SeqAn3 3.4.0-rc.4
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This tutorial introduces minimisers. Minimisers are a compact representation of a DNA or RNA sequence that is closely related to, but more efficient than, a representation by k-mers. Minimisers are implemented as a view in SeqAn3. For more information about views and how to implement your own view, please see Ranges and How to write a view .

Duration20 min
Prerequisite tutorials
Recommended readingRanges, How to write a view


A common way to work with sequences is to obtain their k-mers, but even with a large size of k, the number of k-mers is non-trivial, therefore storing k-mers is costly. At the same time, due to the overlap of consecutive k-mers, the information they contain is highly redundant. That is why minimisers come in handy. Minimisers are k-mers, which have a minimal value in a window of a specified size. Minimal could for example mean lexicographically smallest. By storing only these minimal k-mers, the storage cost is significantly reduced while maintaining a similar amount of information.

Minimiser Workflow

Because minimisers are minimal k-mers, they depend on a given k-mer size, a given shape (specifying which positions should be considered) and a window size, which has to be greater than or equal to the k-mer size. If all these values are given, then the minimisers can be obtained by determining all k-mers in the forward and in the backward strand for one window. Only the lexicographically smallest k-mer in one window is saved, then the window is shifted by one and the procedure is repeated until all windows have been processed. If two consecutive windows share the same minimiser, it is stored only once.

The following figure shows three examples, where a) and b) differ only in their window size, while c) introduces a gapped k-mer. All positions marked with a ’.’ are gaps and all k-mers in lower case come from the reverse strand. As the example shows, k-mer size, shape and window size influence the total number of minimisers.

Non-lexicographical Minimisers

When sliding the window over the sequence, consecutive minimisers might differ only slightly. For instance, when a minimiser starts with a repetition of A’s, it is highly likely that the minimiser of the next window will start with a repetition of A’s too, which will then just be one A shorter. This may go on for multiple window shifts, depending on how long the repetition is. Saving these only slightly different minimisers makes no sense because they contain no new information about the underlying sequence. Additionally, sequences with a repetition of A’s will be seen as more similar to each other than they actually are. As Marçais et al. have shown, randomizing the order of the k-mers can solve this problem.

Robust Winnowing

In case there are multiple minimal values within one window, the minimum and therefore the minimiser is ambiguous. We choose the rightmost value as the minimiser of the window, and when shifting the window, the minimiser is only changed if there appears a value that is strictly smaller than the current minimum. This approach is termed robust winnowing by Chirag et al. and is proven to work especially well on repeat regions.

Usage in SeqAn3

The minimisers are implemented in seqan3::views::minimiser_hash. The function requires three arguments: The sequence, the shape and the window size. The above-mentioned k-mer size is implicitly given by the size of the shape. That is all the information you need to obtain minimisers with SeqAn3, so let's just dive right into the first assignment!

Assignment 1: Fun with minimisers I

Task: Obtain the minimisers for CCACGTCGACGGTT with an ungapped shape of size 4 and a window size of 8.

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
using namespace seqan3::literals;
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna4> text{"CCACGTCGACGGTT"_dna4};
// Here a consecutive shape with size 4 (so the k-mer size is 4) and a window size of 8 is used.
// results in: [10322096095657499224, 10322096095657499142, 10322096095657499224]
// representing the k-mers [GACG, TCGA, GACG]
seqan3::debug_stream << minimisers << '\n';
A class that defines which positions of a pattern to hash.
Definition shape.hpp:57
Provides seqan3::debug_stream and related types.
Provides seqan3::dna4, container aliases and string literals.
constexpr auto minimiser_hash
Computes minimisers for a range with a given shape, window size and seed.
Definition minimiser_hash.hpp:190
debug_stream_type debug_stream
A global instance of seqan3::debug_stream_type.
Definition debug_stream.hpp:37
Provides seqan3::views::minimiser_hash.
The SeqAn namespace for literals.
A strong type of underlying type uint8_t that represents the ungapped shape size.
Definition shape.hpp:22
strong_type for the window_size.
Definition minimiser_hash.hpp:29

If you have completed the assignment, you're probably wondering what those large numbers mean. As explained above, lexicographical ordering is less than optimal. Therefore, SeqAn3 uses a seed to randomize the order. To do so, SeqAn3 simply XORs the hash values with a random seed (Default: 0x8F3F73B5CF1C9ADE). How would you get back the actual hash values then? Well, you just use XOR again!

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
using namespace seqan3::literals;
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna4> text{"CCACGTCGACGGTT"_dna4};
// Here a consecutive shape with size 4 (so the k-mer size is 4) and a window size of 8 is used.
// results in: [10322096095657499240, 10322096095657499142, 10322096095657499224]
// representing the k-mers [GTAC, TCGA, GACG]
seqan3::debug_stream << minimisers << '\n';
// Get hash values
uint64_t seed = 0x8F'3F'73'B5'CF'1C'9A'DE; // The default seed from minimiser_hash
// Use XOR on all minimiser values
auto hash_values = minimisers
| std::views::transform(
[seed](uint64_t i)
return i ^ seed;
seqan3::debug_stream << hash_values << '\n'; // results in: [182, 216, 134]
strong_type for seed.
Definition minimiser_hash.hpp:22

From these hash values, you can obtain the sequence they represent by transforming the numbers to base 4. (For example, 134 is "2012" in base four and therefore represents GACG.)

Now take a closer look at the resulting minimiser sequences. Are they what you expected? Probably not, since they do not correspond to the minimsers computed in our original example. Can you figure out why?

