SeqAn3 3.4.0-rc.4
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Implementing your own read mapper with SeqAn

Learning Objective:
In this tutorial, you will learn how to combine the components of previous tutorials to create your very first SeqAn application: a read mapper!

Duration90 Minutes
Prerequisite tutorialsAll
Recommended reading


Read mapping is a common task in bioinformatics and is often the first step of an in-depth analysis of Next Generation Sequencing data. It aims to identify positions where a query sequence (read) matches with up to e errors to a reference sequence.

In this example, we will implement a read mapper step by step and make use of what we have learned in the previous tutorials. As it is common practice with read mappers, we will first create an indexer that creates an index from the reference and stores it to disk. After this, we will implement the actual read mapper that will use the stored index and map the reads.


  • Implementing an indexer
    • Parse arguments
    • Read input files
    • Create and store index
  • Implementing a read mapper
    • Parse arguments
    • Read and load input, search for approximate matches
    • Align the search results
    • Write final results into a SAM file

The data

We provide an example reference and an example query file.

The indexer

Step 1 - Parsing arguments

As a first step, we want to parse command line arguments for our indexer. If you get into trouble, you can take a peek at the Argument Parser Tutorial or the API documentation of the seqan3::argument_parser for help.

Assignment 1: Parsing arguments

Let's start our application by setting up the argument parser with the following options:

  • The path to the reference file
  • An output path for the index

Follow the best practice and create:

  • A function run_program that prints the parsed arguments
  • A struct cmd_arguments that stores the arguments
  • A function initialise_argument_parser to add metadata and options to the parser
  • A main function that parses the arguments and calls run_program

Use validators where applicable!

Your main may look like this:


int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Indexer", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.index_path);
return 0;
Argument parser exception that is thrown whenever there is an error while parsing the command line ar...
Definition exceptions.hpp:37
The SeqAn command line parser.
Definition argument_parser.hpp:145
T what(T... args)


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, std::filesystem::path const & index_path)
seqan3::debug_stream << "reference_file_path: " << reference_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "index_path " << index_path << '\n';
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{"out.index"};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Creates an index over a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The output index file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"index"}});
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Indexer", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.index_path);
return 0;
Meta-header for the Argument Parser module .
void add_option(option_type &value, char const short_id, std::string const &long_id, std::string const &desc, option_spec const spec=option_spec::standard, validator_type option_validator=validator_type{})
Adds an option to the seqan3::argument_parser.
Definition argument_parser.hpp:236
argument_parser_meta_data info
Aggregates all parser related meta data (see seqan3::argument_parser_meta_data struct).
Definition argument_parser.hpp:634
A validator that checks if a given path is a valid input file.
Definition validators.hpp:515
A validator that checks if a given path is a valid output file.
Definition validators.hpp:645
Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
@ standard
The default were no checking or special displaying is happening.
Definition auxiliary.hpp:248
@ required
Definition auxiliary.hpp:249
debug_stream_type debug_stream
A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.
Definition debug_stream.hpp:37
std::string author
Your name ;-)
Definition auxiliary.hpp:297
std::string version
The version information MAJOR.MINOR.PATH (e.g. 3.1.3)
Definition auxiliary.hpp:293
std::string short_description
A short description of the application (e.g. "A tool for mapping reads to the genome").
Definition auxiliary.hpp:295

Step 2 - Reading the input

As a next step, we want to use the parsed file name to read in our reference data. This will be done using the seqan3::sequence_file_input class. As a guide, you can take a look at the Sequence I/O Tutorial.

Assignment 2: Reading the input

Extend your program to store the sequence information contained in the reference file into a struct.

