▼ doc | |
▼ tutorial | |
► search | |
cleanup.hpp | |
▼ seqan3 | |
▼ alignment | |
► aligned_sequence | |
aligned_sequence_concept.hpp | Includes the aligned_sequence and the related insert_gap and erase_gap functions to enable stl container support |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the aligned sequence in the alignment module |
► band | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the band implementations |
static_band.hpp | Provides seqan3::band_static |
► configuration | |
align_config_aligned_ends.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::aligned_ends |
align_config_band.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::align_config_band |
align_config_debug.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::debug |
align_config_edit.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::edit |
align_config_gap.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_config::gap |
align_config_max_error.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::max_error configuration |
align_config_mode.hpp | Provides global alignment configurations |
align_config_parallel.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::parallel configuration |
align_config_result.hpp | Provides configuration for alignment output |
align_config_scoring.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::scoring |
align_config_vectorise.hpp | Provides seqan3::align_cfg::vectorise configuration |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the alignment configuration module |
detail.hpp | Provides some utility functions for the alignment configurations |
► matrix | |
► detail | |
aligned_sequence_builder.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::aligned_sequence_builder |
alignment_matrix_column_major_range_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_matrix_column_major_range_base |
alignment_score_matrix_one_column.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_score_matrix_one_column |
alignment_score_matrix_one_column_banded.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_score_matrix_one_column_banded |
alignment_score_matrix_one_column_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_score_matrix_one_column_base |
alignment_score_matrix_proxy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_score_matrix_proxy |
alignment_trace_matrix_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix_base |
alignment_trace_matrix_full.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix_full |
alignment_trace_matrix_full_banded.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix_full_banded |
alignment_trace_matrix_proxy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix_proxy |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the detail block of the matrix sub-module |
matrix_coordinate.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_coordinate and associated strong types |
trace_iterator.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::trace_iterator |
trace_iterator_banded.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::trace_iterator_banded |
trace_iterator_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::trace_iterator_base |
two_dimensional_matrix.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix |
two_dimensional_matrix_iterator_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix_iterator_base |
two_dimensional_matrix_iterator_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix_iterator |
alignment_coordinate.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_coordinate |
alignment_optimum.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_optimum |
alignment_trace_algorithms.hpp | Provides algorithms that operate on seqan3::detail::alignment_trace_matrix |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the matrix sub-module |
debug_matrix.hpp | Provides the declaration of seqan3::detail::debug_matrix |
edit_distance_score_matrix_full.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::edit_distance_score_matrix_full |
edit_distance_trace_matrix_full.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::edit_distance_trace_matrix_full |
matrix_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::matrix |
row_wise_matrix.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::row_wise_matrix |
trace_directions.hpp | Provides the declaration of seqan3::detail::trace_directions |
► pairwise | |
► detail | |
alignment_algorithm_state.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_algorithm_state |
concept.hpp | Provides concepts needed internally for the alignment algorithms |
type_traits.hpp | Provides helper type traits for the configuration and execution of the alignment algorithm |
► execution | |
alignment_executor_two_way.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_executor_two_way |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the pairwise execution submodule |
execution_handler_parallel.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::execution_handler_parallel |
execution_handler_sequential.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::execution_handler_sequential |
► policy | |
affine_gap_init_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::affine_gap_init_policy |