Hint The example above is based on a lexicographical ordering, our first assignment is not.

So, what would we need to change to achieve the results from our example? We need to use a different seed. SeqAn3 makes this simple by allowing us to add another input parameter of type seqan3::seed.

Assignment 2: Fun with minimisers II

Task: Reproduce the results from the example above by obtaining the minimisers for CCACGTCGACGGTT.

To do so, you have to know which seed to use.

Hint Because the randomization is based on an XOR, you have to use a value X which XOR-ed with a hash value results in the same hash value.

Hint 10001 XOR 0 = 10001


// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
using namespace seqan3::literals;
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna4> text{"CCACGTCGACGGTT"_dna4};
// Here a consecutive shape with size 4 (so the k-mer size is 4) and a window size of 4 is used. The seed is set
// to 0, so lexicographical ordering is used.
auto example_a =
// results in: [81, 70, 27, 109, 97, 216, 97, 109, 26, 22, 5]
// representing the k-mers [CCAC, CACG, ACGT, CGTC, cgac, TCGA, CGAC, cgtc, ACGG, accg, aacc]
seqan3::debug_stream << example_a << '\n';
auto example_b =
// results in: [27, 97, 26, 22, 5] representing the k-mers [ACGT, CGAC, ACGG, accg, aacc]
seqan3::debug_stream << example_b << '\n';
auto example_c = text | seqan3::views::minimiser_hash(0b1'0101_shape, seqan3::window_size{8}, seqan3::seed{0});
// results in: [9, 18, 7, 6] representing the k-mers [A.G.C, C.A.G, a.c.t, a.c.g]
seqan3::debug_stream << example_c << '\n';

Ignoring the backward strand

So far, we have always considered the forward and the backward strand of a sequence, but there might be cases where the backward strand should not be considered. If this is the desired behaviour, then the seqan3::views::minimiser needs to be used. Unlike the seqan3::views::minimiser_hash, seqan3::views::minimiser does not hash the values for you, so you have to do this yourself. But fear not, seqan3::views::kmer_hash makes this really easy for you!

constexpr auto minimiser
Computes minimisers for a range of comparable values. A minimiser is the smallest value in a window.
Definition minimiser.hpp:584
constexpr auto kmer_hash
Computes hash values for each position of a range via a given shape.
Definition kmer_hash.hpp:766

This syntax will result in minimisers with k-mer size 4 and a window-length of 8 (5 + 4 - 1). (So, to determine the right window size you always have to determine the window size you would like to use in seqan3::views::minimiser_hash and subtract it by the k-mer size and add 1, here: 8 - 4 + 1 = 5.) Got it? Then let's make a simple test, what is the actual window size of the following:

Hint 1 + 4 - 1 = 4. So, k-mer size and window size are equal.

Wait a second, what does it mean, if k-mer size and window size are equal and we are not considering the backward strand?

Hint seqan3::views::kmer_hash(seqan3::ungapped{4}) | seqan3::views::minimiser(1) will return the same values as seqan3::views::kmer_hash because if k-mer size and window size are equal, there is only one comparison to determine the minimal k-mer, the comparison between forward and backward strand. However, if the backward strand is not considered, the minimisers are all k-mers from the given sequence.

To ensure that this is the desired behaviour, using seqan3::views::minimiser(1) is prohibited. Please use seqan3::views::kmer_hash instead.

Last but not least, seqan3::views::kmer_hash and seqan3::views::minimiser do not have a seed parameter. So, in order to obtain a random ordering, you have to XOR the view yourself. This can be done with the following command:

uint64_t const seed = 0x8F'3F'73'B5'CF'1C'9A'DE;
auto minimisers = text | seqan3::views::kmer_hash(seqan3::ungapped{4})
| std::views::transform(
[](uint64_t i)
return i ^ seed;

Assignment 3: Fun with minimisers III

Task: Repeat assignment 2, but this time do not consider the backward strand.

// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2006-2025 Knut Reinert & Freie Universität Berlin
// SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2016-2025 Knut Reinert & MPI für molekulare Genetik
// SPDX-License-Identifier: CC0-1.0
using namespace seqan3::literals;
int main()
std::vector<seqan3::dna4> text{"CCACGTCGACGGTT"_dna4};
// This would lead to an static assert error, because the shape.size() equals the window size. (Remember, the input
// parameter for the minimiser view is calculated by: window size - k-mer size + 1, here: 4 - 4 + 1 = 1.)
// Therefore, kmer_hash needs to be used.
/* auto example_a = text | seqan3::views::kmer_hash(seqan3::shape{seqan3::ungapped{4}})
| seqan3::views::minimiser(1); */
// results in: [81, 70, 27, 109, 182, 216, 97, 134, 26, 107, 175]
// representing the k-mers [CCAC, CACG, ACGT, CGTC, GTCG, TCGA, CGAC, GACG, ACGG, CGGT, GGTT]
seqan3::debug_stream << example_a << '\n';
// results in: [27, 97, 26] representing the k-mers [ACGT, CGAC, ACGG]
seqan3::debug_stream << example_b << '\n';
auto example_c = text | seqan3::views::kmer_hash(0b1'0101_shape) | seqan3::views::minimiser(4);
// results in: [9, 18, 11] representing the k-mers [A.G.C, C.A.G, A.G.T]
seqan3::debug_stream << example_c << '\n';
Provides seqan3::views::kmer_hash.
Provides seqan3::views::minimiser.

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