeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace.
Provides character predicates for tokenisation.
Provides seqan3::sequence_file_output_options.
Thrown if there is a parse error, such as reading an unexpected character from an input stream.
Definition io/exception.hpp:45
The options type defines various option members that influence the behaviour of all or some formats.
Definition sequence_file/output_options.hpp:23
bool embl_genbank_complete_header
Complete header given for embl or genbank.
Definition sequence_file/output_options.hpp:42
Provides seqan3::detail::take_line and seqan3::detail::take_line_or_throw.
Provides seqan3::views::take_until and seqan3::views::take_until_or_throw.
Provides seqan3::views::to_char.
Provides traits to inspect some information of a type, for example its name.