To accomplish this, you should create:

  • A struct reference_storage_t that stores the sequence information for both reference and query information within member variables
  • A function read_reference that fills a reference_storage_t object with information from the files and prints the reference IDs

You should also perform the following changes in run_program:

  • Construct of an object storage of type reference_storage_t
  • Add a call to read_reference

This is the signature of read_reference:


void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)

This is the reference_storage_t:



struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, std::filesystem::path const & index_path)
seqan3::debug_stream << "reference_file_path: " << reference_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "index_path " << index_path << '\n';
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
A class for reading sequence files, e.g. FASTA, FASTQ ...
Definition sequence_file/input.hpp:206

Here is the complete program:


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, std::filesystem::path const & index_path)
seqan3::debug_stream << "reference_file_path: " << reference_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "index_path " << index_path << '\n';
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{"out.index"};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Creates an index over a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The output index file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"index"}});
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Indexer", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.index_path);
return 0;
Provides seqan3::sequence_file_input and corresponding traits classes.

Step 3 - Index

Now that we have the necessary sequence information, we can create an index and store it. Read up on the Index Tutorial if you have any questions.

Assignment 3: Index

We want to create a new function create_index:

  • It takes index_path and storage as parameters
  • Creates a bi_fm_index
  • Stores the bi_fm_index

We also need to change:

  • run_program to now also call create_index
  • run_program and read_reference to not print the debug output anymore

This is the signature of create_index:


void create_index(std::filesystem::path const & index_path, reference_storage_t & storage)


void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void create_index(std::filesystem::path const & index_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::bi_fm_index index{storage.seqs};
std::ofstream os{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive{os};
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, std::filesystem::path const & index_path)
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
create_index(index_path, storage);
The SeqAn Bidirectional FM Index.
Definition bi_fm_index.hpp:58

Here is the complete program:


# include <fstream>
# include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void create_index(std::filesystem::path const & index_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::bi_fm_index index{storage.seqs};
std::ofstream os{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryOutputArchive oarchive{os};
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, std::filesystem::path const & index_path)
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
create_index(index_path, storage);
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{"out.index"};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Creates an index over a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The output index file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"index"}});
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Indexer", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.index_path);
return 0;
Provides the bidirectional seqan3::bi_fm_index.

The read mapper

Step 1 - Parsing arguments

Again, we want to parse command line arguments for our read mapper as a first step. If you get into trouble, you can take a peek at the Argument Parser Tutorial or the API documentation of the seqan3::argument_parser for help.

Assignment 4: Parsing arguments

Let's start our application by setting up the argument parser with the following options:

  • The path to the reference file
  • The path to the query file
  • The path to the index file
  • An output path
  • The maximum number of errors we want to allow (between 0 and 4)

Follow the best practice and create:

  • A function run_program that prints the parsed arguments
  • A struct cmd_arguments that stores the arguments
  • A function initialise_argument_parser to add metadata and options to the parser
  • A main function that parses the arguments and calls run_program

Use validators where applicable!

Your main may look like this:


int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Mapper", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.query_path, args.index_path, args.sam_path, args.errors);
return 0;


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path,
std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
uint8_t const errors)
seqan3::debug_stream << "reference_path: " << reference_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "query_path: " << query_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "index_path " << index_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "sam_path " << sam_path << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "errors: " << errors << '\n';
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path query_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{};
std::filesystem::path sam_path{"out.sam"};
uint8_t errors{0};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Map reads against a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The path to the query.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fq", "fastq"}});
"The path to the index.",
"The output SAM file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"sam"}});
"Maximum allowed errors.",
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Mapper", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.query_path, args.index_path, args.sam_path, args.errors);
return 0;
void parse()
Initiates the actual command line parsing.
Definition argument_parser.hpp:402
A validator that checks whether a number is inside a given range.
Definition validators.hpp:122

Step 2 - Reading the input and searching

We also want to read the reference in the read mapper. This is done the same way as for the indexer. We can now load the index and conduct a search. Read up on the Search Tutorial if you have any questions.

Assignment 5: Reading the input

Extend your program to read the reference file the same way the indexer does. After this, you can load the index and print the results of a search.