affine_gap_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::affine_gap_policy |
alignment_matrix_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_matrix_policy |
all.hpp | |
find_optimum_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::find_optimum_policy |
scoring_scheme_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::scoring_scheme_policy |
simd_affine_gap_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::simd_affine_gap_policy |
simd_find_optimum_policy.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::simd_find_optimum_policy |
align_pairwise.hpp | Provides pairwise alignment function |
align_result_selector.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::align_result_selector |
alignment_algorithm.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_algorithm |
alignment_configurator.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_selector |
alignment_range.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::alignment_range |
alignment_result.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_result |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the pairwise submodule |
edit_distance_algorithm.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::edit_distance_algorithm |
edit_distance_fwd.hpp | Forwards for seqan3::edit_distance_unbanded related types |
edit_distance_unbanded.hpp | Provides a pairwise alignment algorithm for edit distance but without band |
► scoring | |
► detail | |
simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::simd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme |
simd_matrix_scoring_scheme.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::simd_matrix_scoring_scheme |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the Scoring sub-module |
aminoacid_scoring_scheme.hpp | Provides seqan3::aminoacid_scoring_scheme |
gap_scheme.hpp | Provides seqan3::gap_scheme |
nucleotide_scoring_scheme.hpp | Provides seqan3::nucleotide_scoring_scheme |
scoring_scheme_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::scoring_scheme_base |
scoring_scheme_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::scoring_scheme |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the alignment module |
exception.hpp | Includes customized exception types for the alignment module |
▼ alphabet | |
► adaptation | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the adaptation submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/adaptation/ |
char.hpp | Provides alphabet adaptations for standard char types |
uint.hpp | Provides alphabet adaptations for standard uint types |
► aminoacid | |
aa10li.hpp | Provides seqan3::aa10li, container aliases and string literals |
aa10murphy.hpp | Provides seqan3::aa10murphy, container aliases and string literals |
aa20.hpp | Provides seqan3::aa20, container aliases and string literals |
aa27.hpp | Provides seqan3::aa27, container aliases and string literals |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the aminoacid submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/aminoacid/ |
aminoacid_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::aminoacid_base |
concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::aminoacid_alphabet |
translation.hpp | Provides functions for translating a triplet of nucleotides into an amino acid |
translation_details.hpp | Provides translation details for nucleotide to aminoacid translation |
translation_genetic_code.hpp | Genetic codes used for translating a triplet of nucleotides into an amino acid |
► cigar | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the cigar submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/cigar/ |
cigar.hpp | Provides the seqan3::cigar alphabet |
cigar_op.hpp | Introduces the cigar_op alphabet |
► composite | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the composite submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/composite/ |
alphabet_tuple_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base |
alphabet_variant.hpp | Provides seqan3::alphabet_variant |
detail.hpp | Provides implementation detail for seqan3::alphabet_variant and seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base |
semialphabet_any.hpp | Provides seqan3::semialphabet_any |
► detail | |
alphabet_proxy.hpp | Provides seqan3::alphabet_proxy |
convert.hpp | |
► gap | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the gap submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/gap/ |
gap.hpp | Provides seqan3::gap |
gapped.hpp | Provides seqan3::gapped |
► mask | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the mask submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/mask/ |
mask.hpp | Create a mask composite which can be applied with another alphabet |
masked.hpp | Extends a given alphabet with the mask alphabet |
► nucleotide | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the nucleotide submodule; includes all headers from alphabet/nucleotide/ |
concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::nucleotide_alphabet |
dna15.hpp | Provides seqan3::dna15, container aliases and string literals |
