Module search
Elaborate on that (space consumption for growing k, maybe a rule of thumb).
Add a description of the DREAM index here.
Member seqan3::bi_fm_index< alphabet_t, text_layout_mode_, sdsl_index_type_ >::bi_fm_index (text_t &&text)
At least linear.
Member seqan3::bi_fm_index< alphabet_t, text_layout_mode_, sdsl_index_type_ >::construct (text_t &&text)
This has to be better implemented with regard to the memory peak due to not matching interfaces with the SDSL.
At least linear.
Ensure strong exception guarantee.
Class seqan3::debug_stream_type< char_t >
Class seqan3::detail::fast_istreambuf_iterator< char_t, traits_t >
Make this move-only after input iterators are allowed to be move-only.
Class seqan3::fm_index< alphabet_t, text_layout_mode_, sdsl_index_type_ >
Link to SDSL documentation or write our own once SDSL3 documentation is available somewhere....
Member seqan3::fm_index< alphabet_t, text_layout_mode_, sdsl_index_type_ >::construct (text_t &&text)
This has to be better implemented with regard to the memory peak due to not matching interfaces with the SDSL.
At least linear.
Ensure strong exception guarantee.
Member seqan3::fm_index< alphabet_t, text_layout_mode_, sdsl_index_type_ >::fm_index (text_t &&text)
At least linear.
Member seqan3::sdsl_wt_index_type
Asymptotic space consumption:
Page Sequence File Input and Output
There is no standard way for piping output ranges (e.g. fin | fout;
), yet. Reevaluate this section later.
Interface simd_concept
Simplify concept to the seqan3::detail::simd_conceptonce gcc bug is fixed
Module utility_simd
Make this public again. We made this documentation internal-documentation only for the 3.0.0 release, because the API was not in shape yet. Remove /utility/simd/ exclusion from EXCLUDE_PATTERNS.
Describe more what SIMD is and how to use it.