Sharg 1.1.2-rc.1
The argument parser for bio-c++ tools.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 CparsingA type that can be specialised to provide customisation point implementations for the sharg::parser such that third party types may be adapted
 Cenumeration_names_cpoCustomization Point Object (CPO) definition for sharg::enumeration_names
 Cdefault_validatorValidator that always returns true
 Cformat_baseThe format that contains all helper functions needed in all formats
 Cformat_copyrightThe format that prints the copyright information to std::cout
 Cformat_helpThe format that prints the help page to std::cout
 Cconsole_layout_structStores the relevant parameters of the documentation on the screen
 Cformat_help_baseThe format that contains all helper functions needed in all formats for printing the interface description of the application (to std::cout)
 Cformat_htmlThe format that prints the help page as html to std::cout
 Cformat_manThe format that prints the help page information formatted for a man page to std::cout
 Cformat_parseThe format that organizes the actual parsing of command line arguments
 Cformat_short_helpThe format that prints a short help message to std::cout
 Cformat_tdlA generalized format to create different tool description files
 Cformat_versionThe format that prints the version to std::cout
 Cpriority_tagA tag that allows controlled overload resolution via implicit base conversion rules
 Cpriority_tag< 0 >Recursion anchor for sharg::detail::priority_tag
 Csafe_filesystem_entryA safe guard to manage a filesystem entry, e.g. a file or a directory
 Cvalidator_chain_adaptorA helper struct to chain validators recursively via the pipe operator
 Cversion_checkerA functor whose operator() performs the server http request and version checks
 Carithmetic_range_validatorA validator that checks whether a number is inside a given range
 CconfigOption struct that is passed to the sharg::parser::add_option() function
 Cdesign_errorParser exception that is thrown whenever there is an design error directed at the developer of the application (e.g. Reuse of option)
 Cfile_validator_baseAn abstract base class for the file and directory validators
 Cinput_directory_validatorA validator that checks if a given path is a valid input directory
 Cinput_file_validatorA validator that checks if a given path is a valid input file
 Coption_declared_multiple_timesParser exception thrown when a non-list option is declared multiple times
 Coutput_directory_validatorA validator that checks if a given path is a valid output directory
 Coutput_file_validatorA validator that checks if a given path is a valid output file
 CparserThe Sharg command line parser
 Cparser_errorParser exception that is thrown whenever there is an error while parsing the command line arguments
 Cparser_meta_dataStores all parser related meta information of the sharg::parser
 Cregex_validatorA validator that checks if a matches a regular expression pattern
 Crequired_option_missingParser exception thrown when a required option is missing
 Ctoo_few_argumentsParser exception thrown when too few arguments are provided
 Ctoo_many_argumentsParser exception thrown when too many arguments are provided
 Cunknown_optionParser exception thrown when encountering unknown option
 Cuser_input_errorParser exception thrown when an incorrect argument is given as (positional) option value
 Cvalidation_errorParser exception thrown when an argument could not be casted to the according type
 Cvalue_list_validatorA validator that checks whether a value is inside a list of valid values
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