SeqAn3 3.4.0-rc.4
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
►Nseqan3 | The main SeqAn3 namespace |
►Nalign_cfg | A special sub namespace for the alignment configurations |
►Ndetail | |
Cresult_type | Configuration element capturing the configured seqan3::alignment_result for the alignment algorithm |
Cband_fixed_size | Configuration element for setting a fixed size band |
Cextension_score | A strong type of underlying type int32_t that represents the score (usually negative) of any character against a gap character |
Cfree_end_gaps_sequence1_leading | A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence1_leading of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global |
Cfree_end_gaps_sequence1_trailing | A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence1_trailing of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global |
Cfree_end_gaps_sequence2_leading | A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence2_leading of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global |
Cfree_end_gaps_sequence2_trailing | A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence2_trailing of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global |
Cgap_cost_affine | A configuration element for the affine gap cost scheme |
Clower_diagonal | A strong type representing the lower diagonal of the seqan3::align_cfg::band_fixed_size |
Cmethod_global | Sets the global alignment method |
Cmethod_local | Sets the local alignment method |
Cmin_score | Sets the minimal score (maximal errors) allowed during an distance computation e.g. edit distance |
Con_result | Configuration element to provide a user defined callback function for the alignment |
Copen_score | A strong type of underlying type int32_t that represents a score (usually negative) that is incurred once per stretch of consecutive gaps |
Coutput_alignment | Configures the alignment result to output the alignment |
Coutput_begin_position | Configures the alignment result to output the begin positions |
Coutput_end_position | Configures the alignment result to output the end position |
Coutput_score | Configures the alignment result to output the score |
Coutput_sequence1_id | Configures the alignment result to output the id of the first sequence |
Coutput_sequence2_id | Configures the alignment result to output the id of the second sequence |
Cscore_type | A configuration element to set the score type used in the alignment algorithm |
Cscoring_scheme | Sets the scoring scheme for the alignment algorithm |
Cupper_diagonal | A strong type representing the upper diagonal of the seqan3::align_cfg::band_fixed_size |
Cvectorised | Enables the vectorised alignment computation if possible for the current configuration |
►Ncustom | A namespace for third party and standard library specialisations of SeqAn customisation points |
Calphabet | A type that can be specialised to provide customisation point implementations so that third party types model alphabet concepts |
Calphabet< char_type > | Alphabet specific customisations for builtin char types |
Calphabet< uint_type > | Alphabet specific customisations for unsigned integral types |
Cargument_parsing | A type that can be specialised to provide customisation point implementations for the seqan3::argument_parser such that third party types may be adapted |
►Ndetail | The internal SeqAn3 namespace |
Caccess_restrictor_fn | A functor that always throws when calling operator() (needed for the alignment "dummy" sequence) |
Cadaptor_base | CRTP-base to simplify the definition of range adaptor closure objects and similar types |
Cadaptor_for_view_without_args | Template for range adaptor closure objects that store no arguments and always delegate to the view constructor |
Cadaptor_from_functor | Template for range adaptor closure objects that store arguments and wrap a proto-adaptor |
Cadvanceable_alignment_coordinate | Implements an internal alignment coordinate that can be used as an argument to the std::ranges::iota_view |
Caffine_cell_proxy | A proxy for an affine score matrix cell |
Caffine_gap_init_policy | The CRTP-policy that implements the initialisation of the dynamic programming matrix with affine gaps |
Caffine_gap_policy | The CRTP-policy that computes a single cell in the alignment matrix |
Calgorithm_executor_blocking | A blocking algorithm executor for algorithms |
Calign_result_selector | Helper metafunction to select the alignment result type based on the configuration |
►Caligned_sequence_builder | Builds the alignment for a given pair of sequences and the respective trace |
Cresult_type | The result type when building the aligned sequences |
Calignment_algorithm | The alignment algorithm type to compute standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming |
Calignment_algorithm_state | Local state for the standard alignment algorithm |
Calignment_configuration_traits | A traits type for the alignment algorithm that exposes static information stored within the alignment configuration object |
►Calignment_configurator | Configures the alignment algorithm given the sequences and the configuration object |
Cselect_find_optimum_policy | Transformation trait that chooses the correct find optimum policy |
Cselect_gap_policy | Transformation trait that chooses the correct gap policy |
Cselect_gap_recursion_policy | Selects the gap recursion policy |
Cselect_matrix_policy | Transformation trait that chooses the correct matrix policy |
Calignment_contract | Provides several contracts to test when configuring the alignment algorithm |
Calignment_function_traits | A traits class to provide a uniform access to the properties of the wrapped alignment algorithm |
►Calignment_matrix_column_major_range_base | Provides a range interface for alignment matrices |
►Calignment_column_type | Represents a column within an alignment matrix |
Citerator_type | The iterator over an alignment-column |
Citerator_type | A column iterator over the alignment matrix |
Calignment_matrix_policy | Manages the alignment and score matrix |
Calignment_optimum | Stores the current optimum of the alignment algorithm |
Calignment_result_value_type | A struct that contains the actual alignment result data |
Calignment_result_value_type_accessor< alignment_result< result_value_t > > | Transformation trait to access the hidden result value type of the seqan3::alignment_result class |
Calignment_score_matrix_one_column | An alignment score matrix storing only a single column for the computation |
Calignment_score_matrix_one_column_banded | A banded alignment score matrix storing only a single banded column for the computation |
Calignment_score_matrix_one_column_base | A base class for alignment score matrices using only one column to compute the matrix |
Calignment_score_matrix_proxy | A proxy type for a unified access to the score matrix during alignment computation |
Calignment_trace_matrix_base | A crtp-base class for alignment traceback matrices |
