SeqAn3 3.4.0-rc.4
The Modern C++ library for sequence analysis.
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 Nseqan3The main SeqAn3 namespace
 NstdSeqAn specific customisations in the standard namespace
 Caffine_score_and_trace_cellThe concept for a type that models an affine cell of the combined score and trace matrix
 Caffine_score_cellThe concept for a type that models an affine cell of the score matrix
 Caffine_trace_cellThe concept for a type that models an affine cell of the trace matrix
 Calign_pairwise_range_inputA helper concept to test for correct range input in seqan3::align_pairwise
 Calign_pairwise_single_inputA helper concept to test for correct single value input in seqan3::align_pairwise
 Caligned_sequenceThe generic concept for an aligned sequence
 CalphabetThe generic alphabet concept that covers most data types used in ranges
 Calphabet_tuple_likeSeqan3::alphabet_tuple_base and its derivates model this concept
 Caminoacid_alphabetA concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents amino acids
 Cargument_parser_compatible_optionChecks whether the the type can be used in an add_(positional_)option call on the argument parser
 CarithmeticA type that satisfies std::is_arithmetic_v<t>
 Carithmetic_or_simdThe concept for a type that models either seqan3::arithmetic or seqan3::simd::simd_concept
 Cbuiltin_characterThis concept encompasses exactly the types char, signed char, unsigned char, wchar_t, char16_t and char32_t
 Ccereal_archiveAll archives of the Cereal library satisfy this
 Ccereal_input_archiveAll input archives of the Cereal library satisfy this
 Ccereal_output_archiveAll output archives of the Cereal library satisfy this
 Ccereal_text_archiveAll text archives of the Cereal library satisfy this
 CcerealisableSpecifies the requirements for types that are serialisable via Cereal
 Cchar_predicateAn internal concept to check if an object fulfills the requirements of a seqan3::detail::char_predicate
 Cconfig_elementConcept for an algorithm configuration element
 Cconfig_element_pipeable_withConcept to check if one configuration element can be combined with another configuration element
 Cconst_iterable_rangeSpecifies requirements of an input range type for which the const version of that type satisfies the same strength input range concept as the non-const version
 Cconstexpr_alphabetA seqan3::alphabet that has constexpr accessors
 Cconstexpr_semialphabetA seqan3::semialphabet that has constexpr accessors
 CcontainerThe (most general) container concept as defined by the standard library
 Cconvertable_to_through_char_representationChecks whether from_t can be converted through to_t using their char representation
 Cderived_from_strong_typeDefines the requirements of a seqan3::detail::strong_type specialisation
 Cenum_bitwise_operatorsYou can expect these functions on all types that overload seqan3::add_enum_bitwise_operators
 Cexplicitly_convertible_toChecks whether from can be explicitly converted to to
 Cimplicitly_convertible_toChecks whether from can be implicityly converted to to
 Cindexed_sequence_pair_rangeA helper concept to check the input of the range based alignment algorithm interface
 Cinput_stream_overConcept for input streams
 Cis_container_optionWhether the option type is considered to be a container
 Cnamed_enumerationChecks whether the free function seqan3::enumeration_names can be called on the type
 Cnonrecursive_rangeA concept that checks whether a range is non-recursive
 Cnucleotide_alphabetA concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents nucleotides
 Coutput_stream_overConcept for output streams
 Cpair_likeWhether a type behaves like a tuple with exactly two elements
 Cpairwise_alignmentA concept that models a pairwise alignment type
 Cprintable_withThe concept for a printable object
 Cpseudo_random_access_iteratorThis concept checks if an iterator type models pseudo random access
 Cpseudo_random_access_rangeThis concept checks if a type models a pseudo random access range
 Cquality_alphabetA concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents quality scores
 Crandom_access_containerA more refined container concept than seqan3::sequence_container
 Crecord_likeThe concept for a type that models a record
 Creservible_containerA more refined container concept than seqan3::random_access_container
 Crna_structure_alphabetA concept that indicates whether an alphabet represents RNA structure
 Csam_file_input_traitsThe requirements a traits_type for seqan3::sam_file_input must meet
 Cscoring_scheme_forA concept that requires that type be able to score two letters
 Csdsl_indexConcept for SDSL FM indices (which are called compressed suffix arrays in the SDSL)
 CsemialphabetThe basis for seqan3::alphabet, but requires only rank interface (not char)
 CsequenceThe generic concept for a (biological) sequence
 Csequence_containerA more refined container concept than seqan3::container
 Csequence_file_input_traitsThe requirements a traits_type for seqan3::sequence_file_input must meet
 Csequence_pairA helper concept to check if a type is a sequence pair
 Csequence_pair_rangeA helper concept to check if a type is a range over seqan3::detail::sequence_pair
 Csimd_conceptThe generic simd concept
 Csimd_indexRefines the seqan3::simd::simd_concept requiring the underlying scalar type to model std::integral
 Cstandard_layoutResolves to std::is_standard_layout_v<t>
 Cstructure_file_input_traitsThe requirements a traits_type for seqan3::structure_file_input must meet
 Ctemplate_specialisation_ofProvides concept seqan3::template_specialisation_of<mytype, [...]> for checking the type specialisation of some type with a given template, for example a specialized type_list<float> with the type_list template
 Ctracedirections_or_simdThe concept for a type that either is the same type as seqan3::detail::trace_directions or models the seqan3::simd::simd_concept
 Ctransformation_traitConcept for a transformation trait
 CtrivialA type that satisfies seqan3::trivially_copyable and seqan3::trivially_destructible
 Ctrivially_copyableA type that satisfies std::is_trivially_copyable_v<t>
 Ctrivially_destructibleA type that satisfies std::is_trivially_destructible_v<t>
 Ctuple_getSubconcept definition for seqan3::tuple_like to test for std::get-interface
 Ctuple_likeWhether a type behaves like a tuple
 Ctuple_sizeSubconcept definition for seqan3::tuple_like to test for std::tuple_size-interface
 Cunary_type_traitConcept for a unary traits type
 CvalidatorThe concept for option validators passed to add_option/positional_option
 Cweakly_assignable_fromResolves to std::is_assignable_v<t>
 Cweakly_equality_comparable_withRequires the two operands to be comparable with == and != in both directions
 Cweakly_ordered_withRequires the two operands to be comparable with <, <=, > and >= in both directions
 Cwritable_aligned_sequenceThe generic concept for an aligned sequence that is writable
 Cwritable_alphabetRefines seqan3::alphabet and adds assignability
 Cwritable_constexpr_alphabetA seqan3::writable_alphabet that has constexpr accessors
 Cwritable_constexpr_semialphabetA seqan3::writable_semialphabet that has a constexpr assignment
 Cwritable_pairwise_alignmentA concept that models a writable pairwise alignment type
 Cwritable_quality_alphabetA concept that indicates whether a writable alphabet represents quality scores
 Cwritable_semialphabetA refinement of seqan3::semialphabet that adds assignability
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