dna3bs.hpp | Provides seqan3::dna3bs, container aliases and string literals |
dna4.hpp | Provides seqan3::dna4, container aliases and string literals |
dna5.hpp | Provides seqan3::dna5, container aliases and string literals |
nucleotide_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::nucleotide_base |
rna15.hpp | Provides seqan3::rna15, container aliases and string literals |
rna4.hpp | Provides seqan3::rna4, container aliases and string literals |
rna5.hpp | Provides seqan3::rna5, container aliases and string literals |
sam_dna16.hpp | Provides seqan3::sam_dna16 |
► quality | |
aliases.hpp | Provides aliases for qualified |
all.hpp | Meta-header that includes all headers from alphabet/quality/ |
concept.hpp | Quality alphabet concept |
phred42.hpp | Provides seqan3::phred42 quality scores |
phred63.hpp | Provides seqan3::phred63 quality scores |
phred68legacy.hpp | Provides seqan3::phred68legacy quality scores |
qualified.hpp | Provides quality alphabet composites |
quality_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::phred42 quality scores |
► structure | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the structure module. It includes all headers from alphabet/structure/ |
concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::rna_structure_alphabet |
dot_bracket3.hpp | Provides the dot bracket format for RNA structure |
dssp9.hpp | Provides the dssp format for protein structure |
structured_aa.hpp | Provides the composite of aminoacid with structure alphabets |
structured_rna.hpp | Provides the composite of nucleotide with structure alphabets |
wuss.hpp | Provides the WUSS format for RNA structure |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the alphabet module |
alphabet_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::alphabet_base |
concept.hpp | Core alphabet concept and free function/type trait wrappers |
exception.hpp | Exceptions thrown by entities in the alphabet module |
hash.hpp | Provides overloads for std::hash |
▼ argument_parser | |
► detail | |
format_base.hpp | Provides the format_base struct containing all helper functions that are needed in all formats |
format_help.hpp | Provides the format_help struct that print the help page to the command line and the two child formats (format_version, format_short_help) that print short help messages to the command line |
format_html.hpp | Provides the format_html struct and its helper functions |
format_man.hpp | Provides the format_man struct and its helper functions |
format_parse.hpp | Provides the format_parse class |
version_check.hpp | Provides the version check functionality |
all.hpp | Meta-Header for the argument parser module |
argument_parser.hpp | Provides seqan3::argument_parser class |
auxiliary.hpp | Provides auxiliary information |
exceptions.hpp | Provides parser related exceptions |
validators.hpp | Provides some standard validators for (positional) options |
▼ contrib | |
► parallel | |
buffer_queue.hpp | Provides seqan3::buffer_queue |
serialised_resource_pool.hpp | Provides helper structs from SeqAn2 for the bgzf_ostream |
suspendable_queue.hpp | Provides seqan suspendable queue |
► stream | |
bgzf_istream.hpp | |
bgzf_ostream.hpp | |
bgzf_stream_util.hpp | Provides stream compression utilities |
bz2_istream.hpp | |
bz2_ostream.hpp | |
gz_istream.hpp | |
gz_ostream.hpp | |
▼ core | |
► algorithm | |
all.hpp | Meta-Header for components of the algorithm submodule |
bound.hpp | Provides seqan3::lower_bound and seqan3::upper_bound |
concept.hpp | Provides concepts for the configuration classes |
configuration.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::configuration and utility functions |
configuration_element_debug_mode.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::debug_mode |
configuration_element_parallel_mode.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::parallel_mode |
configuration_utility.hpp | Provides functionality to access get function by enum values |
pipeable_config_element.hpp | Provides seqan3::pipeable_config_element |
► char_operations | |
all.hpp | Provides Char predicates for tokenization |
predicate.hpp | Provides character predicates for tokenisation |
predicate_detail.hpp | Provides parse conditions for tokenization |
pretty_print.hpp | Provides pretty printing for chars |
transform.hpp | Provides utilities for modifying characters |
► concept | |
all.hpp | Meta-include for custom concepts |
cereal.hpp | Adaptions of concepts from the Cereal library |
core_language.hpp | Provides concepts for core language types and relations that don't have concepts in C++20 (yet) |
tuple.hpp | Provides seqan3::tuple_like |
► detail | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for implementation details in the core module |
customisation_point.hpp | Helper utilities for defining customisation point objects |
debug_stream_alphabet.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
debug_stream_optional.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
debug_stream_range.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
debug_stream_tuple.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
debug_stream_type.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