Calignment_trace_matrix_full | An alignment traceback matrix storing the entire traceback matrix |
Calignment_trace_matrix_full_banded | An alignment traceback matrix storing the entire banded traceback matrix |
Calignment_trace_matrix_proxy | A proxy type for a unified access to the traceback matrix during alignment computation |
Cassignable_from | 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is assignable from T |
Casync_input_buffer_fn | Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::async_input_buffer |
►Casync_input_buffer_view | The type returned by seqan3::views::async_input_buffer |
Citerator | The iterator of the seqan3::detail::async_input_buffer_view |
Cstate | Buffer and thread and shared between copies of this type |
Cbasic_iterator | Forward declaration |
Cbasic_iterator< single_pass_input_view< view_type > > | An input_iterator over the associated range |
Cbgzf_compression | A tag signifying a bgzf compressed file |
Cbuiltin_simd | A class that holds the type of a simd implementation called [vector extension] ( (formerly known as "seqan simd" in seqan2) |
Cbuiltin_simd< scalar_t, length > | A class that holds the type of a simd implementation called [vector extension] ( (formerly known as "seqan simd" in seqan2). |
Cbuiltin_simd_traits_helper | Helper struct for seqan3::detail::is_builtin_simd |
Cbuiltin_simd_traits_helper< builtin_simd_t > | Helper struct for seqan3::detail::is_builtin_simd |
Cbz2_compression | A tag signifying a bz2 compressed file |
Cchar_predicate_base | An abstract CRTP base class for parse conditions to add logical disjunction and negation operator |
Cchar_predicate_disjunction | Logical disjunction operator for parse conditions |
Cchar_predicate_negator | Logical not operator for a parse condition |
Cchunked_indexed_sequence_pairs | A transformation trait to retrieve the chunked range over indexed sequence pairs |
Ccolumn_index_type | A strong type for designated initialisation of the column index of a matrix |
Ccombined_adaptor | Template for range adaptor closure objects that consist of two other range adaptor closure objects |
►Ccombined_score_and_trace_matrix | An alignment matrix that combines a score matrix with a trace matrix into a common interface |
Citerator | Combined score and trace matrix iterator for the pairwise sequence alignment |
Csentinel | The sentinel type for the seqan3::detail::combined_score_and_trace_matrix |
Cconstexpr_pseudo_bitset | A data structure that implements a subset of std::bitset as constexpr |
Cconstructible_from | 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is constructable from T |
►Ccoordinate_matrix | A matrix over coordinates |
Cconvert_to_matrix_coordinate | A function object that converts a column index and a row index to a seqan3::detail::matrix_coordinate |
Citerator | The iterator for the seqan3::detail::coordinate_matrix |
Ccounted_simd_iterator | Implements a special version of a counted iterator over a simd vector |
Ccustomisation_point_object | A CRTP base-class that defines a customisation_point_object (CPO) |
►Cdebug_matrix | A debug matrix to wrap alignment matrices and sequences and make them printable together |
Cformat_type | Format used by seqan3::detail::debug_matrix |
Cdebug_mode | A global configuration type used to enabled debugging of algorithms |
Cdefault_edit_distance_trait_type | The default traits type for the edit distance algorithm |
Cdefault_validator | Validator that always returns true |
Cdeferred_crtp_base | An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class |
Cdeferred_crtp_base_vargs | An invocable wrapper that defers the instantiation of a crtp_base class |
Cdeferred_type | Return the type identity; further arguments are ignored, but can make this type dependent if they are |
Cedit_distance_algorithm | This algorithm unifies different edit distance implementations and uses the appropriate one depending on the given configuration |
►Cedit_distance_score_matrix_full | The underlying data structure of seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded that represents the score matrix |
Ccolumn_type | The state of one computation step |
Cmax_errors_state | If use_max_errors is true store these additional state information in state_type |
Cscore_matrix_state | This information is needed to infer the score matrix |
►Cedit_distance_trace_matrix_full | The underlying data structure of seqan3::detail::edit_distance_unbanded that represents the trace matrix |
Ccolumn_type | The state of one computation step |
Cmax_errors_state | If use_max_errors is true store these additional state information in state_type |
Ctrace_matrix_state | This information is needed to infer the trace matrix |
Ctrace_path_iterator | The iterator needed to implement seqan3::detail::edit_distance_trace_matrix_full::trace_path |
►Cedit_distance_unbanded | This calculates an alignment using the edit distance and without a band |
Ccompute_state | The internal state needed to compute the alignment |
Ccompute_state_trace_matrix | The internal state needed to compute the trace matrix |
Cedit_distance_unbanded_global_policy | Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::is_global is true |
Cedit_distance_unbanded_max_errors_policy | Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::use_max_errors is true |
Cedit_distance_unbanded_score_matrix_policy | Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_score_matrix is true |
Cedit_distance_unbanded_semi_global_policy | Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::is_semi_global is true |
Cedit_distance_unbanded_trace_matrix_policy | Only available when default_edit_distance_trait_type::compute_trace_matrix is true |
Cempty_state | Store no state for state_t |
Cempty_type | An empty class type used in meta programming |
►Cexecution_handler_parallel | Handles the parallel execution of algorithms |
Cinternal_state | An internal state stored on the heap to allow safe move construction/assignment of the class |
Cexecution_handler_sequential | Handles the sequential execution of algorithms |
Cfast_istreambuf_iterator | Functionally the same as std::istreambuf_iterator, but faster |
Cfast_ostreambuf_iterator | Functionally the same as std::ostreambuf_iterator, but offers writing a range more efficiently |
Cfind_optimum_policy | The CRTP-policy to determine the optimum of the dynamic programming matrix |
Cfm_index_cursor_node | Internal representation of the node of an FM index cursor |
Cfm_index_validator | Class used to validate the requirements on the input text of the fm_index |
Cformat_base | The format that contains all helper functions needed in all formats |
Cformat_copyright | The format that prints the copyright information to std::cout |
►Cformat_help | The format that prints the help page to std::cout |
Cconsole_layout_struct | Stores the relevant parameters of the documentation on the screen |
Cformat_help_base | The format that contains all helper functions needed in all formats for printing the interface description of the application (to std::cout) |