To accomplish this, you should:

  • Carry over the read_reference function and the reference_storage_t struct from the indexer
  • Create a function map_reads that loads the index and prints the results of the search (allowing all error types) for the first 20 queries

You should also perform the following changes in run_program:

  • Remove the debug output
  • Construct an object storage of type reference_storage_t
  • Add a call to read_reference and map_reads

This is the signature of map_reads:


void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)


struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)
// we need the alphabet and text layout before loading
std::ifstream is{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive{is};
seqan3::sequence_file_input query_file_in{query_path};
(void)sam_path; // Silence warning about unused parameter. We are not yet using `sam_path`.
seqan3::configuration const search_config =
for (auto && record : query_file_in | std::views::take(20))
(void)storage; // Silence warning about unused parameter. We are not yet using `storage`.
seqan3::debug_stream << "Hits:" << '\n';
for (auto && result : search(record.sequence(), index, search_config))
seqan3::debug_stream << result << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "======================" << '\n';
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path,
std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
uint8_t const errors)
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
map_reads(query_path, index_path, sam_path, storage, errors);
Collection of elements to configure an algorithm.
Definition configuration.hpp:42
Configuration element to receive all hits with the lowest number of errors within the error bounds.
Definition hit.hpp:56
Configuration element that represents the number or rate of total errors.
Definition max_error.hpp:34
typename decltype(detail::split_after< i >(list_t{}))::first_type take
Return a seqan3::type_list of the first n types in the input type list.
Definition type_list/traits.hpp:374
The generic concept for a (biological) sequence.
The main SeqAn3 namespace.
Definition aligned_sequence_concept.hpp:26
SeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace.
T search(T... args)
A strong type of underlying type uint8_t that represents the number of errors.
Definition max_error_common.hpp:29

Here is the complete program:


# include <fstream>
# include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)
// we need the alphabet and text layout before loading
std::ifstream is{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive{is};
seqan3::sequence_file_input query_file_in{query_path};
(void)sam_path; // Silence warning about unused parameter. We are not yet using `sam_path`.
seqan3::configuration const search_config =
for (auto && record : query_file_in | std::views::take(20))
(void)storage; // Silence warning about unused parameter. We are not yet using `storage`.
seqan3::debug_stream << "Hits:" << '\n';
for (auto && result : search(record.sequence(), index, search_config))
seqan3::debug_stream << result << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "======================" << '\n';
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path,
std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
uint8_t const errors)
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
map_reads(query_path, index_path, sam_path, storage, errors);
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path query_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{};
std::filesystem::path sam_path{"out.sam"};
uint8_t errors{0};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Map reads against a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The path to the query.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fq", "fastq"}});
"The path to the index.",
"The output SAM file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"sam"}});
"Maximum allowed errors.",
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Mapper", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.query_path, args.index_path, args.sam_path, args.errors);
return 0;
Meta-header for the Search module .

Step 3 - Alignment

We can now use the obtained positions to align each query against the reference. Refer to the Alignment Tutorial if you have any questions.

Assignment 6: Alignment

We want to extend map_reads to:

  • Use the output of the search to align the query against the reference
  • Print the query ID, alignment score, subrange of the reference sequence and the query (for the first 20 queries)

This is the alignment config:


seqan3::configuration const align_config =
Sets the global alignment method.
Definition align_config_method.hpp:119
Configures the alignment result to output the alignment.
Definition align_config_output.hpp:168
Configures the alignment result to output the score.
Definition align_config_output.hpp:40
constexpr configuration edit_scheme
Shortcut for edit distance configuration.
Definition align_config_edit.hpp:48
A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence1_leading of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global.
Definition align_config_method.hpp:65
A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence1_trailing of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global.
Definition align_config_method.hpp:85
A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence2_leading of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global.
Definition align_config_method.hpp:75
A strong type representing free_end_gaps_sequence2_trailing of the seqan3::align_cfg::method_global.
Definition align_config_method.hpp:95