debug_stream_variant.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
empty_type.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::empty_type |
endian.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::endian |
int_types.hpp | Provides metaprogramming utilities for integer types |
pack_algorithm.hpp | Provides algorithms for meta programming, parameter packs and seqan3::type_list |
strong_type.hpp | Provides basic data structure for strong types |
terminal.hpp | Checks if program is run interactively and retrieves dimensions of terminal (Transferred from seqan2) |
test_accessor.hpp | Forward declares seqan3::detail::test_accessor |
to_string.hpp | Auxiliary for pretty printing of exception messages |
type_inspection.hpp | Provides traits to inspect some information of a type, for example its name |
► parallel | |
► detail | |
all.hpp | Provides implementation relevant helper objects and functions |
latch.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::latch |
reader_writer_manager.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager |
spin_delay.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::spin_delay |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the parallel module |
execution.hpp | Provides execution policies |
► simd | |
► detail | |
builtin_simd.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::builtin_simd, seqan3::detail::is_builtin_simd and seqan3::simd::simd_traits<builtin_simd_t> |
builtin_simd_intrinsics.hpp | Provides intrinsics include for builtin simd |
default_simd_backend.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::default_simd_backend |
default_simd_length.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::default_simd_length and seqan3::detail::default_simd_max_length |
simd_algorithm_avx2.hpp | Provides specific algorithm implementations for AVX2 instruction set |
simd_algorithm_avx512.hpp | Provides specific algorithm implementations for AVX512 instruction set |
simd_algorithm_sse4.hpp | Provides specific algorithm implementations for SSE4 instruction set |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the simd module |
concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::simd::simd_concept |
debug_stream_simd.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream overload for seqan3::simd::simd_type |
simd.hpp | Provides seqan3::simd::simd_type |
simd_algorithm.hpp | Provides algorithms to modify seqan3::simd::simd_type |
simd_traits.hpp | Provides seqan3::simd::simd_traits |
view_to_simd.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::to_simd view |
► type_list | |
all.hpp | Provides seqan3::type_list and metaprogramming utilities |
traits.hpp | Provides traits for seqan3::type_list |
type_list.hpp | Provides seqan3::type_list |
► type_traits | |
all.hpp | Provides various type traits |
basic.hpp | Provides various type traits on generic types |
concept.hpp | Provides the concepts seqan3::transformation_trait and seqan3::unary_type_trait |
deferred_crtp_base.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::deferred_crtp_base |
function.hpp | Provides various type traits for use on functions |
iterator.hpp | Provides various transformation traits for use on iterators |
lazy.hpp | Provides lazy template instantiation traits |
pack.hpp | Provides unary type traits on a set of types, usually provided as template argument pack |
pre.hpp | Provides various transformation trait base templates and shortcuts |
range.hpp | Provides various transformation traits used by the range module |
template_inspection.hpp | Provides seqan3::type_list and auxiliary type traits |
transformation_trait_or.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::transformation_trait_or |
add_enum_bitwise_operators.hpp | Provides seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the core module |
bit_manipulation.hpp | Provides utility functions for bit twiddling |
common_tuple.hpp | Provides seqan3::common_tuple and seqan3::common_pair |
debug_stream.hpp | Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types |
platform.hpp | Provides platform and dependency checks |
pod_tuple.hpp | Provides seqan3::pod_tuple |
tuple_utility.hpp | Provides utility functions for tuple like interfaces |
▼ io | |
► alignment_file | |
all.hpp | Meta-include for the alignment IO submodule |
detail.hpp | Auxiliary functions for the alignment IO |
format_bam.hpp | Provides the seqan3::format_bam |
format_sam.hpp | Provides the seqan3::format_sam |
format_sam_base.hpp | Provides the seqan3::format_sam_base that can be inherited from |
header.hpp | Provides the seqan3::alignment_file_header class |
input.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_file_input and corresponding traits classes |
input_format_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_file_input_format and auxiliary classes |
input_options.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_file_input_options |
misc.hpp | Provides helper data structures for the seqan3::alignment_file_output |
output.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_file_output and corresponding traits classes |
output_format_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_file_output_format and auxiliary classes |