Cformat_html | The format that prints the help page as html to std::cout |
Cformat_man | The format that prints the help page information formatted for a man page to std::cout |
Cformat_parse | The format that organizes the actual parsing of command line arguments |
Cformat_sam_base | The alignment base format |
Cformat_short_help | The format that prints a short help message to std::cout |
Cformat_version | The format that prints the version to std::cout |
Cgz_compression | A tag signifying a gz compressed file |
Cignore_output_iterator | An output iterator that emulates writing to a null -stream in order to dispose the output |
Cimplicitly_convertible_from | 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the T is implicitly convertible to type |
Cin_file_iterator | Input iterator necessary for providing a range-like interface in input file |
Cinherited_iterator_base | A CRTP base template for creating iterators that inherit from other iterators |
Cinstantiate | A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types. Base template is the identity transformation |
Cinstantiate< lazy< template_t, spec_t... > > | A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types |
Cinstantiate_if | A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types given a boolean condition. Base template is std::false_type |
Cinstantiate_if< lazy< template_t, spec_t... >, true > | A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types given a boolean condition. If condition is true and parameter is lazy, the instantiated type |
Cinstantiate_if< t, true > | A transformation trait that instantiates seqan3::lazy types given a boolean condition. If condition is true and parameter is not lazy, the type identity |
Cinterleave_fn | Views::interleave's range adaptor object type (non-closure) |
Ciota_simd_view | The simd iota view |
Ciota_simd_view_fn | The view adaptor returning the seqan3::detail::iota_simd_view |
Cis_builtin_simd | This class inherits from std::true_type, iff seqan3::detail::builtin_simd<scalar_t, length>::type is a builtin simd type |
Cis_char_type | Parse condition that checks if a given value is equal to char_v |
Cis_class_template_declarable_with | An unary type trait that tests whether a template class can be declared with the given template type parameters |
Cis_derived_from_record | Helper struct to implement seqan3::detail::record_like |
Cis_in_interval_type | Parse condition that checks if a given value is in the range of rng_beg and interval_last |
Cis_native_builtin_simd | This class inherits from std::true_type, iff the builtin simd type is supported by the current architecture |
Cis_same_configuration_f | Helper meta function to check if a template type is contained in a seqan3::configuration |
Cis_span | Helper to determine whether a type is a std::span |
Cis_type_specialisation_of | Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template |
Cis_type_specialisation_of< source_t< source_args... >, source_t > | This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts |
Cis_value_specialisation_of< source_t< source_args... >, source_t > | Determines whether a source_type is a specialisation of another template |
Cistreambuf_fn | View adaptor/factory definition for views::istream |
Citer_pointer | This is like std::iter_value_t, but for the pointer type |
Ckmer_hash_fn | Views::kmer_hash's range adaptor object type (non-closure) |
►Ckmer_hash_view | The type returned by seqan3::views::kmer_hash |
Cbasic_iterator | Iterator for calculating hash values via a given seqan3::shape |
Clatch | A single-use synchronisation point to coordinate concurrent threads |
Clazy | An empty type whose only purpose is to hold an uninstantiated template plus its arguments |
Clazy_conditional | Behaves like std::conditional, but instantiates types wrapped in seqan3::lazy |
Cmake_aligned_sequence_type | A transformation trait that returns the correct aligned sequence type for a given sequence type |
Cmake_pairwise_alignment_type | A transformation trait that returns the correct pairwise alignment type for two given sequence types |
Cmatrix | Defines the requirements of a matrix (e.g. score matrices, trace matrices) |
Cmatrix_index | A representation of a location or offset within a two-dimensional matrix |
Cmax_score_banded_updater | A function object that compares and possibly updates the alignment optimum with the current cell |
Cmax_score_updater | A function object that compares and possibly updates the alignment optimum with the current cell |
Cmax_score_updater_simd_global | Function object that compares and updates the alignment optimum for the vectorised global alignment algorithm |
Cmaybe_inherited_iterator_category | This handles more cases than maybe_iterator_category if you inherit the underling_iterator_t |
Cmaybe_iterator_category | Defines iterator_category member if underlying_iterator_t has a valid std::iterator_traits::iterator_category overload |
Cminimiser_fn | Seqan3::views::minimiser's range adaptor object type (non-closure) |
Cminimiser_hash_fn | Seqan3::views::minimiser_hash's range adaptor object type (non-closure) |
►Cminimiser_view | The type returned by seqan3::views::minimiser |
Cbasic_iterator | Iterator for calculating minimisers |
Cmulti_invocable | A type that can conveniently inherit multiple invocables and acts as a union over them |
Cnon_propagating_cache | A helper that enables an input view to temporarily cache values as it is iterated over |
Cnumber_cols | Strong type for setting the column dimension of a matrix |
Cnumber_rows | Strong type for setting the row dimension of a matrix |
Cout_file_iterator | Output iterator necessary for providing a range-like interface in output file |
Cpairwise_alignment_algorithm | The alignment algorithm type to compute standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming |
Cpairwise_alignment_algorithm_banded | The alignment algorithm type to compute the banded standard pairwise alignment using dynamic programming |
►Cpairwise_combine_view | Generates all pairwise combinations of the elements in the underlying range |
Cbasic_iterator | The forward declared iterator type for pairwise_combine_view |
Cparallel_mode | A global configuration type used to enable parallel execution of algorithms |
Cpolicy_affine_gap_recursion | Implements the alignment recursion function for the alignment algorithm using affine gap costs |
Cpolicy_affine_gap_recursion_banded | Implements the alignment recursion function for the banded alignment algorithm using affine gap costs |
Cpolicy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion | Implements the alignment recursion function for the alignment algorithm using affine gap costs with trace information |
Cpolicy_affine_gap_with_trace_recursion_banded | Implements the alignment recursion function for the banded alignment algorithm using affine gap costs with trace information |