void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)
// we need the alphabet and text layout before loading
std::ifstream is{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive{is};
seqan3::sequence_file_input query_file_in{query_path};
(void)sam_path; // Silence warning about unused parameter. We are not yet using `sam_path`.
seqan3::configuration const search_config =
seqan3::configuration const align_config =
for (auto && record : query_file_in | std::views::take(20))
auto & query = record.sequence();
for (auto && result : search(query, index, search_config))
size_t start = result.reference_begin_position() ? result.reference_begin_position() - 1 : 0;
std::span text_view{std::data(storage.seqs[result.reference_id()]) + start, query.size() + 1};
for (auto && alignment : seqan3::align_pairwise(std::tie(text_view, query), align_config))
auto && [aligned_database, aligned_query] = alignment.alignment();
seqan3::debug_stream << "id: " << << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "score: " << alignment.score() << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "database: " << aligned_database << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "query: " << aligned_query << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "=============\n";
T data(T... args)
constexpr auto align_pairwise(sequence_t &&seq, alignment_config_t const &config)
Computes the pairwise alignment for a pair of sequences or a range over sequence pairs.
Definition align_pairwise.hpp:130
@ alignment
The (pairwise) alignment stored in an object that models seqan3::detail::pairwise_alignment.
T size(T... args)
T tie(T... args)

Here is the complete program:


# include <fstream>
# include <span>
# include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)
// we need the alphabet and text layout before loading
std::ifstream is{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive{is};
seqan3::sequence_file_input query_file_in{query_path};
(void)sam_path; // Silence warning about unused parameter. We are not yet using `sam_path`.
seqan3::configuration const search_config =
seqan3::configuration const align_config =
for (auto && record : query_file_in | std::views::take(20))
auto & query = record.sequence();
for (auto && result : search(query, index, search_config))
size_t start = result.reference_begin_position() ? result.reference_begin_position() - 1 : 0;
std::span text_view{std::data(storage.seqs[result.reference_id()]) + start, query.size() + 1};
for (auto && alignment : seqan3::align_pairwise(std::tie(text_view, query), align_config))
auto && [aligned_database, aligned_query] = alignment.alignment();
seqan3::debug_stream << "id: " << << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "score: " << alignment.score() << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "database: " << aligned_database << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "query: " << aligned_query << '\n';
seqan3::debug_stream << "=============\n";
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path,
std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
uint8_t const errors)
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
map_reads(query_path, index_path, sam_path, storage, errors);
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path query_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{};
std::filesystem::path sam_path{"out.sam"};
uint8_t errors{0};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Map reads against a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The path to the query.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fq", "fastq"}});
"The path to the index.",
"The output SAM file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"sam"}});
"Maximum allowed errors.",
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Mapper", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.query_path, args.index_path, args.sam_path, args.errors);
return 0;
Provides pairwise alignment function.
Meta-header for the Alignment / Configuration submodule .

Step 4 - Alignment output

Finally, we can write our results into a SAM file.

Assignment 7: SAM out

We further need to extend map_reads to write the alignment results into a SAM file. Additionally, there should be no more debug output.

Try to write all available information into the SAM file. We can introduce a naive mapping quality by using mapping quality = 60 + alignment score.

This is the sam_file_output construction:


seqan3::sam_file_output sam_out{sam_path,
A class for writing SAM files, both SAM and its binary representation BAM are supported.
Definition io/sam_file/output.hpp:71
@ ref_offset
Sequence (seqan3::field::ref_seq) relative start position (0-based), unsigned value.
@ cigar
The cigar vector (std::vector<seqan3::cigar>) representing the alignment in SAM/BAM format.
@ mapq
The mapping quality of the seqan3::field::seq alignment, usually a Phred-scaled score.
@ ref_id
The identifier of the (reference) sequence that seqan3::field::seq was aligned to.
@ id
The identifier, usually a string.
@ seq
The "sequence", usually a range of nucleotides or amino acids.
@ qual
The qualities, usually in Phred score notation.
A class template that holds a choice of seqan3::field.
Definition record.hpp:125