output_options.hpp | Provides seqan3::alignment_file_output_options |
sam_tag_dictionary.hpp | Provides the seqan3::sam_tag_dictionary class and auxiliaries |
► detail | |
ignore_output_iterator.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::ignore_output_iterator for writing to null stream |
in_file_iterator.hpp | Provides the seqan3::detail::in_file_iterator class template |
magic_header.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::magic_header |
misc.hpp | Provides various utility functions |
misc_input.hpp | Provides various utility functions required only for input |
misc_output.hpp | Provides various utility functions required only for output |
out_file_iterator.hpp | Provides the seqan3::detail::out_file_iterator class template |
record.hpp | |
safe_filesystem_entry.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::safe_filesystem_entry |
► sequence_file | |
all.hpp | Meta-include for the sequence IO submodule |
format_embl.hpp | |
format_fasta.hpp | |
format_fastq.hpp | |
format_genbank.hpp | Provides the seqan3::sequence_file_format_genbank class |
input.hpp | Provides seqan3::sequence_file_input and corresponding traits classes |
input_format_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::sequence_file_input_format and auxiliary classes |
input_options.hpp | Provides seqan3::sequence_file_input_options |
output.hpp | Provides seqan3::sequence_file_output and corresponding traits classes |
output_format_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::SequenceFileFormatOut and auxiliary classes |
output_options.hpp | Provides seqan3::sequence_file_output_options |
► stream | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for all stream related functionality |
concept.hpp | Stream concepts |
iterator.hpp | Provides seqan3::ostream and seqan3::ostreambuf iterator |
► structure_file | |
all.hpp | Meta-include for the structure IO submodule |
detail.hpp | Helper functions (e.g. conversions) for the structure IO submodule |
format_vienna.hpp | Provides the seqan3::format_vienna |
input.hpp | Provides seqan3::structure_file_input and corresponding traits classes |
input_format_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::structure_file_input_format |
input_options.hpp | Provides seqan3::structure_file_input_options |
output.hpp | Provides seqan3::structure_file_output and corresponding traits classes |
output_format_concept.hpp | Provides seqan3::structure_file_output_format and auxiliary classes |
output_options.hpp | Provides seqan3::structure_file_output_options |
all.hpp | Meta-header for all IO related functionality |
exception.hpp | Provides exceptions used in the I/O module |
record.hpp | Provides the seqan3::record template and the seqan3::field enum |
▼ range | |
► container | |
aligned_allocator.hpp | Provides seqan3::aligned_allocator |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the container submodule |
bitcompressed_vector.hpp | Provides seqan3::bitcompressed_vector |
concatenated_sequences.hpp | Provides seqan3::concatenated_sequences |
concept.hpp | Adaptations of concepts from the standard library |
dynamic_bitset.hpp | A constexpr bitset implementation with dynamic size at compile time |
small_string.hpp | A constexpr string implementation to manipulate string literals at compile time |
small_vector.hpp | A constexpr vector implementation with dynamic size at compile time |
► decorator | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the decorator submodule |
gap_decorator.hpp | Provides seqan3::gap_decorator |
► detail | |
enable_view.hpp | Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS |
inherited_iterator_base.hpp | Provides the seqan3::detail::inherited_iterator_base template |
misc.hpp | Provides various utility functions |
random_access_iterator.hpp | Provides the seqan3::detail::random_access_iterator class |
► views | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the views submodule |
as_const.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::as_const |
async_input_buffer.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::async_input_buffer |
char_to.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::char_to |
chunk.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::chunk |
complement.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::complement |
convert.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::convert |
deep.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::deep |
detail.hpp | Auxiliary header for the views submodule |
drop.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::drop |
enforce_random_access.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::enforce_random_access |
get.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::get |
interleave.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::interleave |
istreambuf.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::istreambuf |
join.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::join |
kmer_hash.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::kmer_hash |
move.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::move |
pairwise_combine.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::pairwise_combine |