Cpolicy_alignment_matrix | A policy that provides a common interface to acquire the correct alignment matrices |
Cpolicy_alignment_result_builder | Implements the alignment result builder |
Cpolicy_max_error | Provides the function max_error_counts if inherited by a search algorithm |
Cpolicy_optimum_tracker | Implements the tracker to store the global optimum for a particular alignment computation |
Cpolicy_optimum_tracker_simd | Implements the tracker to store the global optimum for a particular alignment computation |
Cpolicy_scoring_scheme | Stores the configured scoring scheme used for this algorithm |
Cpolicy_search_result_builder | Provides the function make_results if inherited by a search algorithm |
Cpriority_tag | A tag that allows controlled overload resolution via implicit base conversion rules |
Cpriority_tag< 0 > | Recursion anchor for seqan3::detail::priority_tag |
Cproxy_reference | The same as value_t & but it is default constructible and is re-assignable |
Cpseudo_random_access_fn | View adaptor definition for seqan3::views::enforce_random_access |
Crandom_access_iterator | A generic random access iterator that delegates most operations to the range |
Crandom_access_iterator_base | A CRTP base template for creating random access iterators |
Creader_count | A strong type to set the reader count of a seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager |
►Creader_writer_manager | A single-use synchronisation point for closable concurrent data structures |
Cscoped_reader_type | A strictly scope-based seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager wrapper for consumer threads |
Cscoped_writer_type | A strictly scope-based seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager wrapper for producer threads |
Crecursive_required_types | Like seqan3::detail::required_types, but recursive |
Crecursive_required_types< t > | Like seqan3::detail::required_types, but recursive |
Crepeat_fn | View factory definition for views::repeat |
Crepeat_n_fn | The underlying type of seqan3::views::repeat_n |
►Crepeat_view | The type returned by seqan3::views::repeat |
Cbasic_iterator | The forward declared iterator type for views::repeat (a random access iterator) |
Crequired_types | A seqan3::type_list with types that the given type depends on |
Crequired_types< t > | A seqan3::type_list with types that the given type depends on. [specialisation for seqan3::alphabet_variant and derivates of seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base] |
Creverse_fm_index | An FM Index specialisation that handles reversing the given text |
Crow_index_type | A strong type for designated initialisation of the row index of a matrix |
Csafe_filesystem_entry | A safe guard to manage a filesystem entry, e.g. a file or a directory |
Csam_file_input_format_exposer | Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to read SAM records from the file |
Csam_file_output_format_exposer | Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to write SAM/BAM records into the file |
►Cscore_matrix_single_column | Score matrix for the pairwise alignment using only a single column |
Cmatrix_iterator | Score matrix iterator for the pairwise alignment using only a single column |
Cscoring_scheme_policy | The CRTP-policy that stores the scoring scheme used for this alignment algorithm |
Csearch | Object storing information for a search (of a search scheme) |
Csearch_configuration_validator | Class used to validate the search configuration |
►Csearch_configurator | Class used to update the search configuration, e.g. add defaults |
Cselect_search_algorithm | Selects the search algorithm based on the index type |
Cselect_search_result | Select the search result based on the configuration and the index type |
Csearch_dyn | Object storing information for a search (of a search scheme) |
Csearch_param | Object grouping numbers of errors for different kind of error types |
Csearch_scheme_algorithm | The algorithm that performs a bidirectional search on a bidirectional FM index using (optimal) search schemes |
Csearch_traits | A collection of traits extracted from the search configuration |
Cselect_types_with_ids | Exposes a subset of types as a seqan3::type_list selected based on their IDs |
►Cselector | The same as std::conditional but for template template parameters |
Cselect | Depending on B , select is the template template parameter T or F |
Csequence_file_input_format_exposer | Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to read sequence records from the file |
Csequence_file_output_format_exposer | Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to write sequence records into the file |
Csimd_affine_gap_policy | The CRTP-policy that computes a batch of cells in the alignment matrix using simd instructions |
Csimd_find_optimum_policy | The CRTP-policy to determine the optimum of the dynamic programming matrix |
Csimd_global_alignment_state | A state that is only used for global alignments |
Csimd_match_mismatch_scoring_scheme | A vectorised scoring scheme handling matches and mismatches only |
Csimd_matrix_scoring_scheme | A vectorised scoring scheme to handle scoring matrices using gather strategy |
►Csingle_pass_input_view | Adds single_pass_input behavior to the underlying range |
Cstate | An internal state to capture the underlying range and a cached iterator |
Cslice_fn | View adaptor definition for views::slice |
Cspin_delay | A delay for threads waiting for a shared resource |
Cstream_buffer_exposer | Functionally the same as std::basic_streambuf<char_t, traits_t_>, but exposes protected members as public |
Cstrong_type | CRTP base class to declare a strong typedef for a regular type to avoid ambiguous parameter settings in function calls |
Cstructure_file_input_format_exposer | Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to read structure records from the file |
Cstructure_file_output_format_exposer | Internal class used to expose the actual format interface to write structure records into the file |
Ctake_exactly_fn | View adaptor definition for views::take and views::take_or_throw |
Ctake_until_fn | View adaptor definition for detail::take_until and detail::take_until_or_throw |
Cto_simd_fn | Views::to_simd's range adaptor closure object type |
Ctrace_iterator | A trace iterator an unbanded trace matrix |
Ctrace_iterator_banded | A trace iterator for banded trace matrices |
Ctrace_iterator_base | A CRTP-base class for trace iterator implementations for the alignment algorithms |
►Ctrace_matrix_full | Trace matrix for the pairwise alignment using the full trace matrix |
►Citerator | Trace matrix iterator for the pairwise alignment using the full trace matrix |
Ccolumn_proxy | The proxy returned as reference type |
Ctransfer_template_args_onto< source_template< source_arg_types... >, target_template > | Extracts a type template's type arguments and specialises another template with them |
