SeqAn3 3.4.0-rc.4
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
▼Sequence Alignment | The alignment module contains concepts, algorithms and classes that are related to the computation of pairwise and multiple sequence alignments |
Aligned Sequence | Provides seqan3::aligned_sequence, as well as various ranges that model it |
CIGAR Conversion | The CIGAR Conversion submodule contains utility functions to convert a CIGAR to an alignment or vice versa |
Configuration | Provides configuration elements for the pairwise alignment configuration |
Decorator | The decorator submodule contains special SeqAn decorators |
Matrix | Provides data structures for representing alignment coordinates and alignments as a matrix |
▼Pairwise Alignments | Provides the algorithmic components for the computation of pairwise alignments |
Alignment policies | Provides policies for the alignment algorithm |
Scoring | Provides the data structures used for scoring alphabets and sequences |
▼Alphabet | |
Adaptation | Provides alphabet adaptions of some standard char and uint types |
Aminoacid | Provides the amino acid alphabets and functionality for translation from nucleotide |
CIGAR | Provides (semi-)alphabets for representing elements in CIGAR strings |
Composite | Provides templates for combining existing alphabets into new alphabet types |
Container | Alphabet related container |
Gap | Provides the gap alphabet and functionality to make an alphabet a gapped alphabet |
Mask | Provides the mask alphabet and functionality for creating masked composites |
Nucleotide | Provides the different DNA and RNA alphabet types |
Quality | Provides the various quality score types |
Range | Alphabet related ranges |
Structure | Provides types to represent single elements of RNA and protein structures |
Views | Alphabet related views |
Argument Parser | |
▼Core | Provides core functionality used by multiple modules |
Algorithm | Provides core functionality used for algorithms |
Concept | Provides core concepts |
Configuration | Provides core functionality used to configure configurations |
Debug Stream | Provides core functionality used to print seqan3 and std types |
Range | Provides seqan3 general purpose range functionality |
▼IO | The IO module provides stream handling formatted I/O |
SAM File | Provides files and formats for handling read mapping data |
Sequence File | Provides files and formats for handling sequence data |
Stream | The stream sub-module contains data structures and functions for streaming and tokenization |
Structure File | Provides files and formats for handling structure data |
Views | IO related views |
▼Search | Data structures and approximate string search algorithms for large collection of text (e.g. DNA) |
Configuration | Data structures and utility functions for configuring search algorithm |
DREAM Index | Provides seqan3::interleaved_bloom_filter |
FM Index | Provides seqan3::fm_index and seqan3::bi_fm_index as well as respective cursors |
k-mer Index | Implementation of shapes for a k-mer Index |
Views | Search related views |
▼std | A subset of the C++20 standard library made available in pre-C++20 contexts |
charconv | The <charconv> header from C++17's standard library |
new | The <new> header from C++17's standard library |
▼Utility | Provides additional utility functionality used by multiple modules |
Bloom Filter | Provides seqan3:bloom_filter |
Builtin Character Operations | Provides various operations on character types |
Concept | Provides various general purpose concepts |
Container | Provides various general purpose container and concepts |
Parallel | This module contains types and utilities for concurrent execution of algorithms in SeqAn |
Range | The range module provides general purpose range concepts |
▼SIMD | The simd module contains a unified interface to provide simd types and functions used in seqan3 |
Views | SIMD related views |
Tuple | Additional helper utilities for "tuple" types like std::tuple, std::pair, seqan3::pod_tuple that are not specific to a SeqAn module |
Type List | Provides seqan3::type_list and metaprogramming utilities for working on type lists |
Type Pack | Provides metaprogramming utilities for working on template parameter packs |
Type Traits | Provides various type traits and their shortcuts |
Views | Views are "lazy range combinators" that offer modified views onto other ranges |