persist.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::persist |
rank_to.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::rank_to |
repeat.hpp | Provides the views::repeat_view |
repeat_n.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::repeat_n |
single_pass_input.hpp | Provides seqan3::single_pass_input_view |
slice.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::slice |
take.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::take |
take_exactly.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::take_exactly and seqan3::views::take_exactly_or_throw |
take_line.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::take_line and seqan3::views::take_line_or_throw |
take_until.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::take_until and seqan3::views::take_until_or_throw |
to.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::to |
to_char.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::to_char |
to_lower.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::to_lower |
to_rank.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::to_rank |
to_upper.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::to_upper |
translate.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::translate and seqan3::views::translate_single |
translate_join.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::translate_join |
trim.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::trim |
type_reduce.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::type_reduce |
zip.hpp | Provides seqan3::views::zip |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the range module |
concept.hpp | Additional non-standard concepts for ranges |
hash.hpp | Provides overloads for std::hash |
shortcuts.hpp | Provides various shortcuts for common std::ranges functions |
▼ search | |
► algorithm | |
► detail | |
search.hpp | Provides the public interface for search algorithms |
search_common.hpp | Provides data structures used by different search algorithms |
search_scheme_algorithm.hpp | Provides the algorithm to search in an index using search schemes |
search_scheme_precomputed.hpp | Provides the data structures and precomputed instances for (optimum) search schemes |
search_traits.hpp | Provides seqan3::detail::search_traits |
search_trivial.hpp | Provides an approximate string matching algorithm based on simple backtracking. This should only be used as a reference for unit testing |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the Search Algorithm module |
search.hpp | Provides the public interface for search algorithms |
► configuration | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the search configuration module |
default_configuration.hpp | Provides the default configuration for the seqan3::search() interface |
detail.hpp | Provides compatibility matrix for search configurations |
max_error.hpp | Provides the configuration for maximum number of errors for all error types |
max_error_common.hpp | Provides the error types for maximum number of errors |
max_error_rate.hpp | Provides the configuration for maximum number of errors in percent of the query length across all error types |
mode.hpp | Provides the mode configuration to define the search modes "all", "all_best", "best" and "strata" |
output.hpp | Provides the configuration for returning positions in the text |
parallel.hpp | Provides seqan3::search_cfg::parallel configuration |
► fm_index | |
► detail | |
csa_alphabet_strategy.hpp | Provides an alphabet mapping that implements an identity map (i.e. each character is mapped to its rank) |
fm_index_cursor.hpp | Provides the internal representation of a node of the seqan3::fm_index_cursor |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the FM index module |
bi_fm_index.hpp | Provides the bidirectional seqan3::bi_fm_index |
bi_fm_index_cursor.hpp | Provides the seqan3::bi_fm_index_cursor for searching in the bidirectional seqan3::bi_fm_index |
concept.hpp | Provides the concepts for seqan3::fm_index and seqan3::bi_fm_index and its traits and cursors |
fm_index.hpp | Provides the unidirectional seqan3::fm_index |
fm_index_cursor.hpp | Provides the seqan3::fm_index_cursor for searching in the unidirectional seqan3::fm_index |
► kmer_index | |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the kmer_index module |
shape.hpp | Provides seqan3::shape |
all.hpp | Meta-header for the search module |
▼ std | |
algorithm | Adaptations of algorithms from the Ranges TS |
charconv | Provides std::from_chars and std::to_chars if not defined in the stl <charconv> header |
concepts | The Concepts library |
filesystem | This header includes C++17 filesystem support and imports it into namespace seqan3::filesystem (independent of whether it is marked as "experimental") |
iterator | Provides C++20 additions to the <iterator> header |
new | Provides C++17/20 additions to the <new> header, if they are not already available |
ranges | Adaptations of concepts from the Ranges TS |
span | Provides std::span from the C++20 standard library |
type_traits | Provides C++20 additions to the type_traits header |
version.hpp | Provides SeqAn version macros and global variables |