Ctransfer_template_vargs_onto< source_template< source_varg_types... >, target_template > | Extracts a type template's non-type arguments and specialises another template with them |
Ctransfer_type_modifier_onto | Transfers the type modifier & , && and const (and any combination) to the target type |
Ctranslate_fn | Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::translate and seqan3::views::translate_single |
Ctranslate_join_fn | Definition of the range adaptor object type for seqan3::views::translate_join |
Ctranslation_table | Generic translation table for canonical genetic code |
Ctranslation_table< dna15, seqan3::genetic_code::canonical, void_type > | Translation table for canonical genetic code and dna15 alphabet |
Ctrim_fn | The underlying type of seqan3::views::trim_quality |
Ctuple_type_list | Transformation trait to expose the tuple element types as seqan3::type_list |
►Ctwo_dimensional_matrix | A two dimensional matrix used inside of alignment algorithms |
Cbasic_iterator | A two-dimensional matrix iterator |
Ctwo_dimensional_matrix_iterator | A concept for iterators over a two dimensional matrix, e.g. seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix |
Ctwo_dimensional_matrix_iterator_base | A crtp-base class for iterators over seqan3::detail::two_dimensional_matrix |
Ctype_list_expander< type_list_t< args_t... > > | Helper class to invoke a meta algorithm on the types contained in a seqan3::type_list |
Ctype_reduce_fn | View adaptor definition for views::type_reduce |
Cunaligned_seq | Default transformation trait that shall expose the unaligned sequence type of t when specialised |
Cunaligned_seq< t > | Exposes the unaligned sequence type given an aligned sequence container type |
Cunidirectional_search_algorithm | The algorithm that performs a unidirectional search on an FM index using trivial backtracking |
Cvalid_template_spec_or | Exposes templ_t<spec_t...> if that is valid, otherwise fallback_t |
Cvalid_template_spec_or< fallback_t, templ_t, spec_t... > | This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts |
Cvalidator_chain_adaptor | A helper struct to chain validators recursively via the pipe operator |
Cvariant_from_tags | Base class to deduce the std::variant type from format tags |
Cvariant_from_tags< type_list< ts... >, output_t > | Transfers a list of format tags (...ts ) onto a std::variant by specialising output_t with each |
Cversion_checker | A functor whose operator() performs the server http request and version checks |
►Cview_enforce_random_access | View to force random access range iterator for seqan3::pseudo_random_access_range |
Cbasic_iterator | Iterator wrapper for the underlying range iterator enforcing std::random_access_iterator_tag |
Cview_equality_fn | Comparator that is able two compare two views |
Cview_interleave | The type returned by seqan3::views::interleave |
►Cview_take_exactly | The type returned by seqan3::views::take, seqan3::detail::take_exactly and seqan3::detail::take_exactly_or_throw |
Cbasic_iterator | The forward declared iterator type |
►Cview_take_until | The type returned by seqan3::detail::take_until and seqan3::detail::take_until_or_throw |
Cbasic_consume_iterator | Special iterator type used when consuming behaviour is selected |
Cbasic_sentinel | The sentinel type of take_until, provides the comparison operators |
►Cview_to_simd | Transforms a range of ranges into chunks of seqan3::simd vectors |
Citerator_type | Iterator that transposes the underlying range of ranges and transforms that to SIMD types |
Cview_translate | The return type of seqan3::views::translate |
Cview_translate_join | The return type of seqan3::views::translate_join |
Cview_translate_single | The return type of seqan3::views::translate_single |
Cweakly_equality_comparable_with_ | 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is weakly equality comparable to T |
Cweakly_equality_comparable_with_trait | Binary type trait that behaves like the seqan3::detail::weakly_equality_comparable_with concept |
Cweakly_ordered_with_ | 'Callable' helper class that is invokable by meta::invoke.Returns a std::true_type if the type is comparable via <,<=,>,>= to T |
Cweakly_ordered_with_trait | Binary type trait that behaves like the seqan3::detail::weakly_ordered_with concept |
Cwriter_count | A strong type to set the writer count of a seqan3::detail::reader_writer_manager |
Czstd_compression | A tag signifying a zstd compressed file |
Rfields_specialisation | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a specialisation of seqan3::fields |
Rtype_list_of_sam_file_input_formats | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_input_format |
Rtype_list_of_sam_file_output_formats | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sam_file_output_format |
Rtype_list_of_sequence_file_input_formats | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_input_format |
Rtype_list_of_sequence_file_output_formats | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::sequence_file_output_format |
Rtype_list_of_structure_file_input_formats | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_input_format |
Rtype_list_of_structure_file_output_formats | Auxiliary concept that checks whether a type is a seqan3::type_list and all types meet seqan3::structure_file_output_format |
►Nexposition_only | A namespace for SeqAn entities that are intended for documentation purposes only |
Ccigar_operation | The actual implementation of seqan3::cigar::operation for documentation purposes only |
Nlist_traits | Namespace containing traits for working on seqan3::type_list |
Nliterals | The SeqAn namespace for literals |
Npack_traits | Namespace containing traits for working on type packs |
►Nsearch_cfg | A special sub namespace for the search configurations |
Cerror_count | A strong type of underlying type uint8_t that represents the number of errors |
Cerror_rate | A strong type of underlying type double that represents the rate of errors |
Chit | A dynamic configuration element to configure the hit strategy at runtime |
Chit_all | Configuration element to receive all hits within the error bounds |
Chit_all_best | Configuration element to receive all hits with the lowest number of errors within the error bounds |
Chit_single_best | Configuration element to receive a single best hit with the lowest number of errors within the error bounds |
Chit_strata | Configuration element to receive all hits with the best number of errors plus the given stratum. All hits are found with the fewest number of errors plus 'stratum' |
Cmax_error_deletion | Configuration element that represents the number or rate of deletion errors |
Cmax_error_insertion | Configuration element that represents the number or rate of insertion errors |
Cmax_error_substitution | Configuration element that represents the number or rate of substitution errors |
Cmax_error_total | Configuration element that represents the number or rate of total errors |
Con_result | Configuration element to provide a user defined callback function for the search |