void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)
// we need the alphabet and text layout before loading
std::ifstream is{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive{is};
seqan3::sequence_file_input query_file_in{query_path};
seqan3::sam_file_output sam_out{sam_path,
seqan3::configuration const search_config =
seqan3::configuration const align_config =
for (auto && record : query_file_in)
auto & query = record.sequence();
for (auto && result : search(query, index, search_config))
size_t start = result.reference_begin_position() ? result.reference_begin_position() - 1 : 0;
std::span text_view{std::data(storage.seqs[result.reference_id()]) + start, query.size() + 1};
for (auto && alignment : seqan3::align_pairwise(std::tie(text_view, query), align_config))
size_t ref_offset = alignment.sequence1_begin_position() + 2 + start;
size_t map_qual = 60u + alignment.score();
Configures the alignment result to output the begin positions.
Definition align_config_output.hpp:128
auto cigar_from_alignment(alignment_type const &alignment, cigar_clipped_bases const &clipped_bases={}, bool const extended_cigar=false)
Creates a CIGAR string (SAM format) given a seqan3::detail::pairwise_alignment represented by two seq...
Definition cigar_from_alignment.hpp:111

Here is the complete program:


# include <fstream>
# include <span>
# include <cereal/archives/binary.hpp>
struct reference_storage_t
void read_reference(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path, reference_storage_t & storage)
seqan3::sequence_file_input reference_in{reference_path};
for (auto && record : reference_in)
void map_reads(std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
reference_storage_t & storage,
uint8_t const errors)
// we need the alphabet and text layout before loading
std::ifstream is{index_path, std::ios::binary};
cereal::BinaryInputArchive iarchive{is};
seqan3::sequence_file_input query_file_in{query_path};
seqan3::sam_file_output sam_out{sam_path,
seqan3::configuration const search_config =
seqan3::configuration const align_config =
for (auto && record : query_file_in)
auto & query = record.sequence();
for (auto && result : search(query, index, search_config))
size_t start = result.reference_begin_position() ? result.reference_begin_position() - 1 : 0;
std::span text_view{std::data(storage.seqs[result.reference_id()]) + start, query.size() + 1};
for (auto && alignment : seqan3::align_pairwise(std::tie(text_view, query), align_config))
size_t ref_offset = alignment.sequence1_begin_position() + 2 + start;
size_t map_qual = 60u + alignment.score();
void run_program(std::filesystem::path const & reference_path,
std::filesystem::path const & query_path,
std::filesystem::path const & index_path,
std::filesystem::path const & sam_path,
uint8_t const errors)
reference_storage_t storage{};
read_reference(reference_path, storage);
map_reads(query_path, index_path, sam_path, storage, errors);
struct cmd_arguments
std::filesystem::path reference_path{};
std::filesystem::path query_path{};
std::filesystem::path index_path{};
std::filesystem::path sam_path{"out.sam"};
uint8_t errors{0};
void initialise_argument_parser(seqan3::argument_parser & parser, cmd_arguments & args)
{ = "E. coli"; = "Map reads against a reference."; = "1.0.0";
"The path to the reference.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fa", "fasta"}});
"The path to the query.",
seqan3::input_file_validator{{"fq", "fastq"}});
"The path to the index.",
"The output SAM file path.",
seqan3::output_file_validator{seqan3::output_file_open_options::create_new, {"sam"}});
"Maximum allowed errors.",
int main(int argc, char const ** argv)
seqan3::argument_parser parser("Mapper", argc, argv);
cmd_arguments args{};
initialise_argument_parser(parser, args);
catch (seqan3::argument_parser_error const & ext)
std::cerr << "[PARSER ERROR] " << ext.what() << '\n';
return -1;
run_program(args.reference_path, args.query_path, args.index_path, args.sam_path, args.errors);
return 0;
Provides the function seqan3::cigar_from_alignment and a helper struct seqan3::cigar_clipped_bases.
Provides seqan3::sam_file_output and corresponding traits classes.

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