Coutput_index_cursor | Include the index_cursor in the seqan3::search_result returned by a call to seqan3::search |
Coutput_query_id | Include the query_id in the seqan3::search_result returned by a call to seqan3::search |
Coutput_reference_begin_position | Include the reference_begin_position in the seqan3::search_result returned by a call to seqan3::search |
Coutput_reference_id | Include the reference_id in the seqan3::search_result returned by a call to seqan3::search |
►Nsimd | The SeqAn namespace for simd data types, algorithms and meta functions |
Csimd_traits | Seqan3::simd::simd_traits is the trait class that provides uniform interface to the properties of simd_t types |
Csimd_traits< builtin_simd_t > | This class specializes seqan3::simd::simd_traits for seqan3::detail::builtin_simd types |
Csimd_type | Seqan3::simd::simd_type encapsulates simd vector types, which can be manipulated by simd operations |
►Nviews | The SeqAn namespace for views |
Cdeep | A wrapper type around an existing view adaptor that enables "deep view" behaviour for that view |
Caa10li | The reduced Li amino acid alphabet |
Caa10murphy | The reduced Murphy amino acid alphabet |
Caa20 | The canonical amino acid alphabet |
Caa27 | The twenty-seven letter amino acid alphabet |
Cadvanceable_alignment_coordinate_printer | |
Cadvanceable_alignment_coordinate_printer< detail::advanceable_alignment_coordinate< state_t > > | The printer for seqan3::detail::advanceable_alignment_coordinate |
►Calgorithm_result_generator_range | An input range over the algorithm results generated by the underlying algorithm executor |
Calgorithm_range_iterator | The iterator of seqan3::detail::algorithm_result_generator_range |
►Caligned_allocator | Allocates uninitialized storage whose memory-alignment is specified by alignment |
Crebind | The aligned_allocator member template class aligned_allocator::rebind provides a way to obtain an allocator for a different type |
Calignment_matrix_printer | |
Calignment_matrix_printer< alignment_matrix_t > | The printer for alignment scoring and trace matrices |
Calignment_printer | |
Calignment_printer< alignment_t > | The printer for alignment |
Calignment_result | Stores the alignment results and gives access to score, alignment and the front and end positions |
Calignment_result_printer | |
Calignment_result_printer< alignment_result< result_value_t > > | The printer used for formatted output of the alignment result |
Calphabet_base | A CRTP-base that makes defining a custom alphabet easier |
Calphabet_printer | |
Calphabet_printer< alphabet_t > | The printer used for formatted output of seqan3::alphabet types |
Calphabet_proxy | A CRTP-base that eases the definition of proxy types returned in place of regular alphabets |
►Calphabet_tuple_base | The CRTP base for a combined alphabet that contains multiple values of different alphabets at the same time. |
Ccomponent_proxy | Specialisation of seqan3::alphabet_proxy that updates the rank of the alphabet_tuple_base |
Calphabet_variant | A combined alphabet that can hold values of either of its alternatives. |
Caminoacid_base | A CRTP-base that refines seqan3::alphabet_base and is used by the amino acids |
Caminoacid_empty_base | This is an empty base class that can be inherited by types that shall model seqan3::aminoacid_alphabet |
Caminoacid_scoring_scheme | A data structure for managing and computing the score of two amino acids |
Cargument_parser | The SeqAn command line parser |
Cargument_parser_error | Argument parser exception that is thrown whenever there is an error while parsing the command line arguments |
Cargument_parser_meta_data | Stores all parser related meta information of the seqan3::argument_parser |
Carithmetic_range_validator | A validator that checks whether a number is inside a given range |
Cbi_fm_index | The SeqAn Bidirectional FM Index |
Cbi_fm_index_cursor | The SeqAn Bidirectional FM Index Cursor |
Cbin_count | A strong type that represents the number of bins for the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cbin_index | A strong type that represents the bin index for the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cbin_literal | A strong type of underlying type uint64_t that represents the shape in binary representation |
Cbin_size | A strong type that represents the number of bits for each bin in the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
►Cbitpacked_sequence | A space-optimised version of std::vector that compresses multiple letters into a single byte |
Creference_proxy_type | Proxy data type returned by seqan3::bitpacked_sequence as reference to element |
Cbloom_filter | The Bloom Filter. A data structure that efficiently answers set-membership queries |
Cchar_sequence_printer | |
Cchar_sequence_printer< char_sequence_t > | A printer for character sequences |
Ccigar | The seqan3::cigar semialphabet pairs a counter with a seqan3::cigar::operation letter |
Ccigar_clipped_bases | Helper struct to specialise soft and hard clipping when using seqan3::cigar_from_alignment |
Ccigar_printer | |
Ccigar_printer< cigar > | The printer used for formatted output of the cigar alphabets |
Cconcatenated_sequences | Container that stores sequences concatenated internally |
Cconfiguration | Collection of elements to configure an algorithm |
Ccounting_vector | A data structure that behaves like a std::vector and can be used to consolidate the results of multiple calls to seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter::membership_agent_type::bulk_contains |
Cdebug_stream_printer | |
Cdebug_stream_printer< value_t > | A struct that provides a debug stream printer for a specific value type |
Cdebug_stream_type | A "pretty printer" for most SeqAn data structures and related types |
Cdefault_printer | The default printer that is used by seqan3::debug_stream |
Cdesign_error | Argument parser exception that is thrown whenever there is an design error directed at the developer of the application (e.g. Reuse of option) |
Cdna15 | The 15 letter DNA alphabet, containing all IUPAC smybols minus the gap |
Cdna16sam | A 16 letter DNA alphabet, containing all IUPAC symbols minus the gap and plus an equality sign ('=') |
Cdna3bs | The three letter reduced DNA alphabet for bisulfite sequencing mode (A,G,T(=C)) |
Cdna4 | The four letter DNA alphabet of A,C,G,T |
Cdna5 | The five letter DNA alphabet of A,C,G,T and the unknown character N |
Cdot_bracket3 | The three letter RNA structure alphabet of the characters ".()" |
Cdssp9 | The protein structure alphabet of the characters "HGIEBTSCX" |
►Cdynamic_bitset | A constexpr bitset implementation with dynamic size at compile time |
Cbitfield | A bit field representing size and bit information stored in one uint64_t |
Creference_proxy_type | Proxy data type returned by seqan3::dynamic_bitset as reference to the bit |
Cdynamic_bitset_printer | |
Cdynamic_bitset_printer< dynamic_bitset< bit_capacity > > | Prints seqan3::dynamic_bitset.
Cenumeration_printer | |
Cenumeration_printer< enum_t > | A type (e.g. an enum) can be made debug streamable by customizing the seqan3::enumeration_names |
Cfields | A class template that holds a choice of seqan3::field |
Cfile_open_error | Thrown if there is an unspecified filesystem or stream error while opening, e.g. permission problem |
Cfile_validator_base | An abstract base class for the file and directory validators |
Cfm_index | The SeqAn FM Index |
Cfm_index_cursor | The SeqAn FM Index Cursor |
►Cformat_bam | The BAM format |
Calignment_record_core | Stores all fixed length variables which can be read/written directly by reinterpreting the binary stream |
Cformat_embl | The EMBL format |
Cformat_error | Thrown if information given to output format didn't match expectations |
Cformat_fasta | The FASTA format |
Cformat_fastq | The FASTQ format |
Cformat_genbank | The GenBank format |
Cformat_sam | The SAM format (tag) |
Cformat_vienna | The Vienna format (dot bracket notation) for RNA sequences with secondary structure |
Cfunction_traits< std::function< return_t(args_t...)> > | A traits class to provide a uniform interface to the properties of a function type |
Cgap | The alphabet of a gap character '-' |
►Cgap_decorator | A gap decorator allows the annotation of sequences with gap symbols while leaving the underlying sequence unmodified |
Cbasic_iterator | The iterator type over a seqan3::gap_decorator |
Cgap_erase_failure | Thrown in function seqan3::erase_gap, if a position does not contain a gap |
Chamming_scoring_scheme | A scoring scheme that assigns a score of 0 to matching letters and -1 to mismatching letters |
Chash_function_count | A strong type that represents the number of hash functions for the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cinput_directory_validator | A validator that checks if a given path is a valid input directory |
Cinput_file_validator | A validator that checks if a given path is a valid input file |
Cinput_range_printer | |
Cinput_range_printer< rng_t > | A printer for arbitrary input ranges |
Cinteger_sequence_printer | |
Cinteger_sequence_printer< integer_sequence_t > | A printer for integer sequences |
Cintegral_printer | |
Cintegral_printer< integral_t > | The printer for integral types |
►Cinterleaved_bloom_filter | The IBF binning directory. A data structure that efficiently answers set-membership queries for multiple bins |
Ccounting_agent_type | Manages counting ranges of values for the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
►Cmembership_agent_type | Manages membership queries for the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cbinning_bitvector | A bitvector representing the result of a call to bulk_contains of the seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
Cinvalid_alignment_configuration | Thrown if the configuration of the alignment algorithm is invalid |
Cinvalid_char_assignment | An exception typically thrown by seqan3::alphabet::assign_char_strict |
Cio_error | Thrown if there is an io error in low level io operations such as in std::basic_streambuf operations |
Cis_constexpr_default_constructible | Whether a type std::is_default_constructible in constexpr -context (unary_type_trait specialisation) |
Cmask | Implementation of a masked alphabet to be used for tuple composites |
Cmask_printer | |
Cmask_printer< mask_t > | The printer used for formatted output of seqan3::mask alphabet |
Cmasked | Implementation of a masked composite, which extends a given alphabet with a mask |
Cmatch_score | A strong type of underlying type score_type that represents the score of two matching characters |
Cmismatch_score | A strong type of underlying type score_type that represents the score two different characters |
Cno_printer_found | A tag that indicates that no printer was found for the given type |
Cnucleotide_base | A CRTP-base that refines seqan3::alphabet_base and is used by the nucleotides |
Cnucleotide_scoring_scheme | A data structure for managing and computing the score of two nucleotides |
Coption_declared_multiple_times | Argument parser exception thrown when a non-list option is declared multiple times |
Coptional_printer | |
Coptional_printer< std::nullopt_t > | Printer for formatted output of std::nullopt_t |
Coptional_printer< std::optional< T > > | Printer for formatted output of a std::optional |
Coutput_directory_validator | A validator that checks if a given path is a valid output directory |
Coutput_file_validator | A validator that checks if a given path is a valid output file |
Cparse_error | Thrown if there is a parse error, such as reading an unexpected character from an input stream |
Cphred42 | Quality type for traditional Sanger and modern Illumina Phred scores |
Cphred63 | Quality type for traditional Sanger and modern Illumina Phred scores |
Cphred68solexa | Quality type for Solexa and deprecated Illumina formats |
Cphred94 | Quality type for PacBio Phred scores of HiFi reads |
Cphred_base | A CRTP-base that refines seqan3::alphabet_base and is used by the quality alphabets |
Cpipeable_config_element | Adds pipe interface to configuration elements |
Cpod_tuple | |
Cpod_tuple< type0 > | Recursion anchor for seqan3::pod_tuple |
Cpod_tuple< type0, types... > | Behaves like std::tuple but is an aggregate PODType |
Cprinter_order | The printer_order is a variadic template that defines the order of the printers |
Cqualified | Joins an arbitrary alphabet with a quality alphabet |
Crange_innermost_value | Recursively determines the value_type on containers and/or iterators |
Crecord | The class template that file records are based on; behaves like a std::tuple |
Cref_info_not_given | Type tag which indicates that no reference information has been passed to the SAM file on construction |
Cregex_validator | A validator that checks if a matches a regular expression pattern |
Cremove_rvalue_reference | Return the input type with && removed, but lvalue references preserved |
Crequired_option_missing | Argument parser exception thrown when a required option is missing |
Crna15 | The 15 letter RNA alphabet, containing all IUPAC smybols minus the gap |
Crna4 | The four letter RNA alphabet of A,C,G,U |
Crna5 | The five letter RNA alphabet of A,C,G,U and the unknown character N |
►Csam_file_header | Stores the header information of SAM/BAM files |
Ckey_hasher | Custom hash function since std::hash is not defined for all range types (e.g. std::span<char>) |
Csam_file_input | A class for reading SAM files, both SAM and its binary representation BAM are supported |
Csam_file_input_default_traits | The default traits for seqan3::sam_file_input |
Csam_file_input_format | The generic concept for alignment file input formats |
Csam_file_input_options | The options type defines various option members that influence the behaviour of all or some formats |
Csam_file_output | A class for writing SAM files, both SAM and its binary representation BAM are supported |
Csam_file_output_format | The generic concept for alignment file out formats |
Csam_file_output_options | The options type defines various option members that influence the behavior of all or some formats |
Csam_file_program_info_t | Stores information of the program/tool that was used to create a SAM/BAM file |
Csam_flag_printer | |
Csam_flag_printer< sam_flag > | A sam_flag can be printed as an integer value |
Csam_record | The record type of seqan3::sam_file_input |
Csam_tag_dictionary | The SAM tag dictionary class that stores all optional SAM fields |
Csam_tag_type | The generic base class |
Cscoring_scheme_base | A CRTP base class for scoring schemes |
Csearch_result | The result class generated by the seqan3::seach algorithm |
Csearch_result_printer | |
Csearch_result_printer< search_result< specs_t... > > | The printer used for formatted output of the search result |
Cseed | Strong_type for seed |
Csemialphabet_any | A semi-alphabet that type erases all other semi-alphabets of the same size |
►Csequence_file_input | A class for reading sequence files, e.g. FASTA, FASTQ .. |
Cselected_sequence_format | The specific selected format to read the records from |
Csequence_format_base | An abstract base class to store the selected input format |
Csequence_file_input_default_traits_aa | A traits type that specifies input as amino acids |
Csequence_file_input_default_traits_dna | The default traits for seqan3::sequence_file_input |
Csequence_file_input_format | The generic concept for sequence file in formats |
Csequence_file_input_options | The options type defines various option members that influence the behaviour of all or some formats |
Csequence_file_output | A class for writing sequence files, e.g. FASTA, FASTQ .. |
Csequence_file_output_format | The generic concept for sequence file out formats |
Csequence_file_output_options | The options type defines various option members that influence the behaviour of all or some formats |
Csequence_printer | |
Csequence_printer< sequence_t > | A printer for (biological) sequences |
Csequence_record | The record type of seqan3::sequence_file_input |
Cshape | A class that defines which positions of a pattern to hash |
Csimd_printer | |
Csimd_printer< simd_t > | Prints simd types |
Csimd_traits | Seqan3::simd::simd_traits is the trait class that provides uniform interface to the properties of simd_t types |
Csimd_traits< builtin_simd_t > | This class specializes seqan3::simd::simd_traits for seqan3::detail::builtin_simd types |
Csimd_type | Seqan3::simd::simd_type encapsulates simd vector types, which can be manipulated by simd operations |
Csmall_string | Implements a small string that can be used for compile time computations |
Csmall_vector | A constexpr vector implementation with dynamic size at compile time |
Cstd_byte_printer | |
Cstd_byte_printer< std::byte > | A std::byte can be printed by printing its value as integer |
Cstd_printer | |
Cstd_printer< type_t > | The printer for standard output streams |
Cstd_variant_printer | |
Cstd_variant_printer< std::variant< variant_ts... > > | A std::variant can be printed by visiting the stream operator for the corresponding type |
Cstrong_type_printer | |
Cstrong_type_printer< strong_type_t > | A strong type can be printed by printing its underlying value |
Cstructure_file_input | A class for reading structured sequence files, e.g. Stockholm, Connect, Vienna, ViennaRNA bpp matrix .. |
Cstructure_file_input_default_traits_aa | A traits type that specifies input as amino acids |
Cstructure_file_input_default_traits_rna | The default traits for seqan3::structure_file_input |
Cstructure_file_input_format | The generic concept for structure file in formats |
Cstructure_file_input_options | The options type defines various option members that influence the behaviour of all or some formats |
Cstructure_file_output | A class for writing structured sequence files, e.g. Stockholm, Connect, Vienna, ViennaRNA bpp matrix .. |
Cstructure_file_output_format | The generic concept for structure file out formats |
Cstructure_file_output_options | The options type defines various option members that influence the behaviour of all or some formats |
Cstructure_record | The record type of seqan3::structure_file_input |
Cstructured_aa | A seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base that joins an aminoacid alphabet with a protein structure alphabet |
Cstructured_rna | A seqan3::alphabet_tuple_base that joins a nucleotide alphabet with an RNA structure alphabet |
Csuffix_array_interval | The underlying suffix array interval |
Ctoo_few_arguments | Argument parser exception thrown when too few arguments are provided |
Ctoo_many_arguments | Argument parser exception thrown when too many arguments are provided |
Ctrace_directions_printer | |
Ctrace_directions_printer< detail::trace_directions > | Prints trace_directions as ascii or as utf8 to output stream |
Ctuple_printer | |
Ctuple_printer< tuple_t > | Printer for formatted output of tuple like objects |
Ctype_list | Type that contains multiple types |
Cunexpected_end_of_input | Thrown if I/O was expecting more input (e.g. a delimiter or a new line), but the end of input was reached |
Cungapped | A strong type of underlying type uint8_t that represents the ungapped shape size |
Cunhandled_extension_error | Thrown if there is no format that accepts a given file extension |
Cunknown_option | Argument parser exception thrown when encountering unknown option |
Cuser_input_error | Argument parser exception thrown when an incorrect argument is given as (positional) option value |
Cvalidation_error | Argument parser exception thrown when an argument could not be casted to the according type |
Cvalue_list_validator | A validator that checks whether a value is inside a list of valid values |
Cwindow_size | Strong_type for the window_size |
Cwuss | The WUSS structure alphabet of the characters .<>:,-_~;()[]{}AaBbCcDd .. |
Rprintable_with | |
Rnonrecursive_range | |
►Nstd | SeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace |
Chash< alphabet_t > | Struct for hashing a character |
Chash< seqan3::dynamic_bitset< cap > > | Struct for hashing a seqan3::dynamic_bitset |
Chash< urng_t > | Struct for hashing a range of characters |
Ctuple_element< elem_no, seqan3::record< field_types, field_ids > > | Obtains the type of the specified element |
Ctuple_element< elem_no, seqan3::sam_record< field_types, field_ids > > | Obtains the type of the specified element |
Ctuple_element< elem_no, seqan3::sequence_record< field_types, field_ids > > | Obtains the type of the specified element |
Ctuple_element< elem_no, seqan3::structure_record< field_types, field_ids > > | Obtains the type of the specified element |
Ctuple_element< i, t< types... > > | Obtains the type of the specified element |
Ctuple_element< i, tuple_t > | Obtains the type of the specified element |
Ctuple_element< pos, seqan3::configuration< configs_t... > > | Returns the type of the element at the specified position within seqan3::configuration |
Ctuple_size< seqan3::configuration< configs_t... > > | Returns the number of elements stored in seqan3::configuration |
Ctuple_size< seqan3::record< field_types, field_ids > > | Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression |
Ctuple_size< seqan3::sam_record< field_types, field_ids > > | Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression |
Ctuple_size< seqan3::sequence_record< field_types, field_ids > > | Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression |
Ctuple_size< seqan3::structure_record< field_types, field_ids > > | Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression |
Ctuple_size< t< types... > > | Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression |
Ctuple_size< tuple_t > | Provides access to the number of elements in a tuple as a compile-time